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Everything posted by davebass66

  1. So, hang on, are you selling the 'pure' pearl white one or the off white?! Also do you think it will fit on a '98 mex Jazz deluxe? if so I'd be very interested! Dave
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1254781' date='Jun 2 2011, 11:06 PM']I don't get this "it's too complicated". You just turn the knobs until you get a sound you like and then leave them alone. Easy.[/quote] I think it's more a case of, a lot of people, when they have that many options will try and find different sounds for every song, when it is really not necessary. As well as this, IMHO it can make for a lazy bassist, the majority of the different sounds you need for almost any style can be done with a basic on board eq (bass, treble and [i][/i]maybe[i][/i] mid) and changing your right hand style and position.. I'm certainly not saying I don't like 'hi-fi' sounding basses, I have a Sei 5er which I love.. Never sits quite as well sonically though.... Again maybe it's just me!..
  3. +1 on the too many options comment.... I tried a G&L L2000 when I was looking for a 5er last year, whilst it sounded nice there was just too much on it. I knew I'd spend the entire gig fiddling with the damn thing... For me the Big Al is not a good looking bass, whilst I know this is a case of each to their own, I just can't see why you'd need it when you think of the array of sounds you can get from the good ol' Stingray! just one mans opinion though...
  4. Dibs be yours my man!... My only concern about the bass is the neck...I'm not even really sure what it is/why it happened...is it the lacquer coming off and the wood rotting? will it get worse or will it just stay as it is now? Anyone ha experience with this?
  5. I must admit it will be difficult not to buy it!...I can still hear it in my head! The bridge cover will have to go tho as it gets in the way when I play with my thumb! shame as it looks wicked on!
  6. So....my on going search for a P bass continues (see thread on 60th Anni P bass) The guy I am about to start teaching for had this P bass, which he recently acquired from a women divorcing her husband and selling it to p*ss him off! (cold)! He said it was '73 but the serial suggests '75/6 Anyway, it's not in amazing condition but it was light, played amazingly smooth and sounded so much better than the modern P's i tried downstairs in his shop...like no comparison better! I just wanted to see if there were any Fender experts out there who would be able to suggest what i should be paying for a 76 P in this condition...it also has a replacement scratch plate, although as far as i know everything else is original. I was thinking of offering him a grand for it (seeing as I kinda work for him, i would expect a good price anyway)! Any help would be greatly appreciated, Dave
  7. It clearly splits opinion, which has got to be a good thing?! Am gonna head to the gallery next week and try it out...Although I'm also looking to try a 74 P bass next week for similar money... This might not end well for the 60th Anniversary P!
  8. It's not like it's branded as a re-issue or anything....I think they're just taking some of the best bits of the P bass over the years and making something 'new'.....well as new as a P bass could be I guess!.... Each to their own and all that...
  9. Sorry If this has already been posted but... I have just seen the 60th anniversary P bass...it's a stunner (there is also one in the Gallery right now) [url="http://www.fender.com/products/60th-pbass/models.php?prodNo=0196002"]http://www.fender.com/products/60th-pbass/...?prodNo=0196002[/url] It has given me instant gas.... However I'm not sure I understand why they've made the 60th Anniversary P bass but put the later P bass pickups in it? Looking forward to trying it out, thats for sure! What do you guys think?
  10. Cheers guys, Doddy, the eq pedal sounds like a good idea, the splitter was for the benefit of the front of house rather than me so I'm not sure if the A/B would help? As far as taking out the EUB, I used to own one, but it just doesn't come close to the sound of an acoustic imo.... Will check out the foam plugs for the F holes, seems a bit of a shame though doesn't it?!
  11. So, last night I played my first gig with an upright bass.... I've owned it for about 6 weeks, but picked it up quite quick and feel very comfortable playing it... It was only for a couple of songs during my original set but they were quite involved parts so feel quite proud of myself..... Anyway..the point of this post was the sound issues I encountered... The bass is nothing amazing, it's a Stentor solid top that I spent £950 on, it sounds great unplugged.....I decided to spend extra for the pickup and bought a realist, which again sounded great during practice at home and the rehearsal.. When I got it on stage I encountered some amazing feedback and resonance issues!...I'd read about these on some other posts which is part of the reason I spent on the pickup.... I ended up tying a towel really tight around the strings behind the bridge but the sound guy still had to do some serious eq frequency cutting to sort it out. He also ended up using an XLR splitter from my amp so he could have separate channels for upright and electric. (this seemed like a really good idea but was inevitably the last idea he came up with)! Anyway, I was just wondering if you more experienced DB players could shed some more light on how to get around these issues as I will be doing quite regularly from now! Any advice will be much appreciated! Dave
  12. what a hugely underwhelming review.....!
  13. Trying to finish an essay on influential bass techniques and I can't for the life of me think who the first and most prominent person to use this style was! I associate the style with Pino but surely there was someone before that?! Any help would be hugely appreciated! Dave
  14. [quote name='faceman' post='1115465' date='Feb 4 2011, 03:37 PM']Attached are some 'before' photos, stock as I picked it up yesterday! It looks beautiful as it is now actually. I'm mainly going to the Pino look but the Duck Dunn sound. Obviously they similar as they are both flatwound, traditional groove sounds but Dunn has more bite to his Just been to the Bass Gallery and had a look at the La Bella and TI flats but not willing to spend £45/47 on a pair of strings. On the phone to Status to try and get some in the post today! And thanks Steve but want to keep the neck as it is, for the moment.[/quote] Forgive my possible ignorance here but, is that Fiesta red? looks a lot like candy apple in the pics?
  15. ....well doesn't he look like a dude with his little thumb protector on.......MAN UP! ....and lose the mullet! *rant over*
  16. I was close to buying a 55-02 (I know it's the higher model but still), and didn't in the because of the low B string...TBH I'm a real stickler for a good feeling low B and too many of them (including Fender V's and the Laklands) just don't feel even with the rest of the strings. I don't wanna have to play the B any different to the A for example. In the end I stumped up a little more cash and bought a used Sei 5, which has an awesome B! I haven't played one of the US ones but the players I know who have really don't think there is a great difference in the playability or sound to that of the Skyline. I have to say tho, I love generally love the sound and feel of Laklands and still can't get the thought of owning one out of my mind!...maybe a 4 string!
  17. the note isn't that bad.... there are much worse he could have hit, like the G right next to it!
  18. Where are you based Gazza? I have an acoustic bass for sale at the moment, you're more than welcome to come and try it....I'm in Berkhamsted, just off M25 J20 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=108878&st=0&p=1007530&#entry1007530"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;#entry1007530[/url] Dave
  19. I would have to say Pino Palladino Rocco Prestia Aston 'Family man' Barrett I would say these 3 guys influence are clear in my playing..... However.....Sting was a huge reason for me taking up the bass as I was a vocalist beforehand....I know a lot of people hate him as a person but I love his writing and his playing!
  20. still up for sale! potential buyer dropped out.....price negotiable!
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