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Everything posted by Chris2112

  1. Class!
  2. Black and gold is such a classic look on a Spector.
  3. Gilmour's bends sound like a cat being strangled. The whole thing does nothing for me, very naff. I appreciate if you're of a certain age you may feel differently.
  4. The gold fretwire on this is so cool.
  5. Gorgeous. Just keep it string with fresh strings. Nothing sounds better with fresh strings and worse with dead strings than. Thumb. I've had a couple in the past and there is no doubt I'll have another. I wanted to go back to Spector first and then a Thumb, when the right one comes up.
  6. I guess if I hit the big time I'd be happy with a Spector. Probably with the curved NS body in quilted or flamed maple with EMG single coils. Basically what Yoshihiro Naruse was playing in the 80's. I love signature basses and I'll defend them to the hilt, particularly when the model you can buy is the one that the artist actually uses. However, over recent years I have noticed a slew of no-name bassists claiming their own signature model just because they've paid for a custom build to their specs. It's a bit cringeworthy IMO. Ultimately that's just a custom build. You can get a bass built to your specs and call it your signature bass but unless you have the profile to warrant a sig you're just cosplaying at having a signature bass, sort of like buying a privateer entry into a race series and being crap rather than getting a factory seat. If the manufacturer doesn't propose the deal to you, it's probably not the real deal.
  7. If meeting with friends to jam we'd meet the pub across from the rehearsal room and have a pint and share a pizza. Not enough to have any effect on our playing, and in any other setting or with any sort of audience then we'd tend to abstain. I've known plenty of players who think a drink or three helps to loosen them up and get them playing their best. It really doesn't. You might feel like Yoshihiro Naruse up on stage entertaining thousands and playing like a wizard but you will sound sloppy and bad. Whether or not your audience can tell or care is another matter.
  8. I'm going to order with Strings Direct today off the back of this. I ordered some strings (and other stuff) from Bass Direct on the 4th of June. They took payment but then emailed to say they didn't have the strings in stock but would send them as soon as they came, if I didn't want a refund first. Well, I'm still waiting so I guess it's time to take that refund and look elsewhere. Strings Direct it is. You can tell Lee that good customer service pays dividends next time you speak.
  9. That does look really crap. I guess Lakland are just trying to pump them out as cheap and as fast as they can.
  10. They definitely struggle with their stock keeping system. I ordered some strings and a couple of other bits the other day. In fairness, whilst the money had gone from my account via PayPal they did email me promptly to say the items I'd ordered weren't in stock but they could order them in. They offered me a refund but I said I was happy for them to just send the goods when they arrived in store. Of course, I would have shopped elsewhere if their stock system was good enough to tell me they didn't actually have the gear I wanted. Maybe they don't want to miss out on those sales? 🤣
  11. I played a new one of these years ago at Windows in Newcastle, I recall it being a very impressive instrument for the price.
  12. Man, what does that weigh? 😳
  13. Vic is an amazing player but this nonsense line of his is one of the most oft-quoted of his and it makes my toes curl just reading it. I get that when he first came out with that line he was probably just trying to ease the anguish of bassists who hit a bum note (his whole 'you're only ever a half-step away from a 'right' note' concept). It's unfortunate that it ultimately gained so much traction and continues to hang around like a bad smell over almost 25 years since it was first recording publicly (to the best of my knowledge, 1998 was the first time Victor made this comment). Perhaps it was popular because it fed into a wider movement within the bass community to disregard the importance of the notes in favour of 'groove', as if groove could be anything other than the end product of a well-rehearsed endeavour. However, Victor certainly didn't get to be one of the most notable bassists by being blasé as to whether not he was hitting the right notes. I can't imagine many reputable bandleaders would be happy with that either. I don't particularly enjoy listening to walking basslines but in those lines the 'off' notes are usually carefully chosen passing tones and approach notes used to create movement, outlining an harmonic quality or setting up a resolution. I know this rant is a departure from your original point OP but we've a suffered under the aforementioned quote for a long time. It seems to me that just learning the notes and then playing them in time is a safer and more professional attitude than being ready to hammer on or pull off if you hit a clam.
  14. BTW Bartolini will now sell their custom electronics to Pedulla owners providing proof of ownership. So if you need another set, you can get them.
  15. It is an early Euro, all maple with EMG electronics.
  16. Clickbait tactics aside, Lobster is definitely one of most watchable bass YouTubers. I really think he demonstrates the notion that a decent portion of what any bass sounds like is in the hands of the player and how it's recorded as a lot of his basses sound very similar.
  17. Yes, his wife Gabi drew the design. There were apparently a series of designs intended to be released but they ended up only doing this one (it does remind me of a mountain scene). I guess the cost of having to do the cut and match was enough for Cort so they went with a one piece top for the five string. I've had my Rithimic for about five years now. Probably closer to six. Still the best passive bass I've ever played and one of the best basses I've ever owned. I absolutely love the tone, the balance and the playability. It is also incredibly light, which I know matters to some players. In all the time I've had it, it's had one professional setup and has been absolutely mint since. Very low, very clean action with excellent fretwork.
  18. Not every fretless, no. But of every type of bass I've tried, Stingrays tend to suffer the worst from dead spots and particularly for the Stingray, bad string to string balance and a weak G string. The dead spots I can live with but the weak G strings really irritate me with Musicman basses hence why I wouldn't buy one that I couldn't playtest first.
  19. You misunderstand, people weren't in the main attacking Lobster or even the issue he had raised with the pickups. In the main he had flipped off after a short while leaving others to argue ever more nebulous and tedious points against each other. It was the typical one poster Vs another online dogfight, anyone who didn't see the thread before it was pruned missed nothing of note.
  20. In fairness, Lobster wasn't the one doing the arguing. In typical clickbait fashion he lit the touchpaper and ran.
  21. It was getting quite catty before it was locked with the usual arguments within arguments and petty semantic dissection coming before the main point in hand. I expect it was locked for review behind the scenes for any potential legal issues it might have caused as TB is massive on that these days. Most of the useless arguing was scrubbed.
  22. You think? It wouldn't be the first time. Spector incorrectly labelled the Michalik Tonepump preamps used in their basses as 'boost only' for decades. Even when it turned out this was incorrect (and apparently stemmed from a translation error in a manual), the misinformation persisted. I know that PJ Rubal was actually informed of this personally and said he'd see to it that it was rectified but the incorrect description remained on their website for years afterwards.
  23. Amazing singer, writer and guitarist. I could never believe how two blokes from another awful punk band decided to change direction and ended up making some of the most sensational prog rock records just a few months later. There are just so many amazing Big Country pieces that I would struggle to name a favourite. Truly one of the all time great rock bands.
  24. Just one of these things, I'm afraid, when it comes to flats. Keys will produce a stronger, cleaner bass sound more easily than almost any bass rig but especially so when you're lumbered with mudbuckers and flats. Try some roundwounds and something with a bridge pickup or tell the guy on the keys to do one.
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