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Everything posted by Chris2112

  1. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='721201' date='Jan 22 2010, 02:12 PM']You mean like this? [/quote] Naff as anything! Looks like it came free with a Happy Meal!
  2. I love Mark's tone in the Heathrow clip, it just sounds like the bass is about to explode.
  3. Yeah, it looks like a great bass, much better without the maple inlay though!
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='721868' date='Jan 23 2010, 05:19 AM']I've tried one, it doesn't sound like a jazz bass.[/quote] And if it sounds like an Alembic and not a jazz bass, quids in!
  5. I just get the feeling that Lady Gaga is just ripping off the vibes The Faint had a few years back.
  6. Digging the Sandberg on the end!
  7. More slap heaven from the Man himself... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qxb3P332V4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qxb3P332V4[/url]
  8. Such a terrible shame. It also shows the danger of water, so often under-appreciated. RIP.
  9. Proper Barts, Wenge fretboard, obvious cues to Mike Tobias - thats a lot of bass for £250!
  10. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='721069' date='Jan 22 2010, 12:32 PM']They ARE machine made. Nothing wrong with that, [i]per se[/i]. Machines generally don't make "Friday afternoon" specials.[/quote] I think there will always be something attractive about having a "hand made" bass but machine made basses don't tend to bollocks things up, and can generally be relied upon for consistent quality if they are programmed to produce it!
  11. Mine go to my brother, who plays guitar so could probably make use of them without too much effort.
  12. Yeah, I've always been a fan of those Alembic jazz shapes ever after I saw one on Talkbass many moons ago.
  13. [quote name='Veils' post='718874' date='Jan 20 2010, 12:16 PM']There aren't many mainstream manufacturers that aren't overpriced if you ask me, but Warwick really do take the p**s. Don't get me wrong, I've owned one or two nice Warwicks, including an absolutely lush black SSI, but would I pay like £2500 for one? Not in a month of sundays.......[/quote] They are fantastically made but I also think they're overpriced. However, they're also my favourites, so I am glad they take a hit on the used market where I can get them cheap! Since getting my Thumb I've just been in love, it's an awesome bass.
  14. No skin off Anthony Jackson's nose.
  15. Awesome! Time to get practicing those Dave LaRue licks.
  16. Cool, I'd buy that if I hadn't just sent a cheque in the post for another fretless I'm buying! If it sounds anywhere near as good as this.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH2Wp_b9COs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH2Wp_b9COs[/url]
  17. They have a Dolphin that looks just like this at Cash Converters in Newcastle. Looks like it needs a good clean but there might be a decent bass in there!
  18. [quote name='chardbass' post='715788' date='Jan 17 2010, 04:57 PM']Unmistakably him. Are there 2 drummers? I seem to remember Mark.. *pauses to google surname*.. Brzezicki from Big Country doing stuff like this- their styles are similar with overfills and big kit sounds etc[/quote] Was Mark from Big Country not just at the 1987 one? Here he is playing at the 1987 Princes Trust. Mark Brzezicki and Mark King on the same stage...awesome... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuWaHFDY2FY&feature=PlayList&p=2E333342745A154A&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=26"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuWaHFDY2FY...PL&index=26[/url] Furthermore, Brzezicki is probably the world's most underrated drummer, even on "The Crossing" he was light years ahead of pretty much everyone except Neil Peart and the fusion elite.
  19. Probably this. Up until 4:06 - WOW. Victor doing what does best - being the best! Incredible groove and melody there. He just makes these amazing pieces, as if he is pulling them out of thin air.
  20. Where can I see all these new basses?
  21. [quote name='molan' post='713627' date='Jan 15 2010, 12:28 PM']Just out of interest - is this one of the MIM models? I get a bit lost with the various versions of the Urge that Fender have released, lol.[/quote] Yes, this is the MIM model with the poplar body and rosewood fretboard. You can always spot the "true" Urge basses because they have the Precision pickup as well as the two jazz bars!
  22. I dunno, these look a bit clubby and less graceful than the old SR5. However, I'm sure they'll be good enough basses. Not so wild on the colour schemes though, although the Hank Marvin one could be useful if you ever fancy emulating the stuff the Shadows did in the 80's!
  23. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='712396' date='Jan 14 2010, 11:36 AM']You musta been an awesome player if you could find your way around that! Absolutely gorgeous, I'd need lines unfortunately.[/quote] Sometimes you just have to go for it and forsake the lines! I know I enjoy it more when I do, even if my playing isn't quite as good!
  24. I used to have one of these that I bought from a forum member! Initially the Stuart Hamm name hooked me (since I'm a huge Hamm fan and even bought a 1989 Kubicki Ex-Factor!) but the fact it was a 32" scale jazz bass was nice too. However, it played pretty well and man, was it light and comfortable, but I was struggling to get it to sound really good. However, every bass is different and if you're looking for a light stage bass or a jazz bass for long nights in the studio then this is a great choice!
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