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Everything posted by Chris2112

  1. Billy is a top groove player and he always has been. He has always espoused that you must nail the groove first and the rest is just ornamentation. I've seen him live a few times with Steve Vai and that tone of his, in the live arena, is absolutely fearsome. It drives the band with a tremendous cadence. It always sounds good to my ear on record but no record could really replicate the sheer punch of Billy's tone in the live setting. I've seen Vai's band with Philip Bynoe playing the bass and I rather missed Billy's input on that occasion.
  2. As a former ACG owner (albeit a few years ago), I reckon the East electronics are everything and more than the Wal system. The Wal system is fine but the East electronics are so much more flexible. Perfect if you like to sculpt your tone but sculpting is the best way to describe what working the controls is like and it takes a bit of time to work out how to get the best from them. They are amazing, as are ACG basses. I may have to buy another some day!
  3. It seems rather passive aggressive to bring this up here, rather than speaking to the guy in the store about it. What would you have done before the days of the internet? Would you have gone home fuming or rather, knowing you had no recourse, would you have sorted it out with the salesman there and then? FWIW, I'd never pass over buying something I actually wanted just to spite a shop that gave me the wrong impression but then I don't really feel a need to be sold to and I get no validation from being given a sales pitch.
  4. 'Joe Frazier' by Jeff Berlin (either the Bruford or solo record versions). The head is just insane. It sounds as though it would be easy to break down into sections but after the turn around going up to the high G it gets very tricky. I still haven't nailed it.
  5. I use the paid Spotify service and I think it's great, but my tastes are directed very much towards fusion and a lot of the records listed on there in the fusion section are either out of print or hard to get hold of. I like being able to stream high quality music easily through my phone when I'm surfing the net. That said, I know musicians are getting next to nothing back from it and that irks me but there is little I can do. If I pay £30 for an out of print CD from an Amazon marketplace seller, the artist won't see that cash either.
  6. I bought a Pentabuzz last September after a decade of longing for one. They're absolutely incredible. I still pop the case open and stare in disbelief at this amazing instrument I own.
  7. I've long followed Jeff Berlin's advice of turning your volume up, and playing with a light touch. It is absolutely the way I like to play. I suffer less fatigue in my hands, I have more control over dynamic and I my playing is smoother, faster and more consistent. I do sometimes dig in for the odd note or phrase to really add a flourish but my playing was really improved immeasurably by playing lighter.
  8. Where has the video gone?
  9. I have heard of Carl being a bit of a law unto himself. Being charitable, one night say he is perhaps prone to being taken by some muse. Being honest, his working practices sometimes sound downright careless. This bass would be a fine example, a once-in-a-lifetime build for an adoring fan delivered without the frets as specified. I've read of other people who've specified certain things to Carl only to have him go another way on the build and when challenged, he replies that he knows best and the buyer had best just take his word that the instrument should be accepted as is. I don't mind his instruments but this one doesn't look as nice as the original rainbow bass. I wonder why it's for sale.
  10. I had always wanted one of the Steve Bailey fretless models but there was never one around when I had cash to burn. I was never that fond of the sound he got from his but that was probably due to his constant overuse of harmonics.
  11. A lot of bass for the cash. I used to have a Zoot fretless with a carbon fibre neck, I still miss it!
  12. That is one of the coolest Fodera basses I have ever seen.
  13. I've always preferred his fretless playing to his fretted playing. He's a very talented fretless player but the bombast of his slapping is seen as his party trick.
  14. Marcus Miller is such a humble master. Always seems like such a top guy in his interviews.
  15. Sustain is one of those things that comes up time and time again in bass guitar discussion. I've never known a bass that couldn't sustain a note longer than I'd ever reasonably want to play it for. I've known some cheaper instruments have a particular decay of certain harmonics that made it sound 'weak' or as if the fundamental fades quickly, but they have been few and far between.
  16. I use DR DDT .40's. I would never have thought to try them out as they're primarily meant for detuning, (drop down tuning, hence the name, for anyone that doesn't know). I tried them after seeing that Jeff Berlin used them and I've always liked a lighter gauge string. They're absolutely excellent, great tone and a very good feel and response. I don't detune them at all. They're worth the cash. Price isn't everything. Elites are cheap, as strings go, but they're really good. I've tried some expensive strings that were awful - Steve Harris Roto flats come to mind. flipping horrible strings!
  17. I don't know how anyone can listen to Lana Del Ray, she sounds as though she's about to fall asleep at the microphone. Just awful.
  18. Those Linndrum sounds aren't great but it looks like a beautifully crafted product.
  19. Favourite: I adore the sound of the harpsichord. Least favourite: the Hammond organ. It makes everything sound dreadful. That awful warbling sound evokes bad church music and baseball announcers.
  20. That'll be me - perhaps I should have been clearer in my thread, I'm specifically after the orange finished models like Jeff used to use! £245 is a very tempting price for a serious instrument but I'll only keep looking for the orange finished models if I buy a red one. Fickle of me, I know! Not that this should hang around, for the price there are few basses that can compete and it knocks the comparably priced Fender clones into the weeds.
  21. I've never been much a fan of his music though I enjoyed the 'Love Devotion Surrender' record he did with John McLaughlin. I thought it might have been a door into more complex music for him but he didn't really have the harmonic chops to really fly there.
  22. I've never been much a fan of his music though I enjoyed the 'Love Devotion Surrender' record he did with John McLaughlin. I thought it might have been a door into more complex music for him but he didn't really have the harmonic chops to really fly there.
  23. People say that Facebook groups will be the death of forums. Not without substantial work and refinement they won't, the format doesn't lend itself to conversation and the tone of the discourse is usually pitiable.
  24. Important ones for me: Jeff Berlin - Pump It! Jeff Berlin - Taking Notes Bruford - Gradually Going Tornado UZEB - Noisy Nights Rush - Hold Your Fire Joni Mitchell - Shadows and Light Victor Wooten - a show of hands Stuart Hamm - Show Me What You Can Do
  25. It reminds me of when Metallica were entered into the rock hall of fame (or wherever) and had to watch a load of dire covers of their material. Avril Lavigne covering 'fuel' just abhorrent. Lars Ulrich seemed desperate to convince himself he was into it but it really was awful.
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