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Everything posted by Chris2112

  1. I wish I had the confidence of a small band posting about 'big things coming soon' on their social media channels...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. The neck is Jazz bass slim but I don't think it's any different from Cort's usual Jazz style profile. I've never seen anything to suggest that it was carved to Jeff's specification. All Basses are different and wood, even from the same batch, has different qualities but I've owned mine since 2016 (I think) and I've always used .40's on it and I haven't had to adjust the truss rod once. Of all the basses I own, it's the only one I've never had to adjust (well, of all the basses I own that hand truss rods). In terms of being made to Jeff's specification, because it's just a modification of a Cort design I don't think there was much more to it than him specifying the pickups and hardware and choosing topwood for it. I recall that he was sent a couple of prototypes from Cort and approved them and the deal was done. Jeff did a clinic tour of China and Korea a few years ago and was given a Rithimic when he arrived which he fell in love with so he asked to keep it and had the frets ground down to suit his taste. He also has a 24 fret Rithimic custom order but I've never seen him play it. Jeff's not really that interested in instruments to where he would order a specific radius or nut width, for instance. I doubt he could even tell you the measurements of those on a Rithimic.
  3. They are very light for their size and balance very nicely. Even compared to the Palaedium, the other Jeff Berlin signature, the Rithimic is lighter. Putting it on after playing my Manne or Peavey is like strapping on a feather.
  4. I wouldn't say that the Rithimic has phasing issues, nor is it to do with the positioning of the pickups. There is a noticeable mid-cut when both pickups are run together, as you would expect but it definitely doesn't sound thin or typically out of phase. I actually find it quite a nice tone for slap, albeit I never almost never use the neck pickup on my Rithimic.
  5. Ah, is this what they're calling the P bass owners club now?
  6. Nice bass and the tank is pretty cool too.
  7. I found out today that Kris from Stop.Drop.Rewind uses a Sansamp Bass Driver to get that amazing crunchy tone, so naturally I now need one.
  8. Either for Status Graphite to go back to making graphite necks/basses or for Spector to stop using those dodgy looking 'cactus arm' upper horns on their newer basses.
  9. There is literally no faster means of conversing than actually speaking to someone (the human race hasn't mastered telepathy yet). Just admit you don't like it and save us this excuse about not having time to use a telephone. Loads of adults seem to suffer with an unusual anxiety about this perfectly normal act.
  10. Casiopea were always amazing in the studio but even more incredible live. Their live records are as good as it gets.
  11. Awful colour and a big asking price for a Jazz.
  12. It looks like the new Bass Direct website is up. First impressions are that it looks way more generic than the old one and way less user-friendly.
  13. This is the least likely outcome.
  14. That really is such a classy look.
  15. 'The magic of techology' in this case being a pre-recorded bass track. Jeez...
  16. This Basslab double neck would do. Every single aspect of it utterly captivates me. If I won the lottery the thing I would do would be to commission a replica but with Kent Armstrong pickups.
  17. I don't think Stu has ever had 'big money'. I recall that in the early 90's when he was still signed with Relativity Records and touring with Joe Satriani he was working a regular job on days off (working at a gas station, if memory serves). I'm guessing that the general cost of living in California and relatively low incoming from royalties has been enough to ensure that he'll never be a millionaire. He's also had some health problems, quite serious problems at that and as we know, getting ill in America can cost big money. None of these guys would be in that position if the record labels still existed or still backed projects like this. Jeff Berlin's 'Jack Songs' had about zero commercial appeal and so that had to be crowdfunded or it never would have been made. I don't decry these guys for making a living, if the money doesn't come from crowdfunding it won't come from anywhere now.
  18. I was quite excited to see the other day that Stuart Hamm has announced he's working on a new album, or rather, it is very nearly done. As you might expect in this day and age, he has launched a backing campaign to get it finished. Being a big fan of Stu's work from over the years, I was quite happy to throw some dough his way to get the record finished. When I signed up the other day the campaign had about £80 in funds but it's now doing very well with over £10,000. I've only backed one of these campaigns in the past, for Jeff Berlin's 'Jack Songs' record. Contrary to that protracted and somewhat opaque process, Stu has a given a clear indication of his goals and what he intends to do with the funds, so I do have confidence that the work is nearing completion. Plus, the sound of a prog rock album with guitar work from Alex Skolnick sounds very intriguing. https://igg.me/at/StuHammHoldFast/x#/
  19. I'll make a proper thread on this tomorrow but Stu has recently announced he's nearly finished his new album, check the link for info. I've put in for a signed CD. The Estonian Bass Oasis event last year looked absolutely great, I'd love to go but work commitments keep me here. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/stu-hamm-new-release-hold-fast-campaign#/
  20. Jeff Berlin Tetsuo Sakuri Yoshihiro Naruse Alain Caron Geddy Lee Stuart Hamm Jonas Hellborg Michael Manring Billy Sheehan Victor Wooten All such great players.
  21. Pros: you'll never have to change them Cons: they'll never sound great
  22. It looked as though it had been well used. Enough, I'd say, that the original owner would be justified in going back to F Bass to buy another if he were going to get the same use from one again. What had gone wrong with the neck? Had it twisted over time?
  23. I was going to post the exact same bass because I have become somewhat attached to Basslab instruments, and my second choice was going to be a Ritter Roya! Quite the coincidence. Something like this, but with the B string on the saddle:
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