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  1. Sold a pedal (back) to Shep. Top fella to deal with, recommended all round.
  2. Come to daddy! Sold to the fine Mr Shep.
  3. Now sold to Lenny. Sorry alalalkasar!
  4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAmL4tpBFcA
  5. Don't really want to sell this - this is an awesome pedal but just not one I'm finding a use for at the moment. And I could do with the cash. It came via that fine exponent of bass fx - Shep (panterairsoft) - and is in great nick. Not gigged in the year and a half I've had it. Velcro on the bottom. I think I have the box somewhere. It's currently on my board which is in the studio in South London - I shall be retrieving it from there around 10th March, so available after that. It's just been discontinued by Subdecay I hear. Here's what it is - [color=#0000ff][i]A chaotic concoction... Somewhere in between a chaotic octave generator, guitar synth, and a broken robot stuck in an angry bee hive. The Noisebox was inspired by additive synthesizers. This pedal needs to be heard to be truly understood, but I'll try to explain it anyway. The Noise Box is an envelope following harmonic frequency generator. (Confused yet???) Frequencies generated are harmonically related to the input, and controlled by the Frequency knob, the Sense knob, and the chaos knob. The Frequency knob sets the resting point of the frequency generator. The Sense knob controls how much the input signal will affect the the range of the frequency generator. The Chaos knob controls the attack. Once turned half way up the Chaos knob loses its ability to track correctly, and the tones created by the frequency generator become more and more random. The Voice control alternates between two different voicings of the frequency generator, with varied levels of high frequency roll off. Level controls overall volume of the effect. The Noise Box also has an internal noise gate built in that turns the frequency generator off when you are not playing.[/i][/color] Bass samples here - <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/EAmL4tpBFcA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Cheers
  6. Sold pending the usual to Mr B. alalalkasar - if there are any last minute hitches I'll let you know. Cheers
  7. Cheers guys. PM me Lenny and we can do the do.
  8. Really sorry Fionn, haven't been on here for ages! To answer your question, no I don't find it sucks tone much at all - it's pretty well suited to bass freqs and IMHO stays very full sounding. I tend to run it with a series of other things, in which it performs very well. And on it's own, as I say, certainly keeps the signal nice and full I'd say. I need to get rid of this now and am planning on sticking it on flea bay this evening. In light of that, happy to let it go for [u][color=#b22222][b]£25 collected[/b][/color][/u] and save myself the hassle! Any takers?
  9. ^^ £30 collected in London / Colchester ""
  10. Up from the depths. Still available. Great little pedal this. Further price drop. Grab a New Year bargain!! £34 posted in the UK or £30 collected from central London or Colchester.
  11. Bump. £38 posted in the UK. That's a bargain, right there!
  12. Here's a pic (that's gone a bit sideways!) [attachment=145208:photo.JPG]
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