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Everything posted by fraff

  1. A recent F/S thread has has reignited my GAS for one of these beasts. Anyone have experience of them within a fairly 'heavy' psych/rock band set up? I guess my main question is how 'vintage' do they sound? I love me Sandberg as my main gigging bass and I can get a good P sound out of it which works live (perhaps less so in the studio), but obviously it doesn't have that late 60s vibe that I'm thinking about. So, I'm hankering after something that gets me that late 60s birth-of-rock edge. Anyone with experience of the Decade think it will cut it? Or indeed any other recommendations? Remembering of course that don't have the funds for a late 60s J or P! Thanks everyone Ian
  2. You guys have got me seriously GASing for one of these. How 'vintage' do they sound? I love me Sandberg as my main gigging bass, but sometimes hanker after something a bit different from that and my jazz. I'm currently thinking of something that gets me that late 60s birth-of-rock edge. What do people recommend (don't have the funds for a late 60s P :/ )
  3. [quote name='ahpook' post='1082185' date='Jan 8 2011, 03:08 PM']congratulations... i'm quite partial to the single as well !![/quote] Cheers sir!
  4. fraff

    Too much fuzz?

    [quote name='ahpook' post='1082165' date='Jan 8 2011, 02:58 PM']i'd say yes... have you looked at the reviews on bassfuzz.com ?[/quote] I have yep, makes the ram a front runner as it should cover both OD and fuzz. Will check out the pickle pie b too Thanks guys
  5. My band XM-3a's debut single is out on Monday 10th Jan, and the folks over at Artrocker Mag have made it Single of the Month. Lots of other good reviews too. It's nice is that. It's a bit of beast of a track - 9 mins+ - but there's a quick edit on our [url="http://www.myspace.com/xm3a"]myspace[/url] should you fancy! [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150346786770156&set=a.10150346784980156.584244.270393105155"]Artrocker review[/url] [url="http://www.contactmusic.com/new/home.nsf/singlereview/xm-3a-bad-robot-man"]Contactmusic review[/url] [url="http://www.uberrock.co.uk/cd-reviews/32-december-cd/1749-xm-3a-bad-robot-man-new-heavy-sounds.html"]Uberrock review[/url] [url="http://www.leedsmusicscene.net/article/13996/"]Leeds Music Scene review[/url] \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  6. Man, these look ace. Wish I was in the market, but I'm not about to sell either of my current basses. Good luck!
  7. [quote name='fraff' post='1080756' date='Jan 7 2011, 09:20 AM']Steven I'm often up for a bit of dirt, but am currently looking for something with good blend control (Wounded Paw Battering Ram currently top of my list). But I've mentioned this to our guitarist - could be right up his street. All the best with it mate.[/quote] It might've tickled his fancy actually - he's having a think. Will let you know Steven.
  8. Steven I'm often up for a bit of dirt, but am currently looking for something with good blend control (Wounded Paw Battering Ram currently top of my list). But I've mentioned this to our guitarist - could be right up his street. All the best with it mate.
  9. Tidy little pedals these. Early doors bump.
  10. fraff

    Too much fuzz?

    [quote name='TomTFS' post='1078182' date='Jan 5 2011, 06:25 AM']Way Huge Swollen Pickle. New one has loads of options and is very versatile. No blend though, but holds the low end very well.[/quote] Yeah, another great pedal from what I've heard. So much fuzz, so little time... If it had a blend I reckon it could have been the one. Having checked out Battering Ram availability with Preston at Wounded Paw, looks like the next batch will be ready in about 3 weeks. His UK shipping though is 60 Canadian dollars, while Tone Factor will ship at $15 US dollars. Mind you, his is couriered / tracked all the way. I'm thinking the Ram is the way to go, unless you know different?
  11. Steven, good luck with it mate. As both Fretmeister and I would attest, a great head this.
  12. fraff

    Too much fuzz?

    [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1077190' date='Jan 4 2011, 12:18 PM']I always say it but Zvex Mastotron if you haven't already tried it. With that and my Russian Big Muff my fuzz GAS is long gone.[/quote] Cheers The Mastotron has definitely got my interest in the past - was tempted when Theo (Dosi Y'Anarchy) was selling one a while back - but I think the lack of a blend control rules it out this time.
  13. fraff

    Too much fuzz?

    Hello all I have a Bass Bug Muff, a Prunes & Custard and a 3XFX Buzz Bomb – now looking for a flexible (dirty) OD / fuzz that I can potentially leave on more or less all of the time, boosted when needed by something else on the board. I’m currently GASing about the Wounded Paw Battering Ram and the Iron Ether Oxide. Key for me on this I think is a good blend control - I have the P&C and the Buzz Bomb on separate loops through my LS2 so can use that for blend control on those, though the P&C does have a clean Mix control too. Any thoughts / suggestions folks? Apart from 'get over your fuzz fixation' Cheers Ian
  14. PM'd ... let me know Cheers! Ian
  15. [quote name='sk8' post='1053058' date='Dec 9 2010, 05:15 PM']SOLD - subject to the usual[/quote] If for any reason it doesn't go through, give me a shout - I'd take it!
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1046708' date='Dec 3 2010, 07:13 PM']How many bedrooms?[/quote] Or the whole state? Either way, forum rules say you need to name your price.
  17. [quote name='krispn' post='1034650' date='Nov 24 2010, 01:02 AM']It sure is Purdy! Pre holiday bump and I got a quote from courier that postage of the flightcased ampeg would wOrk out between 30-40 quid. Not bad so have a think then good people![/quote] Tempted by the Ampeg, but I'd have to sell on my 2 GK210RBH cabs, which I guess you're not after in some kinda trade scenario?!
  18. "That's a bargain" bump. I'll second the quality of these Sandbergs.
  19. That's a cracking deal for someone surely? Tim, where are you?
  20. Can I ask if you have a day job at [url="http://www.venturephotography.com/uk/gallery/"]Venture[/url]? Looks to me like you might sneaked that P in between family photo sessions! Good luck with it - looks stunning.
  21. If only this had turned up in about 4 months' time when I might next have some moolah.... Lovely looking thing - good luck!
  22. [quote name='geofio' post='1028375' date='Nov 18 2010, 08:26 PM']THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SITE FOR BASS ENTHUSIASTS, EXPENSIVE BASSES, CHEAP BASSES, WHATEVER , ALL I CAN SEE IS GUYS LOOKING AT PICS AND MAKING COMMENTS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, ITS A WASTE OF TIM ADVERTISING ON HERE AS FAR AS I CAN SEE. IS THERE REALLY ANY POINT IN HAVING A FOR SALE SECTION?????? CHEERS GEORGE[/quote] Yep, I've bought a bunch of things off here this year, and sold, um, a smaller bunch of things Maybe this post could be edited to "it's a waste of Tim [bless im] advertising Shecter "Damien" 4 string active basses on here"? PS. No need to SHOUT
  23. woah man, that's stunning - good luck
  24. [quote name='ash' post='987947' date='Oct 14 2010, 12:27 PM']Ha! Ha! Actually its worse than that its a shirt and yes I have worn it......![/quote] It's nice that. The bass, rather than the shirt.
  25. Would be very tempted, but my 2 GK cabs need a bit of work doing before I could sell them - blown speaker in 1 and a hissy horn in the other Though if anyone fancies the pair at a knockdown price and taking on that work themselves then shout!
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