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Everything posted by Bass_Guardian

  1. That's an unbelievable price drop!
  2. I feel the same each time I see Tommy Emmanuel on Youtube. The guys just out of this world!
  3. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1493650193' post='3289701'] Now I've done you that favour, give me money to buy this bass... It's only fair! [/quote] Do you take ginger bottles?
  4. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1493638598' post='3289561'] Changed just for you. [/quote] Legend
  5. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Fretless-4-String-Figured-Cherry-Lobe-Wishbass-Soapbar-pickup-Oil-Finish-/142364392239?hash=item2125943b2f:g:H9gAAOSwONBZAj~z Thoughts?
  6. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1493571415' post='3289178'] Pinged you a PM. [/quote] Binky your signature is killing my OCD. The 5 string and 4 string basses need swapped round
  7. You've got some collection BaconCheese. Some unbelievable gear!
  8. That teal one without the pickguard is lovely! Really caught my eye the most. Dae it!!
  9. I have a very powerful tractor I could trade. It's just not very effective against pine trees....
  10. Now re-listed again as I have a hankering for a fretless so need to free up funds (and space). Valve amp has been sorted. Any questions just fire away **PRICE £300**
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1493270133' post='3286971'] To a dyslexic that is offensive. I would definitely not buy anything from you. [/quote] Joking?
  12. that's a bit special! Just a wee bit jealous Congrats!
  13. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1493222674' post='3286694'] Not sure they know what a hoagie in England but I did tell Les for the kebab guide [/quote] Ah good shout. Forgot the other side are missing out on such wonderful artery clogging goodness
  14. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1493222291' post='3286688'] Well...owning six and playing just one seems to make no sense either... [/quote] Having the choice is nice. It's like your local takeaway only having the one dish you usually order. Sometimes you want a hoagie instead of a calzone. Hungry now..
  15. Where's the fun in owning just one bass?
  16. Wow If only you were closer. Bargain. This will be snapped up soon I'm sure.
  17. They're well smart! Congrats
  18. Fancy builidng me one? stunning!
  19. Creedance Clearwater revival.- Only active for 5 years. They had some great stuff
  20. [quote name='itzing' timestamp='1493045956' post='3285157'] and i .. !! [/quote]will alwaysssss love youuuuuuuuuu
  21. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1493044564' post='3285133'] Even more interesting... Ugh. Gonna have to go try one I reckon. Someone please tell me this is madness.....! [/quote] https://youtu.be/47tKorh9vgo a good review by Ed Friedland
  22. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1493043301' post='3285116'] Are the pickups passive/active or is the battery purely in there for the flashy bling lights? I must say, as a lightweight gigging bass it could be pretty cool. I didn't start this thread to generate more GAS.... [/quote] The battery is purely for the knob lights. Gotta love knob lights... Pickups are passive
  23. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1493042669' post='3285105'] Oooo, those RBX4 A2's look really interesting. Not sure about the flashy lights, but I feel I may have to investigate more.. goddamit, I shouldn't have started this thread... [/quote] You can take the battery out the bass at the back so the lights don't come on. The pickups are passive. I regret selling mine to be honest.
  24. [quote name='P-T-P' timestamp='1493038312' post='3285040'] Can't see the pics [/quote] Same boat
  25. The next revolution in evolution. The conventional wisdom in building electric guitars has long been that the more uniform and heavy the material, the better the sound. Yamaha has shattered this concept with an advanced technology called Alternative Internal Resonance, or A.I.R. for short. A.I.R. combines lightweight and resonant softwoods sandwiched between harder tonewoods creating an instrument loaded with sustain and tone while maintaining an ultra lightweight construction. Already proven in the RGX line,Yamaha now offers this sustain and tone in the RBX line with the RBX4 A2.
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