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Everything posted by BassApprentice

  1. Get the vibe you're looking for something a bit different looks wise, which is cool! Big fan of the Reverend basses too! Seriously well put together instruments in relation to the price. Each bass is hand signed from the QC which is a nice touch versus other basses at the price. Would definitely recommend a trip to Glasgow, you've also got Kenny's Music and Strung Out all in close proximity so you can score off a lot of options quite quickly versus GG in Edinburgh which is a bit out on its own.
  2. Just had a look and see in you're in Scotland? If Glasgow isn't too much of a pain to get to pretty sure both Merchant City and Guitar Guitar had them in when I poked my head in the other week. Reckon you'd get a better deal at Merchant City as they are independent vs GG.
  3. Found out that Yamaha artist Vincen Garcia is depping on the Cory Wong EU/UK Tour - from this I'm sure he'll fit right in to that band that Cory uses! I wasn't going to go as I've seen them the past 3 times they've played, but I could be tempted now!
  4. Agreed, change one bit at a time. Seem if the loom and altered controls help you get what you want from it first. Pickups might be slightly trickier, but there are plenty of independent pickup makers in the UK who I am sure could rewind - or make something to fit that pickup shape and style.
  5. Two things that caught my eye when seeing what's happening in Sandberg-land. A new Ida Nielsen model and a custom Central. Very much yes to both!
  6. If you enter world of basses, Yamaha and Ibanez really are quite full proof options. A pretty neutral style that will allow you to eventually work out what does and doesn't work for you - and buy more basses! Enjoy!
  7. Reckon they could do a Lava Lamp version a la John 5 😅
  8. One here and probably few other hiding about https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/481808-when-is-a-stingray-not-a-stingray-nbd/
  9. Sire confirmed the body is the same size. Still cool to see them offering more options though!
  10. I can't seem to get on with a standard Jazz shape - not sure if these are slightly more compact or just the extra access but intrigued either way
  11. Looks great - I hope one day I'm a) playing enough b) fortunate enough to justify commissioning a build from Alan as they all look incredible and his recent teaser of staining looks very interesting.
  12. Ooft, if this was a 5 string I'd be right on this. Normally being in Scotland you can avoid a lot of these GAS moments, but my sister does work in Cheltenham....😂
  13. The Yamaha custom shop can do such cool things...shame more of the fun stuff doesn't trickle down
  14. Sellers aren't legally obliged to sell you anything at any price - even if you buy it and the money leaves the account they can refund you. If an error is made the item has to be removed from sale for a period of 24 hours and then returned to sale at the correct price. Of course there are tales of massive discounts being pounced on and retailers biting the bullet and avoiding disappointing customers and potentially complaints. They are legally not supposed to honour the error but sometimes it's just easier 😅
  15. I've seen these Jet Guitars in my local store (Merchant City Music) for a good while. Premium-Budget level strat and Tele copies with lovely looking roasted maple necks. Seem to get solid reviews as most of these £300ish super copies do these days, but they didnt do basses...until now. I know we don't really need another jazz bass on the market, but this gold does look ace
  16. If you find a sire 2nd hand you really can't get a better quality bass for the money right now. If you can also keep your eyes peeled for a Sandberg Electra VS4 or TT4 (depending if you want P bass or Jazz bass vibes) Plenty of other options of course, might be worth heading to a local store (permitting they have a decent selection that isn't some Fenders and Squiers) and get hands on to get a better idea of what style and sound you want for your second bass!
  17. A fairly cheap looking 414. Taken a bit of damage from a fall but for £100...
  18. Missed that last post, apologies @Reggaebass. Found an aged style string tree on eBay for a fiver - fitted and now we're done! (Apart from maybe a thumb rest or tug bar. Set up needs done but going to let the strings and everything settle until the weekend then have another look.
  19. @Reggaebass yup, although without the string tree, the G is under some real tension, more so than the other strings which is is a bit off.
  20. And it is done (almost), very pleased with how it looks. Think the machineheads need a wee tweak as they aren't all at the same resistance. Never put together a p bass, so how important is a string tree for the D and G strings? Will order one anyways since the hole is there. Strung up with Chromes for now, will let them settle overnight and see what I need to do tomorrow
  21. A whole year on and I've finally mustered up the enthusiasm to finish this. All remaining parts are purchased from here and are due in the post. Hopefully get it all together in the next week or so!
  22. For full clarity - it's actually the singer who assaulted the bassist, they had switched roles for that song. Doing Scotland proud 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😅
  23. We've been here for 2 full days and no-one has asked if it is good for metal 🙃 sorry.....
  24. Before I buy new - anyone got a Tonerider they no longer have a use for? 😁
  25. Before I buy new - anyone have a Tonerider P Pickup kicking about they could move on?

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