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Everything posted by BassApprentice

  1. Still really enjoying my Electra VS4, would love a tort guard though. Does anyone have an email address for Sandberg? Or am I just as well going through a dealer to get to them?
  2. Pink is the new black 😅 looking forward to seeing what you're making though. I was so surprised how evenly and how accurate the colour of the Montana was, I just picked it up as it was close to the colour I wanted and it was cheap. I think I will need a poly coat. Noticed one hit chipped off already.
  3. Meant to say, the Pick clip has tone full up and tone full down if that's not immediately obvious, 😁
  4. My most recent mini-project stage 1 completed the other day. Bronco painted Shell Pink - Cheap rail pickup - Squier standard tuners added. Still planning to put a humbucker at the bridge at some point....Happy for now
  5. Here's some sound samples @Si600, apologies for the sloppiness, I blame playing zingy rounds after a long time on tapewounds 😬 Bronco Pick.mp3 Bronco Slap.mp3 Bronco Tone Off.mp3 Bronco Tone Up.mp3
  6. DId you ask for a photo of the neck pocket *runs* 😬
  7. Since you are in Fife - give GuitarGuitar Glasgow a phone. They order in their own spec of Sandberg as well as standard stuff so they will be able to help you out with it.
  8. Another fitting name would be Serendipity - I know most things will be standard size but it's fun to hear how parts just drifted together and look exactly like they were meant to be there Enjoy!
  9. Thanks! It is a great wee bass, let down by tin foil tuners and a guitar pickup as standard. Pink and tort is so good though! 😁 I'll see what I can sort, the tonal range actually surprised me.
  10. Well - it's done...for now. Dead chuffed! The pickup is surprisingly meaty, lacking a bit of definition on the lower end but not bad for £8. Setup is a bit ropey - the nut is giving me issues at the 1st-5th frets on E and A so will sort that. Intonation is ok, with only two points to intonate it is never going to be perfect. The finish is pretty fragile, but happy for it to get chips etc since it's red underneath it will look decent. Things left to do: Get a tort pickguard. Route and wire the humbucker but this can come at some point in the future. New bridge. For less than £100 all in (so far) it's ace fun.
  11. Thanks @Silvia Bluejay Just went and bought some Duracell 9V batteries and it seems to agree with the Bass Buddy and it works - no hum or buzz. Like you I normally had it next to PC/Lamps and other electronics but now I'm in the living room with less electronics on there is markedly less interference. When it was next to a monitor it did get a lot of interference but I am pretty sure it is the power supply, that will need replaced then!
  12. Hello, I haven't used my Bass Buddy in a while as I have been using my B3 to practice - when I turned it on today there was a low hum. Initially I thought it was interface from my Laptop so moved it through to a room with no lights etc. on and still there. I guess it could be an earthing problem but just wanted to check if anyone has encountered this before? I tried using batteries but my Lidl 9V batteries didn't seem to work has anyone used specific batteries that have worked for their Bass Buddy? Also, the power supply connection doesn't feel very secure. I can't remember if it was always like this or something has changed. Can anyone confirm if this is how their power supply looks when plugged in? Thanks!
  13. I genuinely had no idea that Squier were releasing something that looks to be EXACTLY the same colour!
  14. Exactly this. I just sold a BB425 - it was brilliant, but wanted something else. If I ever want another there's a 98% chance it will also be just as good.
  15.  Seeing that the only guitar shop in my hometown is closing down. Sad to see the shop where I got my very first bass go...

    1. Woodinblack


      I was happy to see the shop I got my second bass go, they really deserved it!

  16. Going to get it all back together and see how I like it, the humbucker will be laying in wait
  17. Nothing fancy, just took some 001 steel wool to knock it back. After painting since it's a matte finish just 0000 steel wool to take down the rough/raised areas. The finish isn't perfect on the back but good enough for me!
  18. Thanks Stew, the colour came out of the can exactly how I wanted it which is a rare occurrence! Hopefully have it playable by the end of the weekend!
  19. Oh we get numbers now! Exciting! I have owned a BB425 which I do miss a wee bit already 😅
  20. Still need to drill the new holes for the tuners but I couldn't resist putting it together. I am so happy with the way this is looking 👌😁
  21. And because I'm impatient snuck in another coat after a run over with wire wool. Very impressed by this paint too, £6.50 a can and its meant for street art but gives a great matte finish! Will leave it overnight and see if it needs another coat
  22. So progress! The bass was actually at my parents so finally got my hands on it. First thing - take it apart. The bass itself isn't in bad condition few battle scars on the back but nothing that bothers me. Something that did bother me were those tuners. Wow - I had heard they were bad but these are proper s***e 😂 so straight in the bin. Few minutes working away at the body to get rid of the gloss and then on to the spraying! As always with paint, I wasn't sure what colour this was going to be. I was aiming for the colour on the Flea signature bass and I'm pretty happy with the way it came out! Few more coats and sanding and I think it will be almost there, not sure if I am going to go down the gloss finish or leave it matte. Will see how it comes out across the next few days!
  23. Nice job @Baceface Dropped them an email so we'll see what happens
  24. Well.... Lovely and light. Few little knocks and stuff but nothing that would put you off for under £400. Little rattle on the G Tuner but little bit of tape sorted that right out! Weird little kink in a string that I hadn't seen before. Must have been resting on that for a while! Quick clean and change to LaBella tapes and happy days! Will do a NBD tomorrow after a wee play to work out settings etc. Also, i think I'll drop Sandberg and email and see if I can get a tort guard since they do one for the white version.
  25. In these circumstances the answer will always include the Fender Rumble until somebody else makes something better and lighter 😁
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