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Everything posted by BassApprentice

  1. Have to say, that Kala U Bass Journeyman looks mighty tempting for a living room noodler..... 

    1. Burns-bass


      Don't do it.


      I had one at it just ended up being an attractive case warmer.



    2. JapanAxe


      I have to admit I rarely use my own U-bass, but the Journeyman has knocked the bottom out of the used market so it won't be going anywhere!

  2. Just perusing Facebook and this popped up. Could be a suitable donor project?
  3. On enquire with our well featured @Andyjr1515 Check his thread about removing weight from a Harley Benton Jazz
  4. Aurichu, I have sent you a private message!
  5. Sad they aren't coming to Scotland this time round. They genuinely fill the entire room with joy and good vibes!
  6. I had one for a while and they are good fun to mess around on. I imagine if you're actively recording you will definitely find some good uses for it! Enjoy!
  7. Tell you what, I'll get in on this - I've been on the merry go round of buying and selling £300 basses in the past 12 months so think I need to stop and appreciate what I have. 4 String (x 2) ✅ Short Scale ✅ 5 String ✅ Fretless ✅ Good Amp ✅ Multi Effects ✅ Don't really have an excuse to buy any new gear...So let's see how this goes.
  8. Oooh, never seen a white SWB in the flesh but that looks good. Is that the passive version?
  9. Bump!
  10. 3:17 - Pure, unadulterated, musical joy. 


  11. Considering he uses a Jazz bass 99% of the time live this is a huge scoop for MusicMan. Although this could also be a joke, you never know. Looks cool AF anyway!
  12. I just can't quite remember what these are called 🤔
  13. Paging @skelf pretty sure he is experimenting with strings on tiny basses. He uses Newtone custom gauges - pretty sure the formula is: shorter = higher gauge to ensure tension.
  14. If anyone has/spots a 5 string fretless one kicking about - I could be interested! 😬
  15. Anyone who might be looking to move on a fretless might want to take a look at the Yamaha SBV500 in the for sale section 😬

  16. Open to trades on your Fretless basses you no longer need! Let me know what you've got!
  17. Been a fair few roller-coaster rides recently on this forum. But I'm so glad they mostly have had happy endings! Congrats and hopefully you can finally enjoy it!
  18. Vintage V74 Icon Jaco-a-like or a 2nd hand Squier VM Jazz would be a great place to start I reckon. The V74 is reliced so no worries about bumps and bruises!
  19. Which member of this fine establishment made high quality leads? Or is there someone anyone would recommend?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dood
    3. discreet


      Unnecessary I know, but plus one for OBBM. Been buying my leads from him for years. Best quality, great value and superb customer service. What's not to like?

    4. Chienmortbb


      What lead are you after? i make my own and have cable and connectors.

  20. Everyday I'm more and more convinced I need a Shell Pink bass in my life.... 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. discreet


      Shell Pink is good, nothing wrong with it. Lots of shades of white/cream out there though, have you thought about that..? ;)

    3. BassApprentice


      Ha, I may have one or two cream basses 😬



    4. discreet


      That G&L is very nice... GAS!

  21. Right, September is DEFINITELY the month this is going to sell. I can feel it.
  22. And just like that: Cory Wong touring the UK next February. Good odds that Joe will be on bass if he's available. Either way it'll be a brilliant gig! https://www.corywongmusic.com/tour
  23. And if you want to try and learn some - this guy on YouTube is very good https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUd7cP9eT5SLvX39z4aGOpw It's strange how much easier it is to watch and learn from a lefty when trying to play along 😄
  24. To be fair to the guy, he's not trying to hide anything. He's put more photos up than you would get on a fully functional and intact bass!😅
  25. Safe to say, I'm addicted to anything Vulf et al. release. It's just so easy to listen to and fun.
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