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Everything posted by BassApprentice

  1. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1490697254' post='3267094'] It the price not quite low for this bass? I thought it was. If not then ignore my comment. But given how many gumtree and ebay scam listing have the locattion listed as the middle of nowhere in the far north of Scotland... [/quote] Fair reasons, have to say I didn't know that it was a 'thing' to use the North of Scotland as a fake location, good to know. Price could be be a touch low yes, but I think the nature of the photos make me think it's a real listing rather than stolen photos from somewhere else.
  2. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1490692397' post='3267026'] given the location i would be cautious... [/quote] May I ask why?
  3. Stumbled across this pedal on Talkbass. SO COOL! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends#"][/url] Completely unnecessary and expensive but COOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilcTbMZo4lI More info on what at the shiny knobs and funny words mean/do: http://www.godlyke.com/totally-wycked-audio-effects-pedals/hand-built/dynamorph
  4. For those wanting a closer look at finishes etc. The Yamaha Australia site has been updated. Really liking the green on the new 400 series. https://au.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/el_basses/bb_2017/400_series.html#product-tabs
  5. Oh god, they've done one with a maple board. Well, I'm sold as long as they play as well as the current line
  6. Or one in better condition, completely standard sitting at a bargain price or £200 BIN http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-BB415-Bass-Guitar-5-String-/232279024804?hash=item3614e8a4a4:g:2s4AAOSwTM5Y0cBM
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-BB415-Bass-Guitar-5-String-/232279024804?hash=item3614e8a4a4:g:2s4AAOSwTM5Y0cBM Slightly "roadworn" but with a hi mass bridge installed for around £200 you won't get a much better 5 string
  8. [quote name='LowMoFo' timestamp='1490217317' post='3263408'] I'd love to, but I've reached the max attachment for this topic. Have removed a few but hasn't made any difference. [/quote] Dropbox/Google Photos/Flickr/Photobucket is your friend in these cases
  9. Says "will post if necessary" I'm intrigued....
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1490196047' post='3263134'] Well if you're interested to hear from those who "use solely fretless" there's not much point in asking "how often do you play fretted?". [/quote] Edited
  11. This has probably been asked before... But for those of you who choose Fretless over Fretted, why? And how often do you play Fretted if at all? Or does it really depend on the style of music you want to play at the time? And same to those on the other side of the fence, how often do you pick up your fretless? I wish I could find the motivation to play fretless more as I love the tone but I try for it bit then go back to my comfort blanket of shiny steel frets. Interested to hear those who might use solely fretless
  12. Oh great, just when I had gotten over my BB gas Excited to see and hear them...(and maybe buy one )
  13. I'm sure they be someone who owns one across shortly, but I tried one in a shop a while back and really wanted to love it. I really liked the tone and how it sat, but I couldn't get on with the neck and the 18mm string spacing just wasn't for me. Apart from that I thought it was a cracking bass, fit and finish felt really good, if you like Ibanez basses I'm sure you'll like this. Thought the B was OK but I preferred the B and the neck on a Musicman SUB Ray 5 which I then bought. Horses for courses and all that. Hope some of that was of use. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable comes along and helps you out
  14. If you are near Glasgow, the guy in Guitar Guitar is trying to assemble a decent bass section, it's now got the whole basement floor. He had some pretty decent amps in when I was last in. Could phone and ask about Aguilar? They only have a cab on the website but means they do stock them
  15. There is a topic on this only about 4 topics below your post http://basschat.co.uk/topic/302297-aguilar-tone-hammer-350-500-big-price-difference-why/
  16. NoTreble say it is also class D. If it is, could be a solid back-up head [url="http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2017/03/16/laney-amps-introduces-the-r500-head-and-combo-amp/"]http://www.notreble....-and-combo-amp/[/url]
  17. Laney have added a 500 watt head and a 500 watt 1x15 combo to the Richter series, I have fond memories of my Richter combo from when I was in my bands at High School. Quite intrigued by the 500 watt head http://www.laney.co.uk/products/r500h/
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1489682096' post='3258960'] They look lovely. Made by [url="https://www.talkbass.com/threads/new-amp-from-poland-handbox-r-400.1218706/"]Handbox[/url], FWIW :-) [/quote] Oh are they? I thought they looked very similar but it was just a coincidence. Now I'm VERY intrigued. Read nothing but good things about Handbox so yeah, anyone local to Bass Direct some reviews would be great
  19. So bass direct now stocking Maruszczyk amps... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154115820382396&substory_index=0&id=292530792395 If anyone is near and tries them some reviews would be ideal!
  20. Thanks bud, I was searching for "EMG preamp" "EMG BQC" not "BCS" Got a starting point now, ta.
  21. So I have one these in my Yamaha SBV500 and I'm just struggling to find a tone that I really like with it. [url="http://www.emgpickups.com/bqccontrol.html"]http://www.emgpickup...bqccontrol.html[/url] If I were to sell it, what sort of value do 2nd hand onboard preamps hold? eBay and Gumtree would be my usual go to but no 2nd hand EMG preamps on there just now Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  22. Gibson now have exclusive rights over ES, SG, Flying V and Explorer body shapes. While it doesn't really affect us bass players yet, worrying precedent for all those merchants and luthiers who make and distrubute copies.... http://www.mi-pro.co.uk/news/read/gibson-confirms-exclusive-rights-to-trademarked-guitar-designs-in-legal-dispute-with-jhs/022100
  23. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1489136408' post='3254572'] Also Glasgow O2 Priority: [url="https://tickets.o2priority.co.uk/events/vulfpeck/4437"]https://tickets.o2pr...s/vulfpeck/4437[/url] [/quote] Completely forgot that it would be on Priority! Thanks, tickets bought
  24. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1489135467' post='3254556'] Glasgow sold out! Are they only doing the two gigs over here? [/quote] Erm...Tickets aren't on sale for Glasgow yet... I thought it was 10am but website looks to say 12. Will be online at both times
  25. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1489072381' post='3254176'] I've done this and it'll do for practice but is not much use beyond that. Might be more useful with a very efficient cab? [/quote] That's all it would be for just now, what cab were you using?
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