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Everything posted by BassApprentice

  1. If it makes me even 1/22nd as good a bass player as Mr Wooten I'll buy it!
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hutchins-Calypso-Bass-Guitar-ULTRA-RARE-custom-5-string-/332084049880?hash=item4d51c077d8:g:yxMAAOSwt5hYcAkD Link to eBay auction for those interested in this interesting bass!
  3. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1483652333' post='3209087'] I know this thread is a few months old, but I really like the overall design...ok, it's Fenderish, very cheap and I really like the look of the headstock and what they've done with the scratchplate. [/quote] That's what I thought, just a bit different. I also really like that it's rear routed so can go for the clean, no scratch plate look which you don't get often on budget basses. Sadly Christmas has cleaned out the bank account so no impulse buying this
  4. It's called being young and naive and letting a guitarist use your amp once, they were still working but there was far too much movement at anything over half volume....I think I am the first case to have multiple speakers replaced You live and you learn. It sure is, I've got a bass buddy as well. Looking forward to having my suitcase back and working properly
  5. I posted about this in a different thread but thought I would make a note for people to find in the future. Long story short, I blew all 4 speakers in my Phil Jones Suitcase. Alan at Syngery has now replaced 2 speakers with the other 2 on order or for an INCREDIBLY reasonable price, and he's shipping it back up to me for nothing (from Birmingham to Scotland) and these amps are particularly light. Since Phil Jones is quite specialist kit I was worried how easily I could get it fixed. I wouldn't hesitate to use Synergy again. Fantastic service! They also stock Sandbergs so if anyone has issues with their Sandberg you could do worse than contact the guys at Synergy for help. http://www.synergydistribution.co.uk/Welcome.html Hope this helps someone in the future Merry Christmas
  6. Update on this: Amp has been down with Alan at Synergy in Birmingham. Faultless customer service. Alan is only charging me for the parts (at a very, very reasonable rate) and is covering the shipping back to me. Best customer service I've had in a long time. If you ever have a fault with any Phil Jones, contact Synergy Distribution and I'm sure they'll help you out. Excited to have my amp back to see how it sounds!
  7. Billy going even more flash than usual http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2016/12/19/bass-of-the-week-yamaha-billy-sheehan-acrylic-attitude-ltd3/ Can't imagine this is a featherweight beast.
  8. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1481810634' post='3195338'] So my bass came with a flying V gig bag. Lovely! Just had a quick play of it. The Delano pickup in my bass almost has a stingray type grind to it. It's rather pleasant! [/quote] Pics or it didn't happen
  9. I think this is a pretty decent deal for anyone in and around Romford. Ibanez SR750 in great condition it seems, an Eden practice amp, case, stand and two tuners for £500. The bass retails for £729 currently so not bad overall. https://www.gumtree.com/p/other-guitar-accessories/bass-guitar-amp-accessories/1204873870
  10. Very impressed with the initial outcome. Looks like granite/marble here but I imagine it's pretty sparkly in person! Nice work!
  11. One day I will have one of these....But not today.
  12. [quote name='neillsyard' timestamp='1481202910' post='3190469'] hi is your tokai hardpuncher still for sale? if so, do you have pix? sincerely neill lambert [/quote] Pix on the first page Neill
  13. Oh my, I am nowhere near able to afford this but that's a great looking bass. GLWTS
  14. What I've done in the past is give the first in line a day or two to sort it out, some people aren't on Facebook as much as others so it can be a pain to sort the delivery/cash. Also keep others who have asked about in the loop as well, so they know where they stand. If you do just offer it to someone else people have the tendency to make it public on these groups if they feel hard done by....Not all the time but I'm sure some of us have seen these types of posts, best to avoid that situation if you can I assume this is for the Chris Aiken P bass? If it helps, I'll take it off your hands if everything else falls through
  15. From my experience, Vintage basses are very well put together and the Wilkinson parts they use are well thought of around here. I wouldn't go replacing the electronics unless they really aren't giving you the sound you want, but at the end of the day it is your bass and you can do whatever you please Happy modding!
  16. Just saw this on Facebook. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1285909174793584&substory_index=0&id=812596638791509 Unless he finds a buyer looks like another bass shop will disappear by this time next year Real shame but his reason is completely understandable. Anyone want to chip in to buy it?
  17. Depending on your budget, this might be a good place to start. Around £776 on all your reputable online retailers [url="http://intl.fender.com/en-GB/basses/mustang/mustang-bass-pj-rosewood-fingerboard-olympic-white/"]http://intl.fender.c...-olympic-white/[/url]
  18. If this ad is genuine, then it's a proper bargain! BB1024 for £400 in Yorkshire, Goole to be specific. If it was a 5er I'd have it.....Still very tempted, would match my L2000 very nicely https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/yamaha-bb1024-bass-guitar-/1197903305
  19. Quick, the pound has gone up! Buy your Maruszczyk now!
  20. This months Bass of the Month.....Wow. What a BEAST! [url="https://www.public-peace.de/index.php/bass-of-the-month/2067-public-peace-proudly-presents-the-bass-of-the-month-november-2016"]https://www.public-p...h-november-2016[/url]
  21. Interesting because on his Reddit AMA (10 months ago) he said that uses old Roundwounds on his J. He does use another bass with Thomastik flatwounds on it though Look for a post from BeowulfShatner on the AMA and he lists what he uses. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bass/comments/3x9fmv/ama_hi_im_joe_dart_bassist_in_vulfpeck_ask_me/
  22. No idea what this is...but it's pretty cool and I want it. https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/unbranded-bass-solid-body-electric-bass-guitar-stored-for-years/1197074110
  23. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1478006011' post='3165895'] whats with these comments? whoever bought the bass can do whatever they want with it. if they think they can sell it for a profit then good luck to them. the seller got rid of something they didnt want for a price dictated by the marketplace and the chosen selling method. [/quote] For me it's because the original auction of the item was for charity. I would normally have no problem as, like you rightly say, the seller got what they wanted and the buyer can do what they like. Just feels a bit off making money where a charity could make more. But that's the way of the world.
  24. That leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth.....
  25. Regarding stripping the paint. I did it recently using Nitro Mors (other brands are available) scraped that off then sanded off the stubborn bits. I think it worked well and protected the body underneath (mostly, it did melt the plastic binding....). Good luck, getting in to modding and building is a slippery slope. I keep thinking what I can mod on my basses rather than actually playing them!
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