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Everything posted by BassApprentice

  1. Ah, well another idea might be to contact Bass Direct? They order them in so I imagine they could answer some questions you might have.
  2. http://www.roscoeguitars.com/basses/basses.html Here might be a good place to start
  3. Afternoon all, Following on from dood (who followed on from me) what type of pickups have people used right at the end of the neck? (see picture) I use "best" lightly, I really just want to know what pickups people have used in the that position. Initially I wanted to use one of the big DiMarzio pickups (a la Sheehan) on my bitsa-P bass but it seems that you have to wire your bass in stereo to get the best of them and since I'm not in a band or playing at high volume that's a bit of a faff. Also the reviews say the are quite limited tonally so maybe not the best. So let me know what you think folks!
  4. To dredge up and old topic. These are now on the Phil Jones website for $229. Can't seem to find anyone with it in the UK though
  5. While I do appreciate the "thud" the standard rubber strings on Bass Ukuleles give I want to use mine more as a pick up and practice tool rather than a completely different instrument. Has anyone tried the steel/copper coated strings (Pyramid/Aquila Steel Rumblers)? How are they? My second question is this, I have the Harley Benton bass Uke which has a 21" scale length compared with the 20" of a Kala, which is what these strings are designed for. Do you reckon they will fit the Harley Benton ok? Or will the extra length be too high tension? Thanks!
  6. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1472748089' post='3123907'] Warmoth do something like this called the 72 p bass. [url="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=warmoth+72+p+bass&biw=1430&bih=726&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjFg8rxze7OAhUCiRoKHeDyBOkQ_AUIBygC"]warmoth 72 p bass[/url] [/quote] That's really close to what I was aiming for, would just need to extend down below the pick up to cover up the routing
  7. So I've done a very rough mock up on Paint at work. Could have done a far better job but this is just an idea. Making the control plate chrome a la Jazz basses could take some of the impact of the large amount of plastic on the front of the bass. What do we think? I think it looks cool, others of course may not....
  8. I'm a big fan of the extended pickguard. I think the pawnshop guitars look very nice as well. Like I said the problem I'm facing with my project is the body is front routed meaning I'll need a lot of plastic to cover up the holes. Not sure it will look as good with the pickguard really dominating the front of the body. I think I'll have to mock one up and see how I feel then find someone to custom make one....
  9. Ah, just found the Fender Modern Player Telecaster which has the sort of idea I was going for.
  10. Hi All, I've got a P bass project on the go and I was just wondering if anyone has seen one with a '51 style pickguard? by this I mean a standard P bass pickguard which extends to the upper horn. It wouldn't be the standard 51 style pickguard at the body is not rear routed. It could look awful but would be interested to see if there are any examples.
  11. I have one of these in exactly the same colour and spec! Like OP says, want a tone? This bass can do it. Great basses GLWTS!
  12. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1472038146' post='3117876'] What exactly is ex-demo about them? [/quote] I read somewhere that Maruszczyk make some basses for shows/exhibitions so it may be one of those
  13. Hi all, Was just looking at getting some new strings for a couple of basses and not being able to afford DR Black Beauties for them both. Head over to Amazon.com (not .co.uk) and find that they are selling Black Beauies for $20 and with shipping only £4 a set...can't really pass up two sets for £47 when one will cost you £38 https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_9?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=dr+black+beauties&sprefix=dr+black+%2Caps%2C203 Happy to be told somewhere that will do them cheaper in the UK. Happy Wednesday!
  14. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1471961774' post='3117271'] Aero71 was selling a Jazzus recently, and I'm pretty sure you'll fid a demo video in the thread if you dig it up. [/quote] Sorry I realise I wasn't too clear. I meant I couldn't find anything on the Leaf model not the Jazzus https://www.public-peace.de/index.php/mensinger-guitars/m-basses/men-the-leaf Thanks for pointing me in the right direction for a Jazzus though!
  15. I've spent today reading numerous Maruszczyk threads and looking at the website. Serious GAS for a Jazzus or one of [u][b]"The Leaf"[/b][/u] but I can't seem to find anything about them demo wise. Anyone got one or tried one?
  16. And here we have the stripped body I found out from the original owner that there is some filler on the rear of the body which the Nitro Mors decided to melt...It also melted some of the binding on the body Next up: Sanding, filling and priming for dipping!
  17. Next stage: Stripping the thick paint. I know others may have just taken a sander to it but I decided to go for the Nitro Mors route. At times I wish I had sanded it but over all I managed to get nearly all the paint off with one tub of Nitro Mors
  18. So first off was sorting out the superglue filled neck. The answer: Acetone. I used acetone to soften the glue then gently scraped it off the fretboard and profusely oiled the board to stop the acetone drying out the 'board. End of product below
  19. Hello all, A while ago (April) I picked this up from a FB group for a bargain price. It's progressed a fair bit since I have got it but I thought I would start a build diary to show you all the process Safe to say the previous owner hadn't done a great job refinishing. With the addition of using superglue to fill the frets to make it 'fretless' I had a bit of work to do. My plan is to strip it down and swirl paint it black and gold....This could go one of two ways....
  20. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1471199430' post='3111216'] Retrovibe do a T-Rod if you're after a split P type. [url="http://www.retrovibe.co.uk/t-rod/butterscotch-bass.html#"]http://www.retrovibe...otch-bass.html#[/url] Think there are a few basschatters with them? [/quote] I've contacted David at Retrovibe a few times and I know he is very active on a Rickenfakers FB group and is always willing to help and customise options on basses so maybe he can sort you out with your 51 P bass itch
  21. Hi all, My Phil Jones Suitcase is not sounding quite right, as if one of the drivers is clipping or working too hard. I have been in touch with Synergy Distribution in Birmingham who do repairs but it would have to be couriered there and back from Scotland and the Suitcase isn't exactly light. Does anyone know of a Phil Jones repair centre closer to Scotland? Cheers!
  22. Hi Joeyfivebags, Is the MojoMojo still for sale? Do you think it works well for just putting a bit of edge/grit on your sound? Cheers!
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1463762257' post='3053942'] This is (roughly...) where the bridge should measure 43.2, hence the 'front' of the bridge at 41... Hope this helps; subject to completion, correction and/or contradiction from others. [/quote] Sorry I haven't been on in a while. This photo is great! Thanks very much. The consensus seems to be to move the bridge forward so I'll give that a go. Thanks all and I may be back with more questions!
  24. Firstly, thanks for all your advice. I like to think I can set up an instrument but this is my first time putting one together and setting it up which is proving more challenging that I (naively) thought. I have another question. When measuring from the nut to the 12th fret, where do you measure to? The beginning or middle of the fret? If it is the middle do I need to move my bridge saddles to 42cm? Thanks again for your help
  25. Hi All, So I am very close to finishing a P bass project and have some questions regarding scale length. I picked up an old P bass from a charity shop to use the body for this project and have replaced the bridge but I used the existing holes from the previous bridge, I then measured the scale length and it came in at 34.5". My question is: Does this really matter? Would the collective advise me to drill holes for the bridge half an inch up in order to have a 34" scale? I understand that a longer scale will increase the string tension and will change the "voice" of the instrument. Just looking for some advice, Cheers!
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