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Everything posted by Josh

  1. [quote name='crez5150' post='536836' date='Jul 9 2009, 10:23 PM']Sorry meant to say... great tone on your clip....[/quote] These Squiers are proving their worth, and I love mine more so because it's black and blonde. I've just done a quick clip with my Siggery of The Whispers "The Beat Goes On' or "Miami" to the Will Smith fans, I'll stick it up in here and the sale thread. [url="http://www.muziboo.com/Josh535/music/whispers-groove-miami"]The Whispers - The Beat Goes On..[/url]
  2. [quote name='crez5150' post='536832' date='Jul 9 2009, 10:17 PM']Showing my age but that was originally 'Good Times' by Chic.... then sampled for 'Rapper's Delight'...... sorry to be picky but Mr Edwards is one of my all time hero's[/quote] My bad, it completely slipped my mind .
  3. I've finally got the whole recording with Garageband sorted, so I just quickly whacked this together to demo my Squier VMJ and Aguilar Tonehammer. I know it's not note for note, but hey, now I've got the hang of this I feel more of an incentive to get some more stuff up. [url="http://www.muziboo.com/Josh535/music/rappers-delight-snippet"]The snippet can be found Here.[/url] Thanks guys, Josh.
  4. I've had the chance the play this beautiful bass and was delighted with what I heard, a beautifully clean Hi-Fi tone with character, almost similar to that of my MTD. It also looks brilliant in the flesh and plays so smoothly, and the weight is surprisingly light. And of course, Barrie is most definitely one of the nicest people you could possibly hope to meet and really does look after all of his gear. I can't recommend him enough.
  5. How's bout's this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52628&st=0&p=522607&#entry522607"]Siggery Jazz 5 String.[/url]
  6. Surely the chocolate here is an improvement? Welcome man .
  7. Your a good 3 hours away from here, but if you do happen to be wondering around these parts anytime soon then your more than welcome to come and try my full GK rig.
  8. A few very generous offers but still no Stingray or Sterling. Also I've added a cash price as well.
  9. [quote name='molan' post='532910' date='Jul 5 2009, 12:37 PM']Ok, I'm going to beg to differ on this show! I tried to watch it this morning and just got bored with it. My attention lept drifting & found the fast forward button coming in to play a lot. I'm a huge Stevie fan & listen to him all the time. I also really like the live 1995 "Natural Wonder" album which has a lot of the songs arranged the same as the BBC show. I thought the sound wasn't great on the broadcast & I simply didn't get the buzz of a great live concert. Nate Watts always looks like Mr Cool on bass but the only person I thought really stood out was the young drummer Stanley Randolph. Great 'gospely' kinda style in places. Felt to me like he added a certain something whilst a lot of the rest of the live arrangements haven't changed for 15 years+. Maybe I was just in the wrong mood today though [/quote] I loved the drumming and definitely agree it gave it more modern edge. I just wish they would actually play all of Sir Duke as opposed to the first quarter and then segwaying into I Wish.
  10. Nice one Sean. I don't know why but I find the gold and black control combo rather alluring.
  11. I think it's safe to say that Nathan Watts may in fact be one of the very few bassists that most other bassists will always enjoy listening to. Definitely picking that DVD up.
  12. [quote name='Clarky' post='531927' date='Jul 3 2009, 07:21 PM']My JJB only took 3 months [/quote] To be fair, it is essentially a standard Precision as opposed to all of his other Singlecuts and super Jazzes.
  13. There was that red & black modded Precision bass that was passed around quite a while ago. Thats pushing back to the Bassworld days though, I think Thunderchief(Mike) and Homerplaysbass(Al) both had it at one point, I think Rayman may have dabbled with it also.
  14. [quote name='Mickb1773' post='531377' date='Jul 3 2009, 08:37 AM']Josh, Any Interest in this [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48362&hl=spector"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=spector[/url] All the best, Mick[/quote] Thanks for the offer Mick but I've only just recently sold my old amber Euro 4 for the second time .
  15. [quote name='Linus27' post='530547' date='Jul 2 2009, 01:07 PM']Like chalk and cheese. Nothing at all like each other. I own both and the DJ has the classic Jazz tone and sounds wonderful. The Stingray sounds like a Stingray which sounds nothing like a Jazz bass. I know not that helpful but they sound totally different.[/quote] +1. You've got the Lakland DJ which is in fact greatly superior to most modern day Fender Jazz equivalents, and also has the bonus of being smaller bodied and usually has beautiful block in lays and a bound neck, and just nails the classic Jazz growl with ease. It's also passive so it's tonal variety is ultimately a little limited. The Stingray is a different beast, although I'll say that IMHO the Stingray is regarded for it's more beefier Jazz tone, whilst having it's own unique slap tone. And having active circuitry gives the bass loads of possible tone variations. It just depends on what your after Chenzo.
  16. Bump for updated main post. Definitely interested in a Musicman Stingray or Sterling and would gladly add money.
  17. Bump. To clarify on the trades, it would be cash added by me.
  18. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='525190' date='Jun 26 2009, 07:14 PM']Has this gone now?[/quote] Indeed it has, it's now happily sat on Squier VMJ.
  19. [quote name='Kongo' post='525051' date='Jun 26 2009, 05:34 PM']Sadowsky are a prime example! Great basses, yes I do like them...kind of an overpriced Fender though but I do like them...But £2000 for a 12 hour job or whatever when you could go to someone else and have it built to perfection...My own work place annoys me cause I like quality, but everything is rushed, quick as can be, then you pay through the nose for it! I'd rather do something perfect from start to finish. So THIS is why I've played some high end basses with intonation problems? This thread has opened my mind and made me a bit more choosy on what I buy next...Learn something new every day. [/quote] Honestly, I find it rather funny that you think 12 hours isn't enough for these basses . Not trying to be awkward but honestly man if you just held an MTD, you don't even need to play it to realize that they are built to perfection. This is totally in regards to MTD basses, Sadowsky's I know can be hit and miss but I doubt you'll find many disappointed NYC owners on here and they wouldn't say no to a second or third. Each player has their own idea of perfection, it's just some are lucky enough to have a vendor to pass their ideas on to and proceed to get their dream bass.
  20. [quote name='Kongo' post='525033' date='Jun 26 2009, 05:21 PM']Not my style TBH. Not complaining about them just...y'know, the "handbuilt" price factor on some basses now leaves me to question.[/quote] IMHO I think MTD, Sadowsky, Valenti and a few others are generally the best at putting out such astonishing basses as quick as they do, especially when compared to the waiting lists for Fodera, Alembic and CT. Also the aforementioned vendors have considerably cheaper prices compared to the latter. 12 hours doesn't seem much but honestly my 535 is truly unique, I'm still yet to find a similar one.
  21. [quote name='Kongo' post='525022' date='Jun 26 2009, 05:11 PM']Carl Thompson basses take years to arrive and they are handbuilt...so above basses must be heavily tool based! What IS handbuilt this leads to question...12 hours is too quick man... Or is it 12 hours over a few days / weeks to let things set?[/quote] Trust me, pick up a 535 or 635 and you will not care how long it took to build, they are truly one of the best boutique basses out there.
  22. One thing to make sure you do skillbass is to really accent the 1st and 3rd notes of the groove, it's a simple formula but it really does change the feel of a bassline that is lacking into a bassline with a structure from which a whole song can be born. The best piece of advice I can give about your recording is to slow down, I can hear you wanting to be clever with the timing (going for the off time etc...) and unfortunately you were out by quite a bit and as such sounded very loose. You really need to grasp basic drum rhythms and actually listen to what is going on. Some of the greatest funk lines are crafted around a rock solid drum beat, both feeding off each other and thus becomes the engine behind the song. It wouldn't hurt to also refine your slap technique which does sound rather inconsistent throughout the recording, there are plenty of videos to look up but ultimately I learnt slap best by someone demonstrating it 2 feet away from me, whereas the videos have helped to show me what can be done with the technique when it is understood and practiced.
  23. I'm just so glad I bought my 535 back.
  24. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='522663' date='Jun 24 2009, 03:20 PM']Cos they need the money for all those L/H tin-openers, cork screws, coffee mugs, porsches etc [/quote] Divorce Settlements and Left Handers Tax also.
  25. This really is a great bass and the craftsmanship is fantastic, honestly in the flesh it could be passed off as a Sadowsky M24 with ease. The bass can easily nail the 3 main classic tones with ease whilst retaining it's own character, both recorded and live this bass delivers. [u]Pics:[/u] And here's one prior to being modified: [u]Specs:[/u] Alder body with a 1/4 inch figured maple cap. Maple neck 35" scale 24 fret maple fingerboard Figured maple Headstock. Bartolini usa CB soapbars. Abm bridge, 19mm spacing. Hipshot Ultralight tuners. Abs case included. The modification carried out by the previous owner Garbev was to have the active circuit removed and installed a new passive circuit which has helped to bring out the true character in this basses tone. Details can be provided on the exact mod if needed. Even though the bass has been gigged quite alot it still is in great condition besides the odd ding here and there, and it is exceedingly light for a 5 string Jazz. Further details on this bass and additional photos can be found at the Siggery website [url="http://www.siggeryguitars.co.uk/roadbass%205.htm"]here[/url]. Also to have one these built new now would cost between £1200-£1400. [u]Trade Bait:[/u] Lakland 44/55-02, JO 4/5, DJ 4/5. Warwick Thumb BO 4/5. Musicman Stingray 4/5, Sterling 4. Spector Euro 5, Rebop 4/5. Or try me with what you've got. I just fancy trying something different for a change. Cash would be added by me for all of the listed basses besides for a Rebop. [u]Sale Price:[/u] [b]£600 includes Hardcase and postage.[/b] Thanks guys, Josh.
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