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Posts posted by Bassnut62

  1. Hmmm....I do love P90s too, especially in a Les Paul Junior; but I was thinking they'd lean more towards rock too...but then I love the clarity....but then I have a Tele and a Strat that can provide all that single coil bite; so maybe I should go HB for the difference; but then they might be too muddy...but then I could have them coil-tapped.....you see the problem?...I don't know what to do!

    Thanks for suggestions so far....think I'll wait for some more.

  2. I was allergic to country for 30 years too; but it won me over eventually....through funk, strangely enough...
    Check out an obscure funk artist called Bad Bascomb and a 7" called Funk City (b/w Crocodile) - it has country in it, which blew the gates off the hinges for me at the time

    Nobody seems to have mentioned Johnny Cash yet....his Live at Folsom Prison LP is a great piece of country blues.

    I think George Jones's guitar playing is overlooked sometimes too....what he can do with a Tele is damn cool.
    Of course Glen Campbell is a killer guitarist too and some of the songs are great, if you can hear past the schmalz.
    Kris Kristofferson is a great country writer and artist too.

  3. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1396771934' post='2417076']
    .....Money is...the driving force behind pubs and small venues employing bands. They want to make money. End of. I consider it right , proper , and fair to take my share as their employee. I don't mind what anyone else does - certainly not what you do - so if you thought my use of the word 'YOU' was directed at you alone , it wasn't. I was addressing everyone as to my opinion. It's the only way to make a businessman - which landlords and promoters are - to see that there's actually some value in what musicians do. If a musician doesn't want money - maybe he or she might consider taking it anyway for all the reasons I've listed and giving it discreetly to a favoured charity , or maybe sponsoring a young player to have lessons or buy decent kit.

    + another 1 re Dr Dave's point

    I think it is almost always true, at least with businesses, that people only value what they pay for.

  4. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1396791814' post='2417344']
    Next time I help my elderly neighbour by mowing his lawn or fixing his guttering, I'll be sure to charge him the going rate and donate the proceeds to the local care home for retired gardners & builders, who I'm putting out of business.
    The difference here is that your neighbour isn't running a business that requires the services of gardners or builders....

  5. Just to clarify....the extract I posted up seemed to me to be about venues or restaurants exploiting musicians.
    It seemed like they want to improve the atmosphere with a bit of live music; but don't want to pay for it.
    Clearly the restaurant is open for business; I don't suppose they are giving the food away free.
    So they seem in effect to be proposing to improve their offer and trade, but do not appear to be prepared to pay the musicians who are adding a significant part of that offer.

    I think it is a totally different situation if it's for charity or for a mate or indeed if it's a genuine promotional opportunity likely to bring tangible audience growth or paying bookings; but this did not seem to be the case.

    In fact my disco band would always insist on at least expenses for any situation.

    Try asking 9 plumbers to come and work for free in a restaurant on the off chance that it might bring them some business!

    I don't believe it makes much difference whether you are in a band professionally or for fun either; the costs of instruments, amps, travel, promotion, etc are still the same either way.

  6. Hi all

    I have a nice Epiphone Dot from the Peerless factory; it plays great and is a far better guitar than ti should be for the cost.
    However the pups, electronics and hardware are clearly how they keep the price so low.

    I am going to change the electrics, pots and some of the hardware; and I am going to upgrade the pups.

    If I go for humbuckers it will be Seymour Duncan 59s and JB with covers, i.e. sweet and powerful old school PAF sound.

    the other option is to go for some P90s.

    I play mostly funk and disco at moment; but love a bit of country, rock, soul and jazz.

    which would you recommend P90s or HBs and why?

    thanks for help

  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396531587' post='2414728']

    Best recorded sound I`ve ever had was through one, really like Fender bass amps.

    Me too and the engineer felt it was best bass sound he'd ever got too....Bassman135...and I nearly sold it recently; thankfully I didn't sell it.

  8. no Just Kissed in Nottm either (used to play that in my old band tho!)
    I thought drummer was awesome too.....guitarist was great on rhythm too tho and some nice lead and a bit of slide.
    thought the keyboard player was a bit invisible most of the time, but that could just have been the poor sound in Nottm.......he did look like they'd just picked him up in a swamp in Louisiana though...!

  9. Went to see GPJ last night. Great gig; but almost no audience.......people of Nottm missed something special; tho the sound was quite poor unfortunately. However v good band, drums/bass.....guitar was pretty hot too. Good to be reminded how much of a gumbo of styles make up the New Orleans sound.

  10. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1396105521' post='2409998']
    I got the impression that the OP wasn't really trying to make a political point. It's just an amusing clip of someone making a fool of themselves discussing their musical tastes with a group of kids.
    I think everyone who regularly has to communicate with teenagers has had moments like this - you can never look cool, it's just not possible!

    Yup, just enjoying another fool making a fool of himself in public......tho I would love to hear Chuck D or Flavour Flav's view on their most surprising fan.

    I also love the fact that Gove is 'rapping' on Wham Rap, which was all about living the good life while on the dole and avoiding work!

    But seriously how could anyone be into PE and not be switched onto some very real truths about the world and become a Tory politician?...not wishing to push any more party politics tho, if poss....

  11. Hey Bubinga, seems we have v similar tastes.....Chaka is probably my fave female vocalist and a goddess in every way I can imagine.
    I fall in love with her every time I open the gatefold sleeve of Rufusized!
    Don't know this album tho.
    Is it from period after she left Rufus and before she made it big as solo artist?
    What's album called too, pls?

  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1396020327' post='2409127']
    Without wishing to get involved in a political discussion, I think Michael Gove is doing a fantastic job, as are the rest of the current Coalition . When all is said and done, his policies and those of the Government as a whole are designed to keep children from less privileged backgrounds in their right and proper place and keep the best opportunities for those from better-off families that really deserve them

    .I am happy about that state of affairs because the long-term effect of such a policy will inevitably be a class-based revolution, in which the kids excluded from opportunity will overthrow their oppressors by violent means, and, significantly, also by using rap. Yes, that's right, rap. The kids are going to rap their way to freedom , and there is nothing that Michael Gove and the rest of his kind can do to stop it. The seeds have already been sewn. It will be like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, but with some Hip Hop grooves thrown into the mix .

    Holy Sh1t, I did think rap could bring about a revolution; but in the words of PE or NWA, not a rap by Michael Gove.......This day is getting more strange!

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