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Everything posted by 16Again

  1. 16Again

    Plug in baby

    This has probably been on here before but does anyone know what effect is used for the bassline of the Muse song Plug in baby? The cover band i've just joined is wanting to do it, can i get those effects through a bass floor pod? i've never really used effects before but bought a floor pod! Anyone??
  2. i get the same with my ricky! Sweatband is the way to go!
  3. i cant beat whigfield (i'd like to though) The bands i've supported in the past; Then jerico Hawkwind Mann Gun Feeder The Silencers Angelfish and more recently with my punk covers band; The Beat 999 The Damned UK subs Dead Kennedys SLF.
  4. I f*ck up regularly at practices and try and throw in a few at gigs One of the bands i'm in does punk covers and during one gig i'd been playing 'rockaway beach' verse by the ramones and everyone else has been playing 'judy is a punk' and they never noticed, i noticed just in time for the chorus i regularly have trouble with my mind wandering during Ramones songs cause they're so basic, great fun though..... if you play the same tune as everyone else in the band! d.
  5. aye aye loon, foo's yer doo's? pearl jam tribute, i'd like to see that! d.
  6. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='40948' date='Aug 3 2007, 03:47 PM']That's what I feel about 4001s! Sorry! P[/quote] no need to apoligise my good man! mines is a 4003 but still ugly just like me
  7. [quote name='andy67' post='37870' date='Jul 27 2007, 03:39 PM']maybe we could meet for beers if we can coordinate? 16again - I assume you know that NIN are the support for that gig?[/quote] aye, i know. even better than that, a friend of mine (a photographer) has got me backstage passes for me and my lady, i cant wait!nothing like that ever happens to me....till now
  8. [quote name='bass_in_ya_face' post='39142' date='Jul 30 2007, 06:38 PM']Paul Simonon...end of debate.[/quote] totally agree, not the best but defo the coolest! d.
  9. They sound great but look bloody awful, imo.
  10. i'm coming down to see the foo fighters at meadowbank
  11. i'm not a fan of 5 stringers but that clover looks real smart. D.
  12. Yip, that is one beautiful bass.
  13. Depends what song really but generally both! D.
  14. welcome andy. All the best fae sheep land! D.
  15. i've just put the bass pod xt i bought when drunkinly looking through ebay thinking it was an xt live! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=016&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=260142649088&rd=1&rd=1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1[/url] D.
  16. Ohh well, i went onto ebay and bought a Bass POD XT, stupidly thinking it was a XT Live, thats what you get when you go onto ebay after a night out. What a cock i am! Anyone want to buy an XT? D.
  17. [quote name='steve' post='35587' date='Jul 22 2007, 04:04 PM']not a fan of rics or fenders , but the hohners are cool[/quote] cheers Steve, the Hohners have a bloody great sound and are the most comfortable bass's i've ever worn, i'd recommend them to anyone.
  18. Just looked it up on youtube. I never knew that! I just wish Mr Lynott wore his bass lower! It's so much cooler lookin lower.
  19. I've never really been a fan of effects but i've just got into a band that'll probably need some and i was thinking of a Line 6 xt live but is it worth the money compared to a few stompers and a tuner? What do you guys think? Anyone got one??? cheers, Davie.
  20. [quote name='simon1964' post='32754' date='Jul 16 2007, 10:21 PM']Nice collection. That Ric looks fantastic.[/quote] cheers Simon, it took alot of overtime at work to get the cash together! I suppose it's the Rickenbacker Phil Lynott would have had if he had one
  21. Nice. Pure evil!
  22. [quote name='Steve Rickwood' post='31238' date='Jul 13 2007, 01:17 PM']I'm a lefty, as so to speak. But I don't know if I count as I copied my brother holding a guitar when I started and consequntly I play right-handed. Maybe I'm a freak?[/quote] I did the same thing! Your no freak! I couldnt afford a left handed bass and didnt have the brain to turn it up side down, so i just learned right handed! I'm the same at golf, left handed but play right handed! D.
  23. [quote name='bassboy115' post='30921' date='Jul 12 2007, 09:11 PM']That Ric looks Fantastic. The white on white looks really good on the precision![/quote] Thanks bassboy, i cant talk about my rickenbacker, i get too excited!! I was going to change the scratch plate on the fender to a black one but now that i've seen it properly,i think the all white looks real nice. i'll get a badass bridge for it. D.
  24. How's it going thomas? welcome to basschat. do you play any stray cats? D.
  25. I'm in love with this just now, My 1996 Rickenbacker 4003,fitted chrome scratch plate today! . I bought this the other week for £300, Fender standard Precision MIM. I used this for 10 years and never let me down,good all rounder,Hohner The Jack Bass Custom. I Picked this up on ebay for £120 ,havent used it much but feels and sounds good. This is an Aria pro2 IGB-SPT, i sent it away to a pro paint sprayer (brian sheperd of Fantasy bike art, brighton),damaged a bit now cause i had it displayed on my wall and it fell off duelly landing on my cat (he hates basses now!) and smashing a glass coffee table but it still looks good...... apart from a hideous headstock and plays like sh*te, though i love it! No idea what this is!! Anyone?? Got it in this state from a friend who was clearing a flat he owns. What should i do to it? All you see is all i've got, no pick-ups,bridge ,it's got active electrics and a through neck!
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