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Everything posted by fabbabass

  1. Lehle have a bunch of switching solutions. Good gear, but reflected in the price.
  2. The Radial Engineering OD is excellent if you have a couple of basses, or even an electric and Double Bass/Piezo driven bass. The HPF and filters on individual channels also work well. I use it for practice to running an audio input in one channel, bass in the other and the headphone out. Oh, it’s a radial DI too and will drive a power amp. For reference I have other preamps; Tonehammer, Bassics, Mesa 800+, which all have DI’s but none as flexible as the Radial.
  3. Ian, knowing the way you go through gear, you may well get it! It’ll be on here in no time😂 I hope you’re doing well. KC
  4. Here’s the link for this one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115662854132?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=PM9l3j69R42&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=nSKFSI0-Sh6&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY KC
  5. Interesting, but WOW, expensive! EBay.com, $129k
  6. Serial number (range) please? Is it after the modification - thank you.
  7. Hello, I would like the unit please. How would you like payment? For reference it’s for a guitarist who has a Vester Jazz with shot pots, so I’m helping him out. Thank you. KC
  8. After four pages, I can’t really add anything! Bought an HX Stomp from Ian. It was shipped promptly and excellently wrapped in an outer-box and bubble-wrapped. Thank you Sir. KC
  9. Big wan, I will pm you thank you. KC
  10. That is a HOOLIGAN rig! It will flap your trousers at 30 yards. Enjoy my Friend. KC
  11. Lehle have a 3 way switching unit that many pros use. Not that cheap, but they do come up used every now and again. I think the ‘1@3’ is the 7nit that will run out to up to 3 amps.
  12. Thank you Ian. Please stay in touch and let me know how you get on with them when used in anger! Thanks too for he comments on my old P bass; it’s special for sure. Regards, Kevin.
  13. I would like some of the cables and will pm you. thank you. KC
  14. That’s our boy! I still think the Manchester/Nantwich/Middlewich connection is there though. I hope any of the Chatters in the Sheffield area are watching out, in case you are using FB Marketplace and using only a local location point. This is certainly the same person. Thank you. KC
  15. CORRECTION : the guy coordinating on FB is Steve Gilbert, (not Ripley). He is collating crime numbers of filed reports. I will ask him if he minds me posting a link to him. This scumbag needs stopping! Thank you.
  16. As an update to fellow Chatters, the guy coordinating the FB victims (Steve Ripley), informed me that a few more people have been in touch with him and that another has filed a report with the Fraud portal for Cheshire Police. If you have been ripped-off, please file reports adding as much detail as you can. Thank you.
  17. I hope folks are reporting all the details to the Police. It does look similar, but like a dog licking’ his balls, they’re doing it ‘cos they can. Luckily i was only caught for a delay pedal, but some folks have had it much worse. I will no longer use FB and only pick-up. Here on BC, there is a respect for each other that builds trust in the trading, but it comes to something when even eBay looks more secure!
  18. Stingray Pete - I will ask the guy who is coordinating he victims. His name Is Steve Ripley and he has his own ad on FB highlighting the scammer and showing the ‘Mark S Property’ page.
  19. Skrill is similar to PayPal. It is a kosher platform, but appears to have none of the ‘trust’ aspects that PP has. The commission is similar/cheaper, but seems to have little opportunity to offer feedback or dispute.
  20. A Mark Smethurst sells pedals on FB Marketplace, under this name and ‘Mark S Property’. I know of five other people so far who have been scammed on FB and Gumtree. He is out of the Nantwich/Middlewich area and asks for payment via Skrill to his [email protected] account. I have a mobile number for him from which he does pick up messages occasionally. I reported the texts, emails and details through the Cheshire Police, link for fraud. Someone of FB who was also taken in is coordinating contacts and I will gladly pass on details to any Basschat chums. Thanks and all stay safe.
  21. PM’d. Thank you.
  22. I’m a bit of a pre amp hoarder!.........I’ve had a few pre-amps and currently still have some; Bassix pre is a monster and drives a power amp well and is great for recording. I also have a Radial Bassbone OD, which is a great DI/pre and ideal for an A/B when using a four and five or electric and upright. I have an Aggy, which as mentioned already is great value on the used market and solid performer. I’ve also still got an Eden World Tour pre with foot switch, which runs the ‘big rig’ (QSC 1600W power with 4 x 10 and 2 x 10 Bag End cabs). I also have a Bass Pod Pro rack unit that has been in use for years when using IEM’s.
  23. Geoff, Many thanks for a seamless sale. best regards, Kevin
  24. I bought a QSC amp from Geoff. Excellent communications, packed as it would have been from brand new. Thoroughly recommended member of this community.
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