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About jumbo

  • Birthday 11/02/1967

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Rookie (2/14)


Total Watts

  1. I have a JB-2 and its definitely my fave bass. They sound great, play beautifully, are very light weight and look great! What more would you want? :-)
  2. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1342351807' post='1733527'] Well on the ME20, there is a delay/chorus setting. The chorus is generic and you can only change the parameters of the delay however. Not sure if it's the same on the ME50? Use the wah to create a similar effect maybe? Truckstop [/quote] Yup same as this for the ME-50b. There's a combined chorus+Delay but the chorus settings are fixed.
  3. A Postal Order.
  4. I have the same setup minus the 115. However I do sometimes add a 115 at our rehershal room. I always avoid the bi-amp mode and run it in mono (this disables the bi-amp so no need to mess with the crossover ) so as both the cabs are getting the same signal. Although i can still balance it with the balance knob to get an even volume from both cabs. Personally I don't see the point in sending highs to one cab and lows to another if both cabs are full range. This method would work better if you were sending the highs to specifically designed cab for highs only. I pretty much keep my preamp settings at 1 o'clock for the valve pre and 11 o'clock for the SS pre. I find this gives a nice mix As for the rest of the settings I usually keep it all flat, sometimes boosting slightly at around the 250hz on the graphic. Occasionally I turn the low contour up a bit if it's sounding a bit too thin. As Lozz says above, start with it all flat and tweak it as needed. One thing I always find is that when I'm using the amp at low volumes in the house, I am constantly tweaking it to get a nice sound. However, when at higher volume playing with the band I just turn it up to the required volume and leave it all flat and it sounds great. Hope this helps David
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1340193269' post='1700705'] Change the valve in the pre if you want some dirt (breakup) I put a NOS Mullard in mine and it sounds awesome [/quote] That's exactly what I did. I've tried some No name made in China jobbie, a Groove Tube Mullard clone and three original Mullards which I hijacked from my ancient old WEM Dominator. Although the old Mullards sound great the amp will still not distort even with the pre up full. Not really a problem though as I just use a pedal to get a dirtier tone with great results.
  6. I'm currently using a HA7000 (basically two 3500's in one) and an XL410. I got the XL410 on advice from this very forum (lozz in particular,thanks). I absolutely love this setup. Whilst I'm not great at describing its various sounds, I do agree with the various descriptions above. One thing I would add to the above comments is that no matter how hard you push the valve pre (even up full) it will not break up/distort. At the minute, and this changes a lot, I'm really liking the valve pre at one o'clock and the SS pre at eleven. Hope this helps
  7. Here's my Tribute JB-2
  8. Hi As Ghost Bass said above try replacing the valve in the preamp. I had a noise problem with my Hartke HA7000 when I (out of curiosity) changed the valve to a Groove Tube valve. After about a week or so I started getting a pulsing helicopter chuffing noise after it had been on for about half an hour. I borrowed one of the legendary Mullard valves out of my old Wem Dominator amp, stuck it in the Hartke and hey presto noise gone! BTW I could hear absolutely no difference (tonewise) in any of the valves I used. Hope you get it sorted.
  9. It ain't over till its over - Lenny Kravitz. Great little tune.
  10. Ordered the Hartke 410XL. Should be here for Friday in time for rehersal. Fingers crossed. :-)
  11. Cheers Lozz. Decision made. It's got to be the XL. Then I'm going to try to be good for a while, be happy with what I've got and not give in to anymore gas. (yea right) Thanks again for the advice.
  12. New dilemma...... Was literally just about to order the Hartke 410xl when I got an offer for a Hartke 410transporter for £100. Does anyone have any thoughts on the TP range? I know it's not as good as the XL range, but is the XL worth the extra £150? I think it might be but I thought I'd ask here before I finally press the button and buy it. Cheers
  13. Thanks for the replies folks, sounds like a close call, both cabs getting favourable comments... I'm still not 100% decided.....but....after checking the specs it looks like the Peavey might be just a little to fat to fit in the boot of my car. Also from the pics of the Peavey it looks like its been fairly ...erm... "well used". A 100 mile round trip to pick up the Peavey, adding another £20 of fuel money onto the price.
  14. Hi All I was just about to order the Hartke 410xl online for £249 ( free shipping ) when I happened to see a Peavey 410tx on local Gumtree for £100. So basically what I'm asking is what are people's opinions on this choice? I realise this is subject to personal taste, however I would value Basschatters opinions anyway. I'm tempted to go for the cheaper option of the Peavey if it was on a par with the Hartke. Also I will be running this with a Hartke HA7000. Many Thanks David
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