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Bobby K

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Everything posted by Bobby K

  1. Bad one Lee would go nicely with your JV jazz i'm guessing mate..
  2. If I had 400 quid Ash, I'd be Lancaster bound mate Nothing in the coffers unfortunately
  3. What Happy Jack said is bang on the money, with regards to a P bass. The bass I always come back to
  4. On the 'bay now, I see. Hopefully somebody from here will pick it up first
  5. Did you add those position markers on the edge of the board at the dusty end? The maple on the neck looks gorgeous mate!
  6. I play in a Kate Bush tribute show called WOW - I feel like a pig in poo as far as the bass parts go; some wonderful lines to be played, as others have said Hoping to be on tour with it next spring. Here's a pic from our Liverpool show last April, taken during BREATHING - prob my fave in the set
  7. Fretless signed by Jeff Berlin too, nice!
  8. Old BB's rule! I've already got two. If I needed a 5'er and had the dough I'd be very interested in this. Bump for a fantastic bass
  9. Ahh, Mrs Doyle, if I but had the cash now.... Surely it won't be here for long!
  10. Woah, lovely looking bit of ebony on that! I love it! Not far away, I really must be careful...!!!
  11. Ok, thanks Al
  12. I'm assuming no need to lightly sand or rub with steel wool in between coats...?
  13. Cheers for the link to the data sheet Al I should've read it first, doh!
  14. Thanks for getting back Lawrence, Letts and Al - i'd spent more time watching my inbox than watching this thread, so only saw this today. What sort of thinner should I add to the Rustins? - and do I add this once the Rustins has been mixed with the hardner that came with it? Also, how many coats of Rustins did you put on? I'm not too precious about the outcome of this, just tidying up what's already there really. In some ways this is pretty much my "test neck" - as i wouldn't attempt this on a more valuable bass! One thing i should've stated earlier is that I had to do a bit of a filling job on part of the board. Some pratt who used to own the bass decided to do a Billy Sheehan-esque scalloping job on some of the frets up the dusty end - so I've filled these in with wood filler and sanded the board with a radius block so the filled sections are now flush with the board and it's all neat and smooth Only problem is, the colour of the filler stands out like a sore thumb! This is partly why I was originally asking about darkening the board before the Rustins went on - I wanted to try and mask the filled sections somehow If they can't be masked, I can live with it
  15. Cheers Rich, I'd guessed as much, just wanted to be sure Nice one B of the B, I'll check in with Lawrence and see how he got on....
  16. Hello again chaps Having just sold my lovely 'ray 5 fretless I've decided to give an old de-fretted bass a bit of a spruce up and I'm in the process of finishing the board. The board is rosewood and has been sanded down nice and smooth with a radius block. Rather than go down the epoxy road, I've got hold of some Rustins plastic coating. After sanding, the board is looking very light coloured. I'm tempted to rub some lemon oil on it to darken it again but not sure if I should do so, before applying the Rustins... Also thought about getting some black wood dye and "ebonizing" the board a little. Once again, not sure if I should do so before applying the Rustins... I'd leave it at the natural wood, but I want to use rounds on the bass, so thought the Rustins would provide a bit more hardness to the board and would be a simpler alternative to epoxy. Just need to know if it's ok to darken the board before applying the Rustins... cheers Bob
  17. Absolutely tremendous!! Gorgeous finish!
  18. Pierre bought my Stingray fretless 5. Easy, pleasant transaction, great fella to deal with, hope to do business again
  19. It's a lovely thing indeed and ridiculously bargainous! I'm smarting after recently selling my Stingray fretless 5, to pay off a debt, so this is calling out to me Loved reading the build diary on Paul's website. I wonder how my long digits would cope with the short scale though and I am wondering, more to the point, where on Earth I'd get the cash from! I need somebody to come along and buy this and put me out of my misery lol
  20. Does the bass have position markers (dots) on the side of the neck? Very tempting at a price like that...! Where in South Cumbria are you?
  21. I have had a little thump on this; lovely bass and top bloke to deal with! Sorry to see it's going Bill!
  22. Wow! Another fabulous bass in natural. I still think about that lovely natural 1973 P bass you had up on here (birth year for me) Once again, this is another stunner I'm short of cash for :-( Nevertheless, bump!
  23. Very nice playing Pete
  24. On hold, may have a buyer, pending the usual etc....
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