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Bobby K

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Everything posted by Bobby K

  1. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1262856' date='Jun 9 2011, 04:17 PM']Great to hear Geddy talking about the Wal basses and the Steinbergers. I think he knows he would sound better if he was using them now but given that they're so rare and old it's best not to be touring with those basses.[/quote] Awesome to see him discussing these things, definitely I'd love to hear his take on the whole "bad live sound" thing though. He's obviously playing the basses he loves to play and ones he thinks are right for his playing these days. He's using in ears and has got the mix he wants. Shame he can't sit out front and watch one of the shows Would love to see the black Wal again As for being rare and old, I don't think it really matters; these things are meant to be played. Probably best not use one of those rare old basses down in his local pub on a Friday night though
  2. Just stumbled across a great interview with Geddy on Youtube, in which he discusses his bass tone and the basses he's used over the years. Very interesting indeed, have a butcher's... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wma2NtQ1CIE&NR=1"]Geddy talks bass[/url] Kind of throws some light on some of the stuff that was discussed earlier in this thread
  3. Here's a vid I took of the guys at the Birmingham show, letting rip in the solo section of[i][b] Freewill[/b][/i] Enjoy! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8cNE7aICKg"]Freewill solo[/url]
  4. [quote name='ednaplate' post='1244499' date='May 25 2011, 05:05 PM']I was at the Manchester gig and noticed on the screen that the black bass had a Fender custom shop logo on the back of the headstock roughly where his signature would be on the er... signature bass[/quote] Yeah, I noticed it too at Birmingham. I also noticed a decent amount of wear on the bass body itself, behind Geddy's right arm, so I think it's fairly certain to be the original Moving Pictures jazz. That red jazz he played in the 2112 overture, with the black pearl pickguard, was gorgeous! I didn't notice at first but the wood on the body had a lovely stripe pattern/grain to it....
  5. The Birmingham gig was great!! Like people have said, the sound wasn't fantastic and Geddy's bass sound was definitely hit and miss. I think it didn't help that I was so close to the stage (2nd row, in front of Geddy) The subs were right in front of me and the vibration was intense to say the least. It was like I couldn't even hear Geddy at times. It didn't take away my enjoyment of the gig though. I had a great time watching Alex, what an absolute legend! The solo in Spirit of Radio was a top moment! Geddy was totally on it too, despite the sound issues. There were some amazing sections where he and Neil seemed to be linked telepathically! The flourish/drumfill at the end of YYZ was just stunning! - we are not worthy etc Yep, Marathon - one of my top 5 Rush songs of all time, great to see it in the set and another great highlight of the gig. Kind of misses the Wal sound for me that one though and was slighly peeved they cut it short slightly, but no big deal I suppose. Fantastic to see Camera Eye finally. The accompanying visuals were superb, with the alternating views of New York and London. Brilliant! Here's a pic I took of Geddy on the night
  6. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='1238533' date='May 20 2011, 06:31 PM']Alan, Ged's black and maple bass is the old 70's bass with neck replaced by a Fender Custom Shop one. I prefer the White blocks and binding rather than the black of the old neck. As for so Many experiencing poor sound, I'm glad I experienced the amazing sound and atmosphere at the back of thf hall at the Glasgow gig!![/quote] I preferred it the way it was to be honest, but I do like the new pearl scratch plate on it. BIRMINGHAM TOMORROW!
  7. Managed to get to the sheffield gig myself last night, as my mate had a spare ticket (will be paying him back on a very slow drip i think!) Bloody 'ell it was loud!! Very boomy where i was, which was up on the side of the arena at the front (Geddy's side) but not too far up. like Kev said, you could only really hear Geddy properly when the others were backing off. He certainly [i]was[/i] giving it a lot of the flamenco thing though; it's integral to his style these days I think.. One great thing about where I was seated was having a great viewpoint of Ged's multitasking. Very interesting watching him playing string lines on the pedals effortlessly with his foot whilst on the bass and singing. Interesting too to see the black and white jazz bass with[i] pearl[/i] block inlays and binding on the fingerboard, as opposed to black. Anyone know if this is his old Moving Pictures jazz bass with a different neck on it?? Maybe it's just a different bass altogether... Anyway, the guys rocked as ever though and now I'm [size=7][b]very[/b][/size] excited about Birmingham!!!
  8. [quote name='moonbass' post='1229570' date='May 13 2011, 03:39 AM']Thanks Bobby. I'm still not sure I can hear a great difference between the pirastros and my current strings (whatever they are!) Did you prefer the feel of them when you changed them? The one thing that seems fairly clear to me is that the mix sound on the CRM seems to be best for pizz. followed by arco then (weirdly) the pizz. setting! To my ears the pizz. setting sounds just like a fretless bass with very little db character. A.[/quote] Yes mate, I think your summing up of the three sounds is spot on! In pizz mode (especially with metal core strings and the EMG's on) you've got the biggest fretless in the world, with tonnes of sustain these pirastros did feel lovely when I first put them on, lovely smooth slinky feel to them. But like i said before, the sustain across the strings is a bit frustrating. For example, the E string is dead as a doornail in comparison to the other three strings! It's particularly noticeable when bowing (which is something I do a lot with the NS) - I think with these strings, my favourite sound is probably the arco mode (for both pizz and arco playing) as it's most DB like to me. Genearally, you get a [i]damper[/i] sound overall with these strings, but like you say, it's not a massive difference overall on the NS, whichever strings you use. I think in future, when I eventually change strings, i'll be looking for a set where the sustain is matched across the strings - this is something I did at least get with the NS factory strings
  9. The stand that came with my CR4M is probably the same heavy duty type that Jean Luc has got with his CR5M and I can't imagine anything like this ever happening with it to be honest... That stand does look really flimsy in comparison
  10. hi guys, sorry I'm so late with this... Here are clips from my CR4M, strung with Pirastro Flexocor Orchs. Just recorded straight into pc, bass and treble at halfway on the bass itself. Playing is a bit flappy, apologies [url="http://soundcloud.com/bobbie-k/arco"]Arco[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/bobbie-k/mix"]Mix[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/bobbie-k/pizz"]Pizz[/url] obviously, as these strings are rope core, they don't work with the EMG's (Ok, you knew that, doh!!) Come to think of it, the EMG's hardly see any use on my NS!
  11. [quote name='moonbass' post='1223059' date='May 7 2011, 12:08 PM']Thanks Bobby, that's useful to know. Uneven sustain would be a bit annoying. I'm mostly playing in situations, where bass guitar would be more accepted (folk-rock, funk) so I don't really mind about the greater sustain from the D'Addario NS's. To be honest I don't know what the CR5M is strung with, but I know they're not the originals, although they seem to be dedicated EUB strings - as far as I know only D'addario do these, but happy to be told otherwise; so I wonder if they are in fact trads. I may never know. It would be good to hear what your Pirastro's sounded like if you fancy posting here or messaging me. In the interests of experimentation I'll try and post some sound clips of my current CR and WAV below (but please excuse the shoddy playing, just thought I'd do a quick recording with no processing to aid choices!) A. [attachment=79249:CR5M_Pizz.mp3] [attachment=79250:CR5M_Piz..._pickups.mp3] [attachment=79247:CR5M_Arco.mp3] [attachment=79248:CR5M_Mix.mp3] [attachment=79251:WAV4_Pizz.mp3][/quote] Hi Andy, I'll give these a listen later and try to sort out some sounds from my pirastros for you to hear in due course. What I do know is that the factory strings on my NS were made by D'Addario especially for NS Design and were supplied on all the NS basses. They just seemed like really sustainy flatwounds to me. I did buy in 2002 though, so dunno if it's changed since...
  12. [quote name='moonbass' post='1222933' date='May 7 2011, 10:27 AM']Hi, Having recently acquired an NS CR5M I'm looking to change the strings. Same old-same old I'm afraid: these things are incredibly expensive and I would rather not be massively disappointed! I actually quite like the (what I presume are) D'Addario Contemporary strings that came fitted on my WAV4, so I'm not desperate to get dedicated double bass strings, especially as this will be for pizz. use only. Plus the D'Addario EUB strings are definitely the correct scale length and won't necessitate changing tuning pegs, etc as I've seem on some other threads. BUT, I can't find any comparisons between the traditional and contemporary sets other than the manufacturer's blurb that the trads have higher tension and are better for arco. I would like as 'db' a sound as possible, but also quite like a slightly lower tension string. Any thoughts would be muchly appreciated (also if anyone has had a good experience of fitting other makes of db strings to an NS CR bass, it would be good to hear from you.) Cheers, Andy[/quote] Hi Andy About five years ago, I put some Pirastro Orchs on my CR4M, as recomended by another NS player. I was trying to get closer to the DB sound, for an album session I was working on. I had mixed feelings about the results. The Pirastros were really good for arco playing. The strings also seemed to have a lot more low end than the NS factory ones and the endless mwahhh of the factory ones was pretty much eliminated. Slightly annoying was the fact that the sustain across the strings was pretty uneven. For instance, the E was totally dead sounding, almost too dampened and the D and G a little less so. Then the A actually had quite a bit of sustain to it, with a decent amount of mwahh I think they were low tension too. The results were definitely closer to DB though, but perhaps not close enough. I find the NS in general to be very much a sound of its own, somewhere in between DB and bass guitar. mixing and matching separate DB strings isn't unheard of though, to get the right balance but like you say, they cost a fortune, so it's not something I did a lot of! I think the pirastro Orchs cost around 120 quid!! Give me a shout if you'd like to hear any sound clips from the above mentioned recording session... *I remember there was a guy on Talkbass called Francois, who was a bit of a strings expert and gave good advice on stuff like this, maybe look him up too
  13. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1215498' date='Apr 30 2011, 07:46 AM']Now i don't feel so bad - thanks guys. Spotted the gear and realised you were well into Rush. On another note someone wrote that he used his fingernails. I may stand corrected again but i think i remember him saying he kept his fingernails at a specific length to allow him to have both standard finger sound and allow that clipping from the nail sound when required by simply changing the angle of his hand towards the bass. I guess you need a certain kind of fingernail for that which I'm lucky enough to have although can't quite get his technique. Still that's Geddy for you. Always one step ahead of everyone else and that's what makes him one of if not the best bassists in rock music. Cheers Dave[/quote] As far as i know Dave, it's the nail that got broken (and subsequently grew back stronger) that he uses mainly and keeps it a bit longer than the others. I may be wrong, but without speaking to Geddy himself, I can't be sure I'm speculating from various stories I've heard. Who knows Nevertheless, all hail the Gedfather
  14. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1214501' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:18 AM']Should have done my research before making any comments. My mistake guys - sorry. What i heard was the Moving Pictures comment as stated above by "jonsmith". Customised Precision was used on some earlier recordings. He obviously used the WAL on the Bones album. No mistaking the WAL tone. You guys are obviously more into it than i am and i stand corrected. Sorry if I've offended. Cheers Dave [/quote] I think jonsmith is right about the basses Geddy used and when. The Wal on Bones was a red one, with a slightly bigger body, with a longer horn than his black one and according to Ged, had a bit more bottom end and less twang. He used this Wal on that tour. Then for Counterparts, he dug out the faithful old black and white Jazz again. Dave, I knew Geddy hadn't changed sides, by the way, i was just playing along I've got Ghost Rider in the house somewhere; I did start reading it but being the most indisciplined reader, I never finished it Must get round to it.. Let's face it, Geddy gets amazing tone no matter what bass he plays, I think we'd all agree. An interesting part of it is that he digs in a lot with his fingernails. I read somewhere about him breaking one of his nails, perhaps his right hand index fingernail and that it grew back twice as strong. I think it's on the Rio dvd, he refers to it as his [i]"heavy bastard" [/i]
  15. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1213915' date='Apr 28 2011, 04:08 PM']Do you have the documentary DVD from last year. It's a great insight into the band. Well worth buying. My mates had my copy since last year. - Mmmmmm Were you aware Geddy used a Jazz to record most of the earlier albums up to Moving Pictures. ? How did he manage to make his Jazz sound like a Rick. ? And we were all trying to make our Fenders sound like a Rick sound like a Fender - whow - confusing. ? Hope you all have a great night. I've been following Rush since 1975/76 first tour i saw was Farewell to Kings. Even then they were way ahead of everyone else live. And they didn't try to cover the mistakes on the live albums. That is true commitment to your fans and their art. Incredible band. YEP - I'm a big fan. Cheers Dave [/quote] Yep, that'll be his black and white Jazz with the block markers. I had a Geddy signature Jazz until last year, sold it to someone on here. Never really got on with it strangely, the tone never sat right with me... As for the documentary, yeah, I've got it. Such a great insight into the band. My girlfriend hates Rush but thought the film was great. I'll be giving it another watch before going to see them...
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1213747' date='Apr 28 2011, 12:40 PM']I saw them at Stafford Bingley Hall on the Moving Piuctures Tour (in the middle of the mob) and at Wembley on what was, IIRC, the Signals tour. I got a front row seat in front of Geddy Lee for that one. Happy days.[/quote] Very nicely done Bilbo, two tours I wish I'd seen them, definitely
  17. If i dig in on my p bass nowadays, with lively strings, preshape activated on the Trace, as well as some high end boost on the graphic, i can get a Rick-esque crank Great for [b][i]Town called malice[/i][/b] at pub/wedding gigs
  18. [quote name='steverickwood' post='1213478' date='Apr 28 2011, 07:55 AM']I had an immense time trying to make my Marlin sound like a Rickenbacker! (It didn't)[/quote] As was the case with me and my Kay p bass copy
  19. [quote name='steverickwood' post='1213170' date='Apr 27 2011, 09:22 PM']Haha yeah - at least I think so. Does the guy from Chicago now play in a KISS tribute? I'm glad they had Primus otherwise I may have missed that one and I was bored of the slap players I heard in the late 80s but Claypool seemed to make it a bit more 'attitude' for me so it was a changer for me. Yes - an amazing bass, although I shoved another EMG in it to get more tone. Trouble is, I'm terrified to take it to a lot of gigs!!! I always wanted a Rick, but I don't do a gig where I could use it. It was the coolest thing though - all hail...Geddy Lee!![/quote] I loved Les's bizarre style with the slap thing and the raking/strumming thing and tapping he did alongside it; yes, it was a fresh alternative to the more established old slappers like Mark King - but then I'm a massive Mark King fan too. Not surprised you feel uneasy taking the Carl Thompson out, but hey, get it out there and show people what it can do An amazing bass that needs to be seen (and heard!) I love Geddy's Rick tone, not to mention Chris Squier's too, and Bruce Foxton's and all the other great Rick players, but I've never really fancied one. Had a go of one years back and just didn't take to it
  20. [quote name='steverickwood' post='1212977' date='Apr 27 2011, 06:44 PM']Cool!! Sadly after the bones gig I was still trying to work out if Primus was the best or worst band ever! It eventually sunk in that they were pretty important to the scene and very cool indeed. I totally loved his basses and took years to find out where to get one. I ended up getting one on the bay last year... I think Cetera has a wal geddy lee he had custom made; totally beautiful, check out his collection![/quote] I'd got into the Primus stuff a bit before going to the Rush gig, so it was a bit of a double whammy for me. Did you get a Carl Thompson bass then?? Amazing looking things aren't they! Nice one.. As for Cetera, I'm assuming you mean a member on here and not Peter of Chicago fame Will check it out....
  21. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1212970' date='Apr 27 2011, 06:39 PM']It's when you break down Geddy's playing that it becomes clear what a master he is. As good as it gets![/quote] Couldn't agree more Chris and [b][i]what a tone he had!![/i][/b]
  22. While we're on the subject, somebody just sent me this, check it out.... YYZ with the bass isolated [url="http://www.musicintheabstract.org/rush-oddities/audio/yyz-rhythm.mp3"]YYZ bass[/url] It was posted on Rushisaband.com, along with other goodies Find them here: [url="http://www.rushisaband.com/blog/2011/04/26/2593/New-Rush-audio-odditiesrarities-from-MitA"]Rush oddities[/url]
  23. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1212845' date='Apr 27 2011, 05:00 PM']you know he's changed side nowadays ??? [/quote] Ah well, Alex will have to do
  24. Nice to see so many of the BC brethren will be worshipping at the altar of Ged Some great posts here... Very envious of Bassassin and seeing all those tours!! Amazing mate! Regarding Primus supporting on the 'Bones tour, I actually got to meet Les Claypool after the Wembley Arena gig! He was hanging around at the back of the venue wearing a cowboy hat, me and my mates just went over and said hello. Don't remember much of what he said apart from him saying that England was far too cold! Enjoy the gigs fellas!
  25. [quote name='steverickwood' post='1212449' date='Apr 27 2011, 11:33 AM']Without a shadow of doubt. Hoping the O2 will sound better than Wembley has in the past. Tricky though with the amount of notes and the big sound for their mix to be perfect live, in every part of what is effectively a barn. It will be great though as always - my first gig I went to was them on the Hold Your Fire tour and that decided for me that I wanted to play bass! Still buzzing from that one:)[/quote] I saw them 19 years ago at Sheffield Arena and Wembley Arena, on the Roll The Bones tour. Was great to see them and all, but had pretty sh*te seats for both gigs. This year I'm making up for it, with seats in the [b][i]2nd row[/i][/b] at Birmingham!! On Geddy's side of the stage too!Did the whole join the fanclub thing, to get the presale ticket notification and got up early on the day to make sure of good seats and it paid off Pricey? Definitely, but i reckon it's gonna be worth it The sound might be an issue, being so close to the stage, but it'll be payback for looking at three tiny little figures in the distance 19 years ago Nice one Steve, would've loved to see Ged with his black Wal
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