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Bobby K

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Everything posted by Bobby K

  1. Hello fellows I'm considering putting some copper shielding tape inside the cavities of my P bass. I'll be doing the underside of the pickguard too. I've read a lot on this topic and I think I pretty much know what I'm doing now. One thing that crops up regularly in the threads is that the copper tape has to be connected to [b]ground[/b] somehow. What is the best way/ways to do this? Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but I just wanna do it right
  2. [quote name='Rasta' post='924652' date='Aug 14 2010, 08:57 AM']Hi, I have a really nice passive Hohner jack bass (Headless neck with a bass body unlike the cricket bat style, sits very nice). This is my back up bass and is getting used very little and i do like swapping my back up to try different things every now & then. Sooo there is lots of info on google on these, great bass, very phat sounding, pretty light and its in a G**tar case which will be provided. Tradeswise, well i fancy trying a CV Squire, any really Jazz or P & happy to add some cash if needs be but not a lot. Or maybe a SX Jazz as i recently got a SX P and quite like that for noodling at home or i may entertain w.h.y. such as 8ohm Hartke XL 15' cab.other basses etc Also i have a 8ohm Hartke 4x10XL cab to trade if a deal comes along and someone is interested. Pictures to follow:[/quote] Ahhh, i loved my old Jack bass and I did carry mine round in a guitar case. First decent bass I ever owned, but was sold on many a year ago. I also love the Squier CV P bass i've got now though, otherwise I'd do the trade with you rasta. Nothing else to trade unfortunately, nor any cash to spare.. I can only wish you good luck with the trade/sale my friend Bobby
  3. This item has now been sold
  4. This is still available chaps, hence the bump....
  5. [b]Hi guys I've got a flightcase that was made for my Trace Elliot series 6 1215 combo. Back in the 90's I got into the bad habit of transporting the amp around without its flightcase and it is now a bit worse for wear. It's now pointless me putting it in the flightcase any more so the case is now gathering dust and is surplus to requirements. This is a rock solid case that was custom made to fit the Trace amp like a glove. It's got battle scars but is still fully operational. Hopefully it is of use to somebody out there. The internal measurements are: 600mm (H) x 470mm (W) x 350mm (D) approx [/b]
  6. Very nice, very nice indeed. Gorgeous colour! it's making want to dig out my old Stu Hamm cd's..... (Oh, that crisp tone!)
  7. Was this the one Jigster was selling? I loved it then and love it now but have not a penny to spare
  8. Price dropped, therefore bump....
  9. My pregnant girlfriend has one...... (Can't believe this hasn't gone, ffs!!) COME ON SOMEBODY!!
  10. Yes, that was considered, but the beauty of having two basses there is that one of them can ultimately be a back-up anyway.
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='815022' date='Apr 22 2010, 02:47 PM']Spanner in the works here... what about a capo at the 2nd fret?[/quote] I did consider it, but abandoned the idea It's interesting that Johnny Marr was capo'd on the 2nd fret on loads of Smiths songs - perhaps one of the reasons why Andy was tuned up a whole step. I wonder if he ever considered the capo...
  12. So the concensus seems to be lighter gauge is the way to go, to try and recreate the same amount of string tension as the standards. Cheers guys, i thought so
  13. [quote name='Paul_C' post='814971' date='Apr 22 2010, 01:49 PM']F 38.7 / B 47.8 / E 44.5 / A 32.4[/quote] When you say "F" do you mean F#? (I'll be tuning the E string to F# after all...) (Actually, just looked at their charts and there is no F#)
  14. Hello bass friends Just wanted to ask about a tuning issue. For future gigs I'm planning on having one of my two Precisions tuned up a whole step (in F# as it were) I'm normally using standard gauges (45-105) but am considering using a lighter gauge for the [i]tuned up[/i] bass, maybe 40's, or even 35's. What are the implications of tuning up a whole step, i[i]s it safe to do so[/i], with regard to the neck etc? I'm in a Smiths tribute. Andy Rourke was often tuned up a whole step on his bass, back in the heady days of The Smiths in the early/mid 80's. I've never bothered with this tuning before now but have discovered that it would make some of the lines a lot easier to play Any thoughts would be much appreciated....
  15. [quote name='Jigster' post='813143' date='Apr 20 2010, 10:07 PM']so come and get it [/quote] Just bought a Squier CV Precision, otherwise would've mate. Pretty sure someone will have it off you sooner or later
  16. [quote name='Jigster' post='812798' date='Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM']well Wikipedia says: Ebonol is an artificial material similar to ebony (Diospyros crassiflora), a black wood from Africa, which sometimes includes grey streaks. Ebonol is commonly used in place of ebony in the construction of stringed instruments, like fretless bass fingerboards, because it is easy to work with and resistant to forming grooves from roundwound strings. Ebonol is technically known as "XXX Paper Phenolic", and is a paper-based high pressure laminate made from layers of black paper and phenolic resin. so there ye go[/quote] Thought it might be something like that. Cheers Jig and good luck with the sale (You know I want it!)
  17. Received my Classic Vibe Fiesta Red precision today..... Very impressed, to say the least. It's excellent quality for the money, no doubt about it! It's just as good, if not better than my MIJ '62 re-issue Precision, at first glance. The true test will obviously be when I gig it. For now though, it's made me a happy bunny! It's even set up really nicely Dunno yet if I'll upgrade the pups and wiring as others have, but i'm not ruling it out Cheers for a great thread guys!
  18. [quote name='Jigster' post='812512' date='Apr 20 2010, 01:22 PM']bump and price reduction[/quote] I had a look at one of these in Edinburgh at the weekend. They look very nice indeed and seem to be a steal at the price being asked! Especially liked the look of the fingerboard. What exactly is ebanol though? (If I had the cash, I'd buy, [i]you know how it is![/i])
  19. [quote name='aerocol' post='810252' date='Apr 18 2010, 01:15 PM']Hi!!! Is this bass still for sale?? I am very interested if it is Please email me if it is still available through here or at [email protected] many thanks Col[/quote] i loved my old Jack bass this is a bargain folks!!!
  20. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='807185' date='Apr 15 2010, 02:33 PM']For crying out loud will somebody buy this. Neapheid's Thunderbird is still winking at me.[/quote] Fantastic bumps
  21. [quote name='faceman' post='804432' date='Apr 12 2010, 11:54 PM']So I decided to add a third bass to my collection recently and have ended up with the Squier's 2010 addition to their lineup. I was going to for something cheaper that could be bashed around a little (a gigging bass) and with a different sound to my current one. I purchased this from the great staff at The Bass Gallery in Camden, London, in return for them selling my Musicman SUB on my behalf. I was enjoying the SUB and hope to own a StingRay in the future at some point in the future. The Teal Green wasn't my cup of tea at all. It was at the slightly hefty price of £349, it can be found cheaper online for around £329 I believe. It came as-was, with no case, strap or anything, but I had the case and strap from my SUB I'm guessing it hadn't been in the shop too long, as these only came out recently and all the wrappings were in tact. It's your standard Precision Bass. Two knobs, one pickup and comes with standard Fender roundwound strings that didn't do much for me. After several days of playing around and being fairly impressed, I splashed out for a pair of D'Addario ECB81 Chromes 45-100 Flatwound strings, at the great expense of £39.99. However, it was all worth it and has made the key difference. [b]Sound[/b] It's true what they say about a Precision bass and flatwound strings - a match made in heaven. As soon as I started playing, I knew this was something else. The sound was growly, thick and deep. Exactly what I want my bass to sound like. You can see straight away why all the great groovy records from the 60s and 70s used Precisions to get that tone. I just [b]love[/b] it and I must say, it pretty much kicks the crap out my other bass. Playing along to all the records I love and having that exact tone is just pure bliss. I was going for the Duck Dunn, Jamerson and Bruce Thomas vibe and have certainly got there in one shot. I've no idea how it will stand up live and how well it will cut through. My band and trio are on breaks for Easter but I'll report back in the future. I've plugged it into my Ampeg 15" cabinet through a Little Mark II but it was too close quarters to make any judgement. It sounded...large! [b]Playability[/b] I'm used to the 'tree trunk' of my 4003, which is wide and deep, pretty much the same dimensions as a cricket bat. In comparison, it felt wide but thin at the same time. Very nice at first play, and one of the reasons I chose this over the Classic Vibe Jazz. Thanks to the Rickenbacker, I can navigate very easily most bass without problems. It feels extremely comfortable, and the body also for that matter too. It's much lighter than my 4003 but not too light that it affects the tone. The action is rather low and has no loss of clarity around the neck. All in all, it's great to play. [b]Looks[/b] It looks pretty fantastic, up there with my blueburst Rickenbacker. It's offically called Fiesta Red but there seems to be a controversy over what colour it actually is. It's rather bright and glossy (the finish me thinks), more than photos would have you believe. The pick guard complements the body very well and the colour was one of the reasons for the extra dosh. It may seem mad to pay extra for the Red over the Sonic Blue but I didn't really want two blue basses. Probably going splash out on Fender chrome bridge/pickup covers for the authentic 60s look. I pulled up the pickguard to look at the state of the wiring and grounding and it all seems to be solid. The soldering seems to be clean and tidy unlike many of the other CV series that I have seen around here. There are some little stains on the first few frets but it doesn't affect how it sounds at all. [b]Sound Samples[/b] I've recorded four of my favourite bass lines with this baby - it's simply plugged into GarageBand and recorded along with the songs. They are in the background to act as a reference point. Ignore any mistakes in playing, it should give you a sample of how great it sounds. Slow Dancing is what I play with my acoustic trio so it's a little more busy than the recorded version because we have no guitar. [b]Do It Again - Steely Dan[/b] - [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionBass/DoItAgain-CVPrecision.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionB...CVPrecision.mp3[/url] [b]Fake Tales of San Francisco - Arctic Monkeys (with pick)[/b] - [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionBass/FakeTalesSanFran-CVPrecision.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionB...CVPrecision.mp3[/url] [b]Slow Dancing In A Burnign Room - John Mayer [/b]- [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionBass/SlowDancing-CVPrecision.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionB...CVPrecision.mp3[/url] [b]Dock Of The Bay - Otis Redding[/b] - [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionBass/DockOfTheBay-CVPrecision.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/PrecisionB...CVPrecision.mp3[/url] [b]Conclusions[/b] For around £300, this has been the most enjoyable bass I have owned so far. Compared to my Rickenbacker, it's easier to play, it's more comfortable and it sounds better. It sounds better off the bat and is a design classic. It's not as unique but with the chrome, I think it'll be pretty snappy. I'd never get rid of my Rickenbacker but I could see it taking a back seat during gigs, simply due to weight and playability. Compared to my first Squier standard, it's a whole other league. It's better than my old MIA Fender Jazz and Precisions I owned in the past, and more fun to play than the SUB. So that gets a hearty recommendation from me. Do try them out at your local music store and post below if you have any questions or if there is anything I have missed.[/quote] Nice one Faceman I think I'm gonna purchase one of these
  22. [quote name='Delberthot' post='801907' date='Apr 10 2010, 04:30 PM']isn't that a towelette for your bum? I'm loving all this older Trace stuff right now. I'd buy it all if i could Wait, I really should be bumping my own stuff but then again if this sells then it won't tempt me to get in the car and head for Stockport for something that I really would like but really don;t need or have the room for.[/quote] After speaking to al wrench about this amp, I can confirm he is a top bloke! This is an absolute steal people! If I hadn't sorted out a rig already I'd have bought this myself (still tempted, if I'm being honest!!)
  23. [quote name='BassBus' post='800767' date='Apr 9 2010, 12:39 PM']Like Bobby K I don't use the mags too much but they can add a bit more depth to the sound of the bridge pickup. On their own the mags sound not unlike a fretless Jazz with the bias towards the bridge pickup.[/quote] Agreed Bassbus. In hindsight though, if I were to go back, I'd probably buy the CR4 instead (without the EMG's). Could've saved myself some money on an already extremely expensive bass
  24. [quote name='JamieR' post='799560' date='Apr 8 2010, 10:12 AM']PM sent.[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=83358&hl="]Here's[/url] somebody looking for a BB fretless
  25. [quote name='dub' post='799562' date='Apr 8 2010, 10:13 AM']Hi there I was wondering if anyone could describe the tone of the NS upright magnetic pickups. I've installed a magnetic pickup on my own EUB which compared to the piezo has stronger mid frequencies which combine well with the piezo. I wondering how the NS EMGs might work as pickups for a bass guitar.[/quote] The sound from the NS EMG's is quite similar to what you're describing with your own pickup and is a nice strong level tone. You do tend to get a bit too much sustain though, especially with the stock NS strings. Whether this is down to the bass materials or the EMG's I don't really know. I tend not to use the EMG's too much on my CR4M though, favouring the polar piezo. Can't really imagine these going on a bass guitar. When you look inside the NS, the EMG's are quite deep, maybe about 5 or 6 cms. Still, maybe it could be done by someone who really knew what they were doing. Wouldn't it be easier to just put in bass guitar specific EMG's?
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