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  1. Yeah, i haa ave a lot of fun with my Tascam GB 10.
  2. Thanks for the info. It’s interesting, but my approach is to put a set of strings on the bass and see if I’m comfortable using them. I am a left hand muter, and when i lay my fingers across the strings skinny strings make me uncomfortable. I like ernie ball round wounds, ghs round wounds, TI flat wounds, Labella flat wounds, and of course D’Addario nickel round wounds, but the don’t last long. The only ones I could find for a 35” scale 5 string were the D’Addarios. I’m wondering what page of mine you found.
  3. Yes it has a truss rod. I guess it’s time for a new bass. When I switched to 5 string a couple years ago I couldn’t get used to the skinny top string, so I went with heavy gage strings. The top string kept breaking when i tuned it to a c, so I tuned it to a b.
  4. I have a 1996 Q5 that I tune E A D G B. It’s a little beat up, but seems to be in good shape overall. I use D’Addario heavy gage strings (.110 to .55) with a .40 for the B string, and I am not able to get the action set right. I took it to a luthier, and he tried adjusting the truss rod but said it wouldn’t adjust anymore. I’m wondering if the graphite neck just isn’t strong enough.
  5. IMO GK should have stuck to their RB line of amps. The new MB models turn me off, so I figure they are just adding another one along that line. Bob Gallien must be 80 years old, so how long do you think GK can keep going?
  6. and to think of it! I just bought a used BOSS GT 10 and a GT 10B. (-: My Zoom B3 has some good features for using with a computer, but the Helix seems to be amazing in that respect.
  7. Thanks, and I really need to find a way to defend myself and the preamp after the Bass Player review fiasco that is going on in this month's issue.
  8. I'm still trying to find a way to get a ce certification for my preamps, before I will submit my exhibitor's application. Then there is the matter of 2 million GBP of insurance for two days. May have to wait another year. I hope not!
  9. A preamp pedal will give more to help the eq, especially a tube preamp. A tube emulator can do similar things. I don't know about for recording, but that's what I've found for live sound.
  10. Thanks! They've gotten back to me. I'll be making all the arrangements early this coming week.
  11. I like a Gallien Krueger RB 700 II or a Fender, and any type of bass will do. I tried both the 100 watt tube amp and the Rumble 500. Fender or Gibson basses possibly. Active or passive. I'll provide strings. I've sent an inquiry to the proper people for registering for the event, but they seem to have forgotten about me. I asked for help with backline equipment, local hotels, tax questions, etc., which may have turned them off. I just hope I can get them to rent me some space for our exhibit.
  12. I'm planning to exhibit, and I've never attended before. Nervous too! I'll be making the trip from the US, so there are issues with getting help for the show, a suitable amp and bass(es), lodging and air transportation, etc.
  13. I never noticed that. I had an ME8B years ago, and I paid quite a bit of money for it. It quit working, and BOSS wouldn't repair it. After that I bought GT 6B, but it quit working after a while, too. BOSS couldn't repair it either. They are really well built, but there are no replacement parts for them when they break. Just a warning.
  14. I'm wondering what is going to replace the BOSS GT 10B. I'm using a Zoom B3, which has a tube emulator. I had a GT 6B, but it broke. I like them both, so hopefully they will come out with a new replacement for the GT 10B. Some songs I like to use more treble, while other songs I like to use more bass. I use different pick ups for different song, too. I might like the treble up with the bridge pick up on one setting of the effects processor on one song and something different on the next song. The volume jumps, though. That is what I use the multi effects processor for. I can switch from song to song, and the volume can be even. I put a DI before the volume pedal, so I can change my stage volume without changing the house volume for my bass. I made a volume pedal from an expression pedal from a church organ to use for this.
  15. nbtone

    Zoom B3

    I like the tube emulation circuits in the B3. I usually need a tube preamp to find anything that I like from my BOSS pedals, but the B3 has some things that work all by themselves with my active bass. I've found some nice tones with my passive bass when using the tube preamp, but I haven't been able to find anything very useable using just the B3. The only thing that bothers me about the B3 is that it hums if you don't have your fingers on the strings, which means that using a piezo pickup on an acoustic instrument is not so good.
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