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mr zed

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Posts posted by mr zed

  1. Hi Russ, thanks for your reply.

    I am in two minds whether to buy on spec & rep (based upon others opinions which is subjective) or whether to consider the 400 mile round trip to see Paul at the Headphone Company's premises.

    Ideally I would like to hear all 3 to hear the different sound signatures but the travel time & cost is putting me off a bit. I could always visit Birmingham when he's next there I suppose which may be an option - still 200 miles though.

    My wallet is telling me to go for the 1964 quads but I feel it's wrong to not seriously consider upgrading to the V6S or the V8.

    [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]I’d rather shell out some more money now for the right sound than regret not doing so later. Having said that, if I only get to hear the quads then I won’t know what I’m missing with the others. That nagging doubt will always be there though.[/color][/size][/font]

    [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]You know what, on reflection, I can’t make this decision without hearing all 3. Stand down. I’m off to see Paul![/color][/size][/font]

  2. I'm looking for a bit more advice guys. I am currently using my Sennheiser EW300 G2 iem system which I am really happy with. Due to (lack of) available funds, I have compromised on the in-ear part of the system to get me up and running (currently using Westone UM2's) until funds allow me get get some customs made. Well, that's where i'm at now. I have had a brief conversation with Paul at the Headphone Company and think I know what system I would like to invest in but thought i'd also ask you chaps on here that may have first hand experience. I'm thinking 1964 ears quads as a minimum but would appreciate anyones thoughts on upgrading from these to either the V6S or the V8's. Obviously there are financial implications but I would prefer to invest more in the right system if that is going to give me a marked improvement over what I consider to be the minimum requirements (i.e. the quads). Anyone got any thoughts or experience with this that they can help me with or even any other suggestions for any other makes?

  3. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1398968766' post='2439602']
    [attachment=161765:bass player.jpg]

    Last September at the Mold food festival................It does sound odd , a bit like the Saighton church primary school (pronounced satan :rolleyes: )

    Complete with Sh1teshirt B)

    Brilliant! Looks like your guitarist has a drawn-on moustache!

  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1393943401' post='2386083']
    Anybody else play the black one of these they had at the LBGS at the weekend?? Very nice....Priced at £1800 for the show, this seems incredibly cheap by comparison...


    This was way too cheap when it was up for sale in Bass Direct and it is way too cheap now! Really surprised this hasn't already been snapped up. Very versatile basses and top quality. Someone will be getting a great bass at a great price.

  5. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1393630837' post='2382925']
    Once you take your bass to a gig, run it up to gig volume levels, add a drummer, a guitarist or two, maybe a keyboard player, and stick this through your average pa... (Not forgetting boomy stages, weird shaped venues and a couple of hundred people,) could anyone tell whether it was maple, rosewood or concrete ?
    This absolutely!

  6. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1392501162' post='2369540']

    My last passive PA was EV speakers and i loved the sound. Had the sx tops and sb122 bottoms so if i did go active i would look at EVs

    We invested heavily in a quality active set-up about 10 years ago. EV SXA 360 tops & SBA 760 subs. Bought covers for them. They still look, sound and perform as they did when new. Perfect. Our monitors are passive with 3 x EV SX100+ and a ships anchor of a power amp in the rack. If I could justify the extra outlay, these would also be active. Actually, scratch that, I'd get rid of the monitors all together and equip everyone with in-ears.

  7. Brilliant - thanks for that. Extremely useful, in-depth and sage-like as always. It amazes me how much time and effort some people are prepared to put in to help other people that they have never even met. This for me is what Basschat is all about. Thanks again Russ and yes, I do believe that I'm hooked. Oh dear.......

  8. Hi Russ - really glad the ACS ambient pack is working out for you and best of luck with building your cable-free stage.

    My Westone UM2's are brilliant - all the dynamics and feel of a live gig - not a processed sound at all (which is what I was half expecting). Comfortable too - or so I thought.....

    At the end of our set and the DJ cranked his system up, I reached for my ACS custom Pro 17's and popped them in (no point in protecting my hearing whilst playing if I am to undo all the good work at the end of the night by listening to recorded stuff at VERY loud volume). Anyway, I noticed a defined difference in comfort between the universal (hard plastic shell) Westones and the custom (silicon) ACS's. Not a huge surprise really - custom fit is always going to be more comfortable, however I think the silicon also plays a big part in this. So, guess who's started gassing for a set of ACS T1's? Started saving my pennies now and it will take a few months but i'm happy enough (more than happy actually) with the UM2's whilst I save up.

    Question is, do I go for the T1's or the T1 Lives (with a view to possibly adding the ambient pack at a later date)? I know you have said that sometimes you like the more isolated feel that you get without the live pack - given your experience, both with and without the ambient pack, what would you do? Also are the ACS silicon jobbies the most comfortable or do you get the same level of comfort from other materials used by other suppliers? I know you've tried a few so thought i'd ask. :rolleyes:

    The other people in my band are starting to take an interest in my IEM's. As a starting point, our drummer is going to plug into the front of my transmitter and see how that works for him. Our lead guitarist (who was wearing ER20 plugs on the gig) kep't complaining that he couldn't hear himself properly. I told him that I could hear all his mistakes perfectly so he is also looking into going down the wireless IEM route. If he does this, we have one spare aux so he can run in mono. :ph34r: Lead singer is yet to show interest but it's probably coming.


  9. Well - it's been a while - time for the update.

    I've now had chance to try out my in-ear monitor system on a gig and, as I hoping it is an absolute revelation! The Westone UM2's are comfortable and provide a nice warm rich sound. No problems whatsoever with the Sennheiser system - clear and with a great range from transmitter to receiver. I even managed to monitor what the rest of the band were doing during set-up from the toilets :P

    I kept everything in the middle of the mix apart from the 2 guitars which I panned slightly left and right so knew who was playing what. Isolation from the loud on-stage volumes was cured with the UM2's in place and I drove home that night with no ringing in my ears :) I didn't get the feeling of being isolated from the audience that some people have mentioned, however we do have 4 vocal mics on stage as well as 2 overheads for the drums which were all picking up ambient noise.

    I could actually hear my backing vocals and could pitch in tune and the bass came through clear and punchy. No distortion and plenty of headroom. I could even listen to what the keys were doing. I was hearing stuff for the first time that only the audience usually get to hear and I'm pleased to say that I liked what I heard. Our soundman had to turn up my vocal level on the FOH as I wasn't shouting to be heard which resulted in a better vocal performance.

    Very very happy indeed.

  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1390267106' post='2343488']

    Just curious; what benefit can oiling a gloss lacquered board bring..? Waxing, I can understand (although of no use to me, the way I play... :blush: ), but oiling..? :unsure:

    This is referring to a waxed maple board that is not lacquered as found on certain Musicman basses. I agree oiling & waxing a lacquered board would be pointless.

  11. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1389812754' post='2338224']

    Absolutely positive, it gets oiled & waxed once a year.

    Can I ask what.oil and wax you use? I intend to add a good oiling and waxing to the maple neck on my EBMM 25th Anniversary on an annual basis - prompted by your post - but not sure what to use. Also do you just do the board or the whole neck?

  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1388667087' post='2324503']
    mr zed -- how did you get on?

    Errrrrrr...........well.............ashamed to say that the Sennheiser G2 and the Westone UM2's are still boxed. After receiving these for Christmas the only time the band has been together with the PA was on NYE for a gig. Didn't want the pressure of setting up for the first time, getting a decent mix then getting used to the system on a gig. I would much rather take my time under controlled rehearsal conditions when we don't have to perform to a good sized audience. So, next week I will pop my in-ear cherry! I'll let you know how I get on.

  13. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1387865218' post='2316549']
    So its either nothing, buy your own or in some cases a bass related item then. :D

    The photo from daughter in navy tops it so far. Great photo and gift.
    Its not about what you get but more about family time.


    This ^ absolutely. Although I'm also looking forward to receiving an in-ear monitoring system which will be used in anger on our gig on new years eve :-)

    Merry Christmas to one and all.

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