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Everything posted by hellothere

  1. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1089658' date='Jan 14 2011, 07:43 PM']I have a debit card from an account that I don't keep money in on my Paypal account. I don't trust people, if someone lodges a dispute then Paypal will automatically remove money from your account and hold onto it until the matter is sorted out. They can't do that to me . This highlights the problems with Ebay's policy of holding onto money from some sales until positive feedback is left.[/quote] They can take your account into debit even if you don't have an agreed overdraft and it is a debit card.
  2. I recently bought Kinder's 4-string and it plays really nice and looks beautiful. Very fair price for this aswell.
  3. Sounds like a sex toy and something to "improve" yourself.
  4. I picked up a bass from around an hour and a half from where I lived and after arriving back home with it I realised there was a buzz on the 12th fret and only on that fret, each day the buzz has got less and less so far. Is this from a change in climate and humidity? And is there a chance it will go away completely without me having to fiddle with it?
  5. Would this work on the back of a neck aswell?
  6. [quote]I think you are right, most people would consider buying a bass with damage to the body but would be put off by any damage / markings or chips to a neck. This includes me.[/quote] Why?
  7. "Couldn't disagree with you more. I bought a £900 bass on the take it away scheme, now fully paid off and i sold it to buy my dream bass. There is no way i would have been able to do that had i not entered into that scheme" Why? And why don't people just save up the money yourself. without the risk that because of some unforseen circumstance you are unable to pay it back.
  8. I thought rust was oxidixation And it is only on the side of the frets, where you can see them going into the fret-board. I'll give them a proper clean all over when I next change the strings. But for now should I just leave it or clean them with something? If I need to clean them what kind of cleaning soultion should I use?
  9. Debt is a slipperey slope.
  10. Your English is better than some people who speak it as their native language And do you mean that if the strings are getting dull this allows you to play them for longer before changing them?
  11. [quote name='dougie' post='1174497' date='Mar 24 2011, 12:42 PM']not only that....your rugs nice too[/quote] My thoughts exactly
  12. Different people find different things easy so I recommend just having a go at anything you like. If you find a song to hard then jsut try something else. All have a chat and decide what songs you would like to play, then go home and all have a go at learning them. Then next practice rule out all the ones that anyone found completely impossible to play, remember which ones everyone struggled iwth but think they could manage with more practice and the ones which everyone foudn they could play. Then practice the ones everyone could play best for a couple of practices while everyone attempts learning the slightly harder ones at home, then after you have nailed the "easy" ones try the slightly harder ones at your practice. You should have a good few songs under your bely in no-time. This is how me and the people I used to play covers with when I was at school used to do it. But by all means ignore my advice if it dosn't work for you.
  13. Some of the frets on my one of my basses have really small bits of "blue rust" on the sides. Do I need to get the bass re-fretted or can I clean it off? It has been like that since I bought it so I think if I can clean it off it shouldn't come back as it hasn't got any worse in the time I've had it.
  14. Tryed steaming it out. It was on the edge right on the top of the headstock and allthough it hasn't came out perfectly it looks alot better. I think because there was a chip in the middle of the ding (if that makes sense) it stopped the grain popping out completely. I find superglue can dry really lumpy so I have used a really thin layer of clear nail varnish and will see how that goes. Now the ding can only be seen close up. Thanks for the suggestion.
  15. Not really my cup of tea, I do like a few of their songs but have to agree with the comments about the singer's voice.
  16. Is it a different neck (I thought it was until I saw the Ryder bit) or did you do somethign to it to make it look like that, if so what?
  17. I am ignorant of theory but in no way try to defend that, I know I need to learn more of the theory side if I ever want to play more than covers and so that's what I'm doing at the moment.
  18. "My friend's name begins with R so it's a pretty sweet bonus!" Same here, I might tell people I had it specially made
  19. Nice, just got some on ebay for £15 brand new. I'm going to try them out either in my Squire P-bass or maybe the Sue Ryder.
  20. Thought so, gonna have to break the bad news to a friend then.
  21. Do any Fender's not have the fender logo on the headstock?
  22. Anyone ever tried them out?
  23. I might dent one of my cheaper basses to try some of this out as I don't want to experiment on my Stingray.
  24. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1160530' date='Mar 13 2011, 02:59 PM'] Nice return, Sir and welcome. Thing is, we've just come off an extended and thread about the merits of tab vs reading. There may be some residual vibes hanging around. The only thing I'd say is avoid the bassmasta tab site. A number of us have found viruses on there. [/quote] Really? I have used it quite often. I've never had a problem with viruses, what kind? And Doddy what makes tabs so evil?
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