I usually can't get arrested most weekends but the last 2 days have been hectic.Yesterdays Dorset midsummer festival with Blues Commotion was fun,well for me least and the precision didn't complain either ! There were a few phrases I went for that didn't come off but that's to be expected and a common problem when the "ego" kicks in ( see Kenny Warners book "effortless mastery" for clarification ) I stinky poo you not but I sware I heard a girl scream when they announced my name through the pa and yes it could've been blind terror! anyway, we finished at 5.15. I then jumped in the car having left my iPad and mike stand at the festival but more worrying was the lack of stopping power I.e the brakes on my car !!
There was a decision to be made do I risk life and limb to drive from Dorset to Luton with very little breaking power. I hate letting people down so reluctantantly continued my journey, needless to say 3 frantically nerve wracking hours later I arrived at the gig with 5 minutes to spare and a nervous group of musicians ( who i'd never met before waiting for me)
Luckily they were a great bunch of guys and helped me load in set up and even got me a drink,bless em.The gig went ok It took a while to get into the right head space but 1/2 way through the 1st set the music started to take shape (a blend of punk classic rock and some soul tunes thrown in for good measure.)
I won't go into the return journey as its to distressing but I arrived home at 3am unloaded the car re loaded with my acoustic bass set up for an early get in at my Sunday lunch time jazz gig
Trafiic in Dorset was horrendous today and with my braking problem meant my 45 minute journey took 1.20 mins making me late yet again with 10 mins to spare this time (wow lucky me !)
The gig however was great,just a duo with me on upright and a fantastic pianist called Dave Shattock on the grand piano and they fed and watered us (Sunday lunch stylee)
Well that's it really. I do love playing but miss the fun excitement and protective custody of touring where everything is taken care of and people adore you,women wanted to sleep with you and give you pharmaceuticals as well as other things.Id hate to think those days are over (well i can do without the women drink and drugs these days ) but to think that more low paid gigs,broken cars,long and stressful journeys and drunk un appreciative audiences lay in wait is to say the least a little disheartening.