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paulo m

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Everything posted by paulo m

  1. Ah well' l thanks for your insightfull reply i guess its the old adage' there is nothing new under the sun....joking aside i didnt expect these ( New to the market preamps to be anything revelationary) for myself as my above script John East's brilliant preamps are still @ the highest standard for replacement & upgrading a Jazz Bass. Interestingly these T.F preamps are for j basses with 'Body Routed' output jacks only....as is the Sadowsky preamp also.... dissapointing that....?
  2. I own the wonderfull JOHN EAST replacement J RETRO & J TONE preamps ( Seventeen years for J Retro) & Six for the J TONE.... Has anyone bought or demo'd these new Trickfish J Core Bass preamps....if so we are more than interested in your thoughts & findings..? i am lead to believe that they are the latest incarnation of the Mike Pope preamp..? Plus extra modification...?
  3. Excellent features that interact very well indeed' multitude of synthy sounds both analogue & poly... phaser' fuzz if thats your bag... i will keep on experimenting with its sonic palate.
  4. DSM & HUMBOLT SIMPLIFIER PREAMP BASS STATION... Cab sim's & blending & Ampeg SVT modeled analogue bass preamp ....with a myriad of routing options...Twin effect loops Twin DI's COMPLEX but rewarding.
  5. Nice Oldie....i believe these were made by Tune Guitars in Japan & have a narrower string spacing....18mm G.L.W.T.S.
  6. GP Lightstone TubeBass 2 Twin Valve Preamp (Handmade in Germany) Twin Channel...Green/ Clean Red/ Saturation... Four Band Tonestack Controls... Pre & Master Volume Controls.
  7. Unbeatable price for an Unbelieveable amp.... Nothing comes close!!!
  8. EBS Valvedrive will give you what you crave & something extra....the downside is its quite a bulky pedal with 12v input....
  9. Ive been using the Cali 76 for years now & ive stopped Squeezing the sound so much...( & i thought i was being moderate with it) i dont play @ high volume...but if you can hear it as they correctly put it Your using too much!!!
  10. Rare Indeed...⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  11. Nordstrand Nj4 SV or SE....
  12. Take it Out' Put it all back in' Then take it out again' F#%! this & F%#! that....& just when you think youv'e cracked it.....Yes' take it all out again!!!!!🤔😉😵‍💫
  13. I put a Jazz Bass Vintage 63 Obsidian wire harness ( No longer in production) into a Squier VM fretless with upgraded pickups also..( Aguilar Jazz H.C) & there is a considerable improvement...in the instrument tonally but' they are a fiddley installation certainly not a five minute job at all & after lots of F%#!!!!! this & just why the F%#!!!! did i buy that.....i was happy with the finished project.... I did buy all of the replacement parts on the used market.
  14. GP Lightstone Tube bass 2 made in Germany' i bought it here on B.C. Twin valve' twin channel 4 band tonestack fantastic passive valve sound pre amp' i believe they retail new' @ around the €300 mark.
  15. THE BOSS LMB-3 LIMITER ENHANCER.... offer's tremendous V.F.M it does the job & it does it well.... on the used market these pedals can found for £50 or less.... One note for this pedal...turn the Enhance Knob OFF!!!! for all it offers his hiss....other than that for myself it is a great introduction to compression @ a very affordable price.
  16. Nice Work indeed...can you offer us a Ball Park figure on a Ramp such as the one above...?
  17. Ive owned Both & their is little to choose between both Empress & Cali 76... The Empress certainly has far Superior Metering over the Cali 76....thats for sure' G.L.W.T.S
  18. Hi Dale...not as yet ive not found a ramp builder in the U.K. & so ive kind of shelved the idea....also its a kind of an expensive experiment in its self... So factor that in.
  19. I tested the Chromatron & to my ears the pedal was just a further development of what had gone before' it didn't have a radically different sound... Just more functionality as just what he had done with the 'Wonderlove Deluxe' the downside was the graphic print on the pedal peeled away when in contact with one's fingers... ( poor quality..?) I personally don't think we shall see any more of that particular filter... & the price.?????
  20. paulo m

    Envelope filters

    I've owned plenty of Filters & some of those are listed here' I completely agree with the analogy that they react very differently with different instruments' I have settled on an original ( & very desirable as they are no longer in production) 3 Leaf GR2 simply because of its, ease of usage Great Squelchy envelopes can be dialed in very quickly & it is an excellent sounding filter' unlike some of the 'way to quacky' laser beam effected boxes available now.
  21. Bargain... If I didn't have two already.... 🙏
  22. No' I use electric instruments & all of our experiences may vary depending on what we are looking for in tone. It's subjective & I've witnessed Orchestral Upright acoustic players refusing to use external devices for the reasons I've stated.
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