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paulo m

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Everything posted by paulo m

  1. Refreshing that this thread is still alive & rightly so.. But I feel we can't review Noble in the same breath as Aguliar' Sadowsky' G.K' etc for they are not of the equivalent price range nor quality... I've tryed the DSM & Humbolt Bass station & it's great on passive basses' but not active circuits! Beware❌ I posted earlier in this thread & remain a solid EBS Microbass II user for its functionality & quality!! I don't dig the EBS Microbass 3 inferior sound quality to my ears.... & remember you get what you pay for... In this department I. M. H. O.
  2. All of these filter choices are subjective & I accept that. I have an opposite opinion with the MXR B.E.F. I found it to be way too Quacky' with laser beam type effects' No down sweep opition.. & it simply didn't perform or deliver a usable sound for myself in a live situation. The 3 Leaf filters to my ears deliver a superior quality sound' with greater user functionality.. & interaction with other effects.
  3. I use a Tech 21 Q Strip @ the end of my effects chain it has both H. P. F & L. P. F which you can punch in or out... Most useful indeed.. I run it straight into the head not' into the effects loop of the amp.
  4. T. C Electronic Dreamscape is a truly exceptional pedal on bass' designed by a Guitar player for primaraly just that this little box can Chorus' Vibrato' Flange' & almost Phase & throw in the Toneprint mode... where ridiculous amounts of Chorus plethora are available... Tough to beat indeed.... "Digital not Analogue" .
  5. Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe' I had the opportunity last week to buy one' this was the latest incarnation of this well..."Expensive" Extensive Envelope Follower & Synth unit. I passed on the sale preferring to stay with my GR2" Just what experience does anyone have with this unit...? & how did they rate it.. V. F. M.??
  6. Quite honestly suprised it's still here... I'd wager it won't be by the end of the day. πŸ˜‰
  7. I use a T. C Dreamscape & favour "Roscoe Beck's" sonic string modulator print & I use a Mini HOF 2 with various reverb's " Shimmering Star" for fretless sounds' they are great Pedals with multitudes of applications the "Dreamscape" accommodates all of the Corona Chorus Prints also.
  8. I've a GR2 & I don't think I will find anything quite like it....for its Wet & Squelchy Envelope '. Also their value is rising..
  9. Especially useful' when used with a small bass combo say' a 1x15' 1x12' or 1x10 for they cannot reproduce those frequencys at best.. i have both HPF & LPF within a Q strip pedal plus extra EQ' which is a bonus also the HPF is great when using an Octaver' "tight low end" & we all appreciate that one....
  10. This won't be around Very Long.... Wet & Squelchy Filter... Up or Down!
  11. Originally an Xotic expensive filter indeed.. Nearly Β£ 300 new & now less than Β£ 200 new from bass direct.
  12. I've had Levy's' Comfort' Neotech' Gruv Gear... The single & the duo straps' which I'm currently using but' I will not be acquiring any more G.G stuff because for myself it's expensive & cheaply made... Comfortable yes' but not made to last... I. M. O.
  13. The DB 924 is battery driven carn't remember if its one or two..? to my ears' of the two it sounds richer in tone both are boost only & @ the same freqs 40hz & 4k... & remember originally in the early days Aguilar made the Preamps for Sadowsky basses. Excellent comparison test this with quality sounds & info... πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‰
  14. Spencer's work is excellent... I've enjoyed every filter I've used live.. & look forward to finding a Chromatron..
  15. Simply for myself his GR2 remains his best sounding filter to- date... So easy to Dial in usable sounds & I've owned his Protons & Wonderlove's..... he just kept adding functionality' to his later filters.. the Core Sounds & Wet Squelch of the GR2 is the finest I've heard.
  16. Funny' do you ever remember D'addario's XL Reds..? they marketed those as copper coated..? The outcome was Green & black finger ends... 😝 they briefly returned as EXP's but then dissapeered forever... These E.Bs Cobalts are expensive strings & if they don't sell in global figures.... They may hold the same fate...??
  17. For people whom suffer from corrosive sweat ( shall we say) or people whom can make a set of strings become very dull & very dead quickly.... These strings fit the bill....
  18. They turn green & become disgusting under your fingers.... E. B will probably stop manufacturing these strings it is a common issue & their are many other strings on the market that will serve you better.
  19. These settings should work fine...
  20. Try these settings...
  21. Hello' just how do you have the internal dip switch's set...? this could be the issue..?
  22. The Microbass 2 is a superb unit... Try combining the channels' engage the Tube sim & adjust the drive to taste..? I personally have the main volume maxxed & use the boost to taste... ( You can back off the main volume & use the boost for varying driven tones) I also run the unit with the 10db pad engaged... All in all this unit has a multitude of applications' unbeatable build quality... The sound is pretty much "baked in" but I've found it doesn't impart any unwanted "Colouring" of your sound unlike the Tech 21 stuff... Of which I've found to have a synthetic quality' in saying this I have a Tech 21 Q strip for additional EQ... which is neutral sounding & adds very little hiss indeed.... Explore the MB 2....i won't part with mine.
  23. Excellent Sound Sample's & real quality filter sounds... πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™
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