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paulo m

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Everything posted by paulo m

  1. Not a lot to choose between any of em' really.... Its a personal nuance.
  2. Best of luck.
  3. At this price they are in direct competition with the Cali 76 compact' which is the best I've heard & used.. Interestingly they have the H. P. F in a side chain also... I do like the monitoring illuminations.... Will have to demo it sometime.... & they have added a grit/ grind element which I find interesting also.... it all comes down to our ears in the end & just what we find a pleasing fatness if you will.
  4. I use a T. C Electronic John Petrucci Dreamscape( Digital) ... Chorus' Flange' Vibrato & Tone prints available.. Pretty Good considering you can use all the Corona Chorus Prints also' I did have a Boss BF-2B Flanger (Analogue) that had been modded with the John Fromell mod' to make more T. C ( S C F) .. But the T. C' J P pedal does so much more... Just remember Not too much effect..
  5. Interesting combination from the custom shop... I've never seen anything like this & I have an Original 76 Jazz made of the same woods & finished in Nitro'. It must be one of a very limited number & Does fender explain why it has a darker neck colour than the body..? G. L. W. T. S
  6. This Pedal will most probably be a winner for Boss' in a very competitive market.. But for myself like many others it leaves you slightly puzzled as to.... is the OC2 mode analogue ? & The Poly mode digital... & when combined are they mixed together as such..
  7. Check out Jonathan Herrera's review of this pedal on the Moullon Forum 😁
  8. I bought five sets of Fodera Nickel's 45 - 105 & I found them to be of an excellent quality & long lasting with even tone' & bright fundamentals... If I got dud strings from ANY manufacturer & I have had.... They go back... The only company I've had bad service from was D'ddarrio the rep I spoke to was a complete A-hole & very uncooperative.
  9. I've tryed a few' Sadowsky' Tech 21 Q 'Strip' Lehle IQ DI' Aguliar Tone hammer But for myself nothing I've tryed better's the EBS Microbass II For functionality & quality sound' build quality' & a myriad of applications.. In this price range.
  10. Lee is a great dude to deal with.... Buy with Confidence...
  11. Hi Lee' firstly thankyou for your reply most informative & very interesting as to how to utilise & get another performance out of these pedals. The Q Strip is additional E Q & is a very accurate one also' I use the H P F & the L P F on the unit when I'm playing through my smaller combo's a SWR Spellbinder Blue or' a SWR Basic Black to filter out those lower frequencies when using the Octave especially'. The HOF I use infrequently mainly with a fretless & the tone prints in the Chorus... which work well together. I shall experiment with your suggestions & maybe even reconfigure the board ' Thanks again for your input most kind' Paulo.
  12. The Q Strip works really well..... Big suprise.. & this board is really quiet' very little noise' which is always a bonus!! ( Can some kind person please explain how the flip' to use the effects loop on the GR2!!) Thank Q in advance.
  13. The Nordstrand NJ4SE..... are for myself his finest pickup.... AS I've owned all of the NJ4 series.... These SV' s are also fine pup's..
  14. The Groove Regulator was the first filter & the GR2 has various upgrades including internal dip switches.. & Wet & dry function blend ability... Of course there are many filters on the market' its all subjective' Checkout the American Talkbass site for the Gr2s reputation among fellow bassists.... Its a winner!!!
  15. I've owned the 3Leaf GR2 for about three years now' & its just a great sounding' filter. I've had V2 Proton & V2 Wonderlove.... (Neither come close). The GR2 is highly sought after & they rarely come up for sale' If so they command high prices £££ For a pristine example in its original box in excess of £ 225.00 & in my estimation they are worth it.. Fat'& Funky.. Squelchy Vowel like envelope sounds' achieved with minimal tweaking' Extremely Versitile ... All in all a tremendous pedal.
  16. Hello' Cali 76 has the superior ((Sound)) for myself over the others.... Its expensive but' you get what you pay for & the H. P. F feature is superb. I've tryed & owned others.... Although they work well.. Compression is a dark art" & you have to use your ears & work with it.. extensively' for its benefits to be fully realised. As for boosters I. M. O forget it... Save your cash.... the one's in your above script are only so-so... Paulo.
  17. LEHLE SONIC SPARK.... do not be fooled' this is an exceptional unit that has multiple use's...
  18. paulo m

    EBS Micro Bass 3!

    Let me be clear about my take on the microbass units' for myself the MB2 remains a superb piece of engineering & I use mine all the time on my board' both channels together EQ pretty flat' mids 500hz with a hair of boost' tube sim engaged' with a suggestion of drive ( I have recently aquired a Lehle Sonic Spark which is astounding for adding a tube like drive' if so desired' but that's a different unit which I strongly champion' & their bass preamp is of an unbelievable quality also) the MB3 could not replicate this.. & the sound for myself ( which is subjective I totally agree) is Thinner!!! & sterile & doesn't have the warmth & fatness of the MB2' earlier in this thread I stated my apprehension about this MB3 being superior too its brilliant predecessor.... & for myself it isnt' & global sales will be its measure... Let's see..?
  19. paulo m

    EBS Micro Bass 3!

    Hello.. Ive finally got my hands on a MB 3 & just what a disappointment!!! the sound is far thinner'compared to the MB 2. After an A&B comparison it doesn't for myself even come close' they have more knobs to twiddle & a reduction in sonic quality' their R&D dept must be shooting for the distortion bass sound that the metal guys use'... The components must be inferior to its predecessor' the tuner & the compression are the additional GIMMICKS although they work well ( and so they should at this price) and along with the conversion of the drive system which appears to be the priority of the unit'..... also their is two of them for sale on this site both as new'... I rest my case ( & both are still for sale..?)
  20. The T.C Electronic Dreamscape pedal is a winner for bass also.....its CHORUS' FLANGER' VIBRATO' & then you have a myriad of toneprints available from all of the CORONA' etc..
  21. The finest transparent compressor' on the market.... Worth the investment.
  22. Every time I've used this gear... (the yellow peril) it sounds okay' then the band starts & the sound dissapeer's somewhat... Also the livery of it all... is an aquired taste.... One of which I havent!!!! All of these endorsed artists are just that... & the equipment is made available to them when on tour..... Who would turn that down..? But to purchase I myself' would look elsewhere.
  23. JACO Pastorius as he swore by these strings... Saying they had something that other strings simply didn't.....pure harmonic Content... & WHO could argue with the tone he brought to the musical world...
  24. This is the Great Gramma... & these isolation platform's are a quality addition to your bass amplification' giving you a consistent low end tightness' & uniform response from dead room' to boomy hollow stage'.... Factor in the carry bag' & postage... I'm surprised to see it still here.
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