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paulo m

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Everything posted by paulo m

  1. Here's my take on my recently acquired GR2..its just brilliant- ive been comparing bass sounds from stevie wonders innervisions cd..this filter has So many applications...& can approximate those sounds..it takes a minute & can be fiddly but id say this is one of the best filters ive come across.
  2. I have the boss Bf2b in immaculate condition which has been frommel modded for even more amazing analogue chorus/flanging sounds...which i may be parting with..? It has served me unbelieveably well & is just an amazing piece of bass kit?
  3. Just landed myself a GR2...instantly useable Sounds' Ooze from this filter...it appears to have a lot more sound options...than The V2 proton' which ive had on my board for over a year..Guess i will opt for the subtle side of things with this...for starters!! as it has a huge swathe of sound going on!
  4. TC ELECTRONIC JOHN PETTRUCCI DREAMSCAPE ..CHORUS'FLANGE' VIBRATO..Pedal..Subtle & with the available Toneprints...great options also..a winner!!!!
  5. Where oh' where...is the EBS microbass II? You must add this amazing little box to your review.
  6. 3 leaf proton has been a nice, small squelch.. move for me' i had an mxr b.e.f & hated it!!! way too quacky & lazer beam effects ....which got totally lost in the mix of the band... ALL of these filters are subjective & of personal taste... Another recommendation of mine the Groove Regulator by 3 leaf' check out the reviews!!!
  7. I would like to add to the last post' that i agree' when you look at the raw costs of materials & time.. some of the prices are laughable!! But there is some great low price instruments out there..Cort' ibanez' make great stuff.. But when the Sadowsky stuff comes out!!! Etc.. i switch off.
  8. May i also add to my last post' that the electronics in the P.S jazz bass.. had a 2 band Fet' pre-amp boost only' 40hz & 4k made by j shur' & Sounded Killer!!! But as for the price tag??
  9. Mr Sadowsky...took his ideas from these fore runners..A parts guitar' quality parts lindy fralin' hipshot' warmoth' etc...but ive played' and seen one in pieces...Not Worth the Money!!!!!
  10. Nordstrand NJ4s..are some of the very best also Jason Lollar are top notch' both are not cheap but you get what you pay for!!
  11. There is a immaculate first year production Oc2 on E Bay..Now!!! its in japan but nothing sounds like them..& worth the dosh...I.M.O
  12. Im Staying with my OC2...why? Because its the Original of this Synthy Bass Sound!! .& while the 3 leaf stuff is good..(i have the Proton II) mixed with the boss...The Sounds is just as convincing as the Octabvre....Plus a big factor for me is that i only use the synth bass thing infrequently...& i dont think this box will out strip....the OC2.
  13. On my board i firstly start with the MXR M82 set to a mild grab\squash..& @ the end place an APHEX xciter before the amp' between these two pedals the tone becomes Fat & fingers on strings sounding ( a la M MILLER).when moving to slap the tone remains present & full ( using a jazz bass with Nordstrand NJ4s & a John East preamp) That WILL LEE type tone....so compression yes......BIG TIME.
  15. paulo m


    GLWTS. ........you never know
  16. Hi there noir' the proton is modelled on the mutron' Whilst the wonderlove is the lovetone meatball clone.......hope that makes sense?
  17. well if your asking about blending a clean sound & the effect level... is answer is no" but for a filter that has a superior sound" and a do it all capacity" the proton for me" only my opinion,,, is the better sounding unit.
  18. Hello sI,"your correct choice is subjective....I gigged the mxr for a year or so before buying the proton... Why? I was asked to create the herbie Hancock. Cameleon sound's which the mxr cannot do!!!! It quacks & doesn't d'wop's... You cannot shift the filter up & down. So I tried the proton & it's so much more versatile & better sounding.....I.M.O
  19. 3 leaf proton....wet & bubbly funk (new version) moved my MXR B.E.F on' way to quacky, & laser beam effects" very synth sounding....good with a OC2' tho.....but ultimately quite disappointing...I.M.O
  20. Excellento,,,1st class guy to deal with 100% on time & on target.
  21. yes paul is a good guy to deal with' 100% on time & on target the hipshot bridge i have from him was well packaged & his description totally accurate. ciao' grazie....paulo.
  22. Fabulous bass with unparalleled playability... Bargain!!!!
  23. f*** me!!!!!!!! Somebody buy it,?!!!? Unbelievable!!!!!!!
  24. NICE BASS.....goddam awful wallpaper:)
  25. paulo m

    Which Flanger?

    BF-2B....I have the fromel modded version...does the job.... The new Mxr deluxe chorus/flanger is pretty good also.
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