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Posts posted by ficelles

  1. Here's a nice Epi semi bass (I've been after a Rivera or similar for a while). Theoretically 40 years old-ish and possibly USA-made. The seller has been kind enough to photo the serial number, but putting it into the GuitarDater site says it's a 1990 Korean model. Anyone know just how accurate that site is?



  2. Need a small (10"?) active sub to sit under my Acoustic Radiator... don't want to lug around some vast Mackie 1000W monster, just need to get down to 31.25Hz for that low B, at humane indoor volume levels that are more jazz than rawk. Any suggestions?


  3. Actually was checking out the Soundblox / hot hand stuff online the other day... looks interesting but not sure about the whole controller thing. I'll have a think though as the demo is impressive... love the Moog kit though, it's so retro it's almost cyberpunk :)


  4. I'm in the mood for something envelope filter-ish... used to have a Line 6 Filter Pro which was great fun at home but just too complex for live, any suggestions as to a nice bit of menu-free kit to try? Looking for something with lots of knobs to twiddle rather than a mass-produced one-trick stomp box...


  5. DVDs:
    Jesse James (Brad Pitt version)
    The Andromeda Strain - GONE

    A set of steel violin strings, hardly used. - GONE

    All for nowt, don't worry about postage, the first address received for each item gets it.


  6. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1317555521' post='1391697']
    just got hold of a fulltone OCD, great pedal, what Akai is it btw ?

    It's just a Headrush... great for laying down a bass line, adding a harmony or two to the loop, then playing a bass solo over the top :) Or even for some nice Floyd-ey type delays, and if you have access to a desk/pa with enough free channels panning the 4-head outputs around the venue can create a huge sound.


  7. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1317336122' post='1389754']
    zzzzz, snore, zzzz...etc..

    deja vu, i think we 'ave met before ?

    people who don't use effects should probably not bother with the 'effects' forum.

    that's why i tend to avoid the 'double bass' forum.


    Sad response. I actually use effects (DLS, Fulltone, Akai plus a few I've knocked up myself) as and when it seems appropriate, but was making a joke. I guess it went right over your trolling little head!


  8. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1316425620' post='1377757']
    Interesting comments; I'm doing some some work for Innovation and these comments are of real interest to me - though I've not had anyone else mention roughness in the silver slaps...
    I wonder, would you mind filling out the survey that I've written? I'd be interested to know any other thoughts you've had about both the Innovation and any other strings that you've used.... (and that, of course goes for anyone else too!) - just click the link in my signature.

    I've done your survey! Limited my response to the 2 current DBs I am afraid but hope it's of use :)


  9. After much deliberation on strings for my tatty old DB I decided on a set of Super Silvers and they finally arrived on Saturday... so they are now fitted and bridge adjusted (nut had been widened for gut/nylon strings long ago) and I've been playing them in most of the weekend.

    So first impressions, they are a very bright silver! A bit garish after the Spirocores.

    But they sound superb and have just the tone I was after. Very rootsy. All the previous wolf tones and buzzes have gone (I think maybe my old student DB is just too battle-weary for high tension strings).

    The output over the lower register is so much more even and no longer boomy on certain notes - open E used to generate a horrible vibration from the bass bar and D used to make the whole bass sound like it was about to explode.

    All sounding good right? The lower tension seems to have cured the instrument's problems and they sound great.

    Unfortunately they are not nice to play. They feel rough and the friction affects my intonation. I loved the slippery feel of the Spirocores and my intonation was pretty good (even though I say it myself). The Super Silvers are less hard work in terms of tension but far more demanding in other ways.

    Maybe this just means I need to improve technique, maybe be more strict about positions etc, but anyway they haven't been quite the total solution I was hoping for. That said, I'm for sure not going back to higher tension on that DB so they are there to stay for now...

    Any other Super Silver users who can comment?


  10. [quote name='Clarky' post='1370128' date='Sep 12 2011, 09:39 AM']Alternatively save up some more and buy a 2-channel 'doubling' amp - eg, Euphonic Audio Doubler or MarkBass Markacoustic. Won't need a separate preamp then and can flog your current amp to help pay for the incomer[/quote]

    Thing is I like the amps and cabs I have... they just need more channels!


  11. Actually still undecided here - the main thing the Raven Labs unit has which nothing I can so far find equals is the two independent channels each with full eq... plus of course individual and global fx loops. It really was quite inconsiderate of the maker to retire :)

    The ToneBone PZ looks pretty good but still shared EQ.

    Is there a neat little box out there anywhere with 2 fully-featured channels or maybe I should just get a small mixer?


  12. Sounds like a grilled capacitor, who knows though. Trouble is that with them fetching around £80 on fleabay you only need a couple of hours of an engineer's time to be spending more repairing that it's worth... I'd be tempted to auction it for spares or repair and find another one. Is the 18v PSU regulated btw?


  13. [quote name='bass_dude' post='1361270' date='Sep 3 2011, 08:20 PM']Hi all,

    I've ordered a double bass from Thomann and they have contacted me to ask how I would like it to be setup. I am interested in playing jazz on the double bass but being new to the instrument, I am not sure of what to ask for setup-wise apart from "set it up for jazz please". I understand that everyone has their individual preferences for set ups but are there any recommendations for things to specifically ask for that generally seem to work well for playing jazz or even just something that would be reasonably workable for a beginner on double bass?



    Generally set up for jazz would mean a lower action than for orchestral... I'm guessing they just mean the bridge and not the choice of strings?


  14. [quote name='Clarky' post='1358221' date='Aug 31 2011, 10:50 PM']If money was no object then I would be going for this!


    No doubt it sounds great, but imho that is one ugly guitar!

    Anyway I'd always go for the Jazz option... roll off the bridge pickup and it's enough like a P that only bassists know the difference, roll off the neck pickup and tone and you get that sound that Jaco and others loved. You can pick up a Squier lined fretless J for very reasonable money to try it out...

    I've always fancied one of those synth access Godin fretless basses, but they sure aren't cheap and once you've bought the bass you still need the synth to plug it into.


  15. I had one (pics below)... you have to remember everything he says about it being roughly finished and be prepared to put some work in yourself if you're fussy! Mine I liked, it had bags of character and sounded great, but it was physically quite large - those headstocks are pretty hefty bits of wood. I didn't keep it as I had a pre-moving clearout and it got earmarked as I had too many basses at the time, but actually if it was still kicking around I reckon I'd be playing it...

    Btw don't forget you'll be paying import duty, but even so they are excellent value. Damn, now you've made me want another :)



  16. Here's a couple of piezo pickups, free to the first person who wants them:

    1. An Ashworth bug-type piezo designed for guitar/mandolin etc, works but there is an intermittent break in the cable right near the pickup so a difficult repair that I can't be bothered to attempt, should be fixable though if you have the patience.

    2. An under-saddle piezo, works but needs the copper strip re-affixing and I guess you'd need to be a bit inventive about fitting it!


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