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Everything posted by ficelles

  1. Need a pre-amp to take live duties in place of my Raven Labs PMB-1 (it's old and no PSU so I'd rather reserve it for home use)... need a pedal or amp-top unit (i.e. not rackmount) that is designed for piezo input, has decent eq, can be mains powered, and has adjustable output that can boost up to line level. Any suggestions? ficelles
  2. Thanks, but it's string tension data I was after... ficelles
  3. I should have kept the '79 fretless Precision I bought new in '79 and not been sidetracked by too many years of lead guitar playing! Also wish I'd started on upright sooner. ficelles
  4. Brilliant gig tonight - I can honestly say it's the first time I've been paid with goat curry. ficelles
  5. Get an engineer. I've set up a 5k rig with 4 foldback mixes and most of the channels on a 24-channel desk used in less time on my own. ficelles
  6. My SWR head is a lot pokier into 4 ohms rather than 8 even though it only bumps it up from 120W to 160W... it seems to change the sound as well. The amp does run quite hot but the manual says to expect it to. ficelles
  7. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1345430' date='Aug 19 2011, 01:40 PM']Marshall aren't really about engineering though, they are all about colouration.[/quote] No that isn't right, Marshall are all about "11". ficelles
  8. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='1344985' date='Aug 18 2011, 11:22 PM']So long as there are no impedance issues there's no reason you can't, but the results are completely unpredictable. With matched cabs the results are totally predictable, it's what you have but more of it. OTOH if you don't like what you have the best route is to find a cab you do like for tone, and use as many as required for adequate output. BTW, fifteens don't inherently have any more punch than tens or twelves, so adding a fifteen to get more punch is operating under a mistaken assumption.[/quote] I always thought 10s gave more punch but then I guess that depends what you mean by the word... 15s tend to have a lower frequency rating than 10s or 12s (a sweeping generalisation I know but usually true within any specific model range) presumably as they have more cone area but then your real low end comes from the cab design rather than the speaker itself. ficelles
  9. Is there such a thing as... a db string tension comparison chart? If not has anyone got the info in their head and time to type it in? ficelles
  10. In the event I was extra careful with the jigsaw cut and ended up with no filing needed, we are now sorted and ported ficelles
  11. The power rating really isn't that much higher (3dB) but the 410 should theoretically give you more SPL. Trouble is Ashdown rigs just don't seem to move as much air as other rigs of similar or even lower power. Same goes for GK imho. Don't remember the TNT as having much of a mid hump... btw they are astoundingly good value s/h, I'm thinking of picking one up and leaving it in the shed as an emergency backup... ficelles
  12. Thanks anyway folks... I pretty much decided to buy one but then decided I'm too impatient to wait for delivery so I guess it's jigsaw + filing out again... maybe I'll be more accurate with the jigsaw this time so won't need to do so much filing! ficelles
  13. Can anyone lend me an 80mm (outside diameter) hole cutter for a day? I have to cut two holes for port tubes and I can't face doing the whole jigsaw rough cut / endless filing out thing again I know a hole cutter would only cost a tenner but I'm only going to use it twice... ficelles
  14. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1341846' date='Aug 16 2011, 01:16 PM']I think you've probably just reached the upper power limit of your cab.[/quote] Well not in terms of power handling - it has 2 x 300 watt drivers in it. I think there may well be a diminishing returns thing over a certain power level with 2 drivers... but anyway I do feel that SWR watts are somehow louder than Ashdown watts! ficelles
  15. Can anyone say how much tension difference there is between Spirocores and Super Silvers? Tia, ficelles
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1339412' date='Aug 14 2011, 10:51 AM']I'm pretty sure it's possible to play any pick line with fingers and vice versa.[/quote] If Flea plays the bass line on Parallel Universe without a pick then I'm a Mongolian Yurt Salesman... ficelles
  17. Played open air at Bristol Balloon Fiesta today (two sets with different acts)... arrived to find a vocal only PA so my rig had to handle the low end unaided... so ok we weren't required to be that loud but I must say my little SWR Electric Blue head into my home-build 1x10+1x12 cab rose to the occasion rather well, even to the extent of the engineer asking for it to go down a little when I had the loaner '63 P bass through it. 160W into 4 ohms is the most it can put out but that was an impressive 160W with plenty of headroom left. Mind you, you could have nicely simmered a casserole on the top of the amp over the afternoon... There has to be some difference in how SWR do their power ratings to other manufacturers, I don't remember my Ashdown 575W head being any louder through the same cab. Or maybe I hit some efficiency limit of the cab with the smaller amp anyway? ficelles
  18. I can't believe I've sat and done this... A - Aria B - Brahner, Bitsa F - Fender I - Ibanez K - Kelly (as in Michael) L - Line 6 M - Manson N - NS Design P - Peavey S - Stagg, Status T - Tokai W - Warwick, Wishbass Y - Yamaha ficelles
  19. Sold a DB pickup to Matt, a pleasant and easy transaction in all respects. ficelles
  20. Is there anyone in North Devon who does bass guitars and double basses? In the past I've had work done by Brooke Guitars near Okehampton and Mansons in Exeter (both extremely good) and the highly skilled Andy Manners at Vintage & Rare in Bath but I'm trying to find someone local and save petrol... ficelles
  21. [quote name='redstriper' post='1337199' date='Aug 12 2011, 02:02 AM']Love the bass line:- [/quote] It's a classic - this one may appear at BrisFest ficelles
  22. 'Police & Thieves" - Junior Murvin
  23. For ages used a Boss TU-3, switched to a Peterson Strobostomp, brief flirtation with a Korg rack tuner, then a TC Polytune. The thing they all had in common was that they took up space, they were in the signal chain, they needed powering, and they were crap for bass. I use a couple of clip on tuners for double bass and bass guitar. I think both are Intellisomethingorother. I tune with 12th-fret harmonics for the tuner, plus my ears using other harmonics. ficelles
  24. Still not found a set of flats I like, they are all too high tension for me especially the G. Any low tension set recommendations? ficelles
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