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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Travelling Riverside Blues. Amazing.
  2. A band I was in used to play a kind of funk grunge version of friends
  3. The Crunge Friends 10 years gone Poor Tom Fool in the Rain Bron y aur stomp Carouselambra Sick again In the light Tangerine
  4. I used them for the first time ever last week. Really helped me out. Answered all my questions on email and phone. Will definitely be using again in the future.
  5. I better buy a 10000w amp then so I can play offbeats!
  6. And....I suppose......a D.I box.
  7. 1 bottle of Jack Daniels 2 litres of Coke Bag of ice.
  8. The pick up has arrived today and I've just ordered the loom from @KiOgon. Next up will be buying some springs for underneath the pick up and ordering machineheads. Hopefully I can get them both from Thomman.
  9. I thought Watts had nothing to do with Volume
  10. That's good to know as I've never heard one. This will be passive too. No room for a battery and no skills to make room for one.
  11. There's a bigger gap between two of the floor boards than the others! Am I right?
  12. After exchanging emails with and a phone call to BassDirect, first time i've used them, I've ordered the Nordstrand MM5.2 pick up. (hopefully i selected the right one). Next up will be ordering new machine heads/tuning pegs, whatever you want to call them. I will probably order the Schaller BM or BMF series. Not really sure what the difference is. Also, i will drop in with @KiOgon as some point and discuss the pot/loom thing with him.
  13. When touring musicals, a guitarist on one show couldn't read music but had his music on a stand next to him anyway. We were on stage too.
  14. Just be a self absorbed, arrogant prick like me. You'll think everything you do is magic and won't care what the reality is
  15. Not a band but I used to not like Bob Dylan but I do nowadays
  16. Can't beat a purple finish, here's one I did last summer. More Joker than Prince tho!
  17. Just checked out the Sims pick up thing. Seems really cool but way above my ability to install it. Does anyone know anything about the Nordstrand MM-5 pups. Do they work in passive basses, do they sound good, need shielding etc? Or maybe even the Aguilar MM ones?
  18. See the thing is, it's relatively cheap. I wasn't expecting it to be the best quality ever. The nut is easily sorted. The neck is tight in the pocket. The hole is tiny and not deep. I've got decent basses with chunks missing out of the side edges of fretboards after years of use. It's just a project. It will be decent once it's finished. Once I get good at doing these things I'll use better part.
  19. Well a mate got a kit as well so we split the delivery. So delivery was about £45 each. Then import is really just VAT and about 14 quid on top
  20. I'll check it out
  21. Sound, that's what I meant by not knowing what that means. Obviously I knew what pots were etc. I used to be a regular on Basschat a few years ago but drifted away. So I'm behind on who's who and what they do etc. Once I've found a pick up I'll drop him a line.
  22. I don't know what that means😅
  23. The first thing I'm gonna do is to try and find a good pick up and pots for it. I'm sure Thomman used to have the 5 string Seymour Duncan but it doesn't appear to now. I've heard the MEC aren't very good so gonna have to scour the internet.
  24. Slight gap between neck and body but it's in real tight
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