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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. It's arrived. Its mostly good. The nut is pretty poor and there is a slight hole in fretboard which you can see in the pic. The neck seems ok though. A piece of metal snapped off the jack socket instantly but I was going to get all new pots, pick up and Jack anyway. The body is good too. There are one or two tiny, tiny holes where it's been glued. But I can live with it. The bridge is beautiful. Overall, quite happy
  2. Had an email off DHL to pay import duty. Should be arriving on Tuesday (11th). Quite excited now, but I'm already bricking it about getting the bridge position right. I thought it would come pre drilled for the bridge but it doesn't. This is the type of thing I could easily mess up. I'm pretty easy with everything else. I've only done refinish and mods before.
  3. I'm thinking of using wudtone Azure lagoon for the finish.
  4. A month ago I ordered a MMB-5 kit from Pit Bull guitars in Australia. I customised the order though. I asked for an Ash body as opposed to basswood and I ordered a Babicz bridge to replace the normal one. Today I received an e mail saying it had been finished and if I was happy they would send it. So once it arrives I will document the build on here. The first thing I will be doing is ordering all new hardware and pick up. I haven't decided on what yet though.
  5. You're all wrong, it's bonehead who used to be in Oasis.
  6. I found the title of the thread a little to arrogant so I didn't listen. Until I read the bag of spanners comment, so I listened to that bit. Funny and correct.
  7. With it being a jazz you'd better check it knows all it's scales. Nothing worse than a bass that can't remember it's scales. All mine are like that!
  8. That finish look incredible
  9. Only watched a bit. However, from what I watched, the fact that it is all guitars destroys it. No tonal variation makes it sound like clusters of notes. I love Stravinsky and the rite is massive. You need all the different timbres, attacks, decays and how they mix. It's kind of an aggressive soundscape. Obviously the lad who has done it is very talented and it's a lot of hard work. So well done on that level but it's not for me.
  10. When I was at music college in the late 90s we did an arrangement of The Rite and performed it live. Drums, bass, 3 keyboard players, 4 guitarists. Good times.
  11. As my son entered he has voted. He was the first one to vote. Whoever voted for him, thanks it will make his day!
  12. haha cheers. I meant do you still you just post a link on here though.
  13. Hi all, It's been a long time. I'm practically retired from music nowadays and the grand old age of 39. Going to and fro in my mind whether to sell up or not. Anyway, my eldest son, who is 9, is getting into music and had listened to my previous entries from a few years back in this and decided he wanted to enter. So he's done this. All i've done is give it a rough mix. So here is his entry This is still how you do it innit?
  14. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/guitarists-stop-being-minimill-an-learn-bass-t1113881.html
  15. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/best-singer-on-ere-look-for-top-band-t1056135.html
  16. [quote name='vantagepointrocks' timestamp='1509099550' post='3396577'] Did a quick search and here it is. [url="http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/joe-satriani-says-michael-anthony-was-underutilized-in-van-halen/"]http://www.blabbermo...d-in-van-halen/[/url] [/quote] Only the early VH records he does more than just pedal roots. There are a few tasty lines, fills etc
  17. Yeah just sack it off! I did for about 8 yrs despite it being my principal instrument. I played drums in bands, sang etc. Eventually realised i wanted to do what i was best at..........getting wrecked.....not really, playing bass.........and getting wrecked!
  18. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1508087042' post='3389658'] Bugger, i missed it. double bugger, i could of met my hero thrice bugger, ... i could of met my hero quad bugger, ........i could of met my hero Just ... bugger, [/quote] If you wanna meet me you just have to ask!😁
  19. Definitely. Ridiculously tight and so much energy. From where I was I could only really feel Rocco. Couldn't hear much not more definition. But man they grooved. I'm in my thirties which ain't that old but I was surprised at the amount of proper young people were there.
  20. Has anyone mentioned this mon?! [media]http://youtu.be/mZZp76M4NGc[/media]
  21. I don't like it. Therefore it's probably very good and will do well. Nowt like U2 apart from the chimy guitar but the song isn't.
  22. Appetite for Destruction-GNR Passion and Warfare-Steve Vai
  23. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1483468507' post='3207405'] They're not definitions, they're opinions - one bassist's 'woolly' is another's (I dunno..) 'smooth' ! I have no idea what a 'musical' compression or EQ is...except to say that the person describing it so likes it Sorry, not much help but I'd say it's a matter of personal taste and it's best to try before you buy if you can. [/quote] [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1483472004' post='3207467'] I agree. Everyone hears things differently. Don't rely on other people's opinions or definitions. If you can't try before you buy, at least try to find demo clip, and judge for yourself. [/quote] oh yeah i know, i was just interesting in finding out what people think is woolly or musical. I mean what is woolly supposed to mean.
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