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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Just realised I started this thread 3 years ago today 😂
  2. Well I've gone at it with 40 grit and it's beginning to get the rest out. Hope the body doesn't end up matchstick thin! I imagine I'll have it back up to 180 in a week or so.
  3. That's the first pass on 80 grit. If every remnant needs to go i will have to go down to 40 grit then come back up thru to 180.
  4. Thread Resurrection! Basically the wudtone finish didn't take well at all. Hardly any went on and it looked a weird green as opposed to what it should have been. I put this down to me not preparing it well enough but who knows. Anyway, it pissed me off so I sacked it off. Realising its a sanding down back to bare wood which I couldn't be bothered with at the time. Now 18 months later, I'm ready to try again. Sand it down and try the customer finish again. If this fails its spraying time. I've bought an orbital sander and started to sand it down. My question is Doesn't every single trace of the previous oil finish have to be removed from the grain for the next oil finish to stick? Cheers
  5. Definitely this. I do enjoy it when you've learned 30 songs in a week and you know the set better than the band do. Also when you play the correct line but they think its wrong as their usual guy has been playing it wrong for years. I once played Alright Now, when it got to the guitar solo and the famous bass line they thought I must be Andy Fraser cos they'd never heard it like that!😂
  6. Seriously though, just go to enjoy it for yourself. It's your experience, not anybody else's. It should look after itself then!
  7. Hi everyone. Just tried it out. I'm really happy with it. Paul, who made it is a legend! I didn't really notice much difference when switching the Ac/passive switch. I'm not sure if it's just because I didn't have the amp on loud. Does this switch just knock a couple of dB of the input or does ot effect the gain knob? I'm not too up on all that stuff. Cheers
  8. Didn't he also write Living in America for Jimmy Brown?
  9. Is that Fuzzdog too?
  10. It's finished, I pick it up this week! Can't wait tbh!
  11. More pics sent to me of the build
  12. The bazz fuzz kit has arrived. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'll put pics up on here when I have finally done it. In about 2036!
  13. Cheers, So no sanding between coats and you don't have to polish the clearcoat. Thanks a lot
  14. Don't know if anyone has the the Fuzzdog Logical thread that I did recently. Someone is building it me. Anyway, in it I said I'm gonna do the bazz fuzz as my first build. I'm going to order it today. Does anyone have any experience of spray painting the enclosure? Is it just the same as spraying a guitar but using auto paint instead? It's more the prep I need to know. Do you sand enclosure to 320 grit? Do you sand between coats? Do you polish the clear coat at the end? Cheers
  15. please remember that I'm not making it. Not a chance of me doing anything like that. I can't wait to get it tho. I'm tempted to do the bazz fuzz as my first attempt!
  16. It's not finished but it's looking pretty cool!
  17. Update on this. Someone is building me one. Got in a conversation with someone who just loves building pedals. He's also an artist. He really wanted to do it, so who am I to argue. Also it will be a thousand times better than if I did it. I will get round to doing one tho. Maybe the Ampeg one. I'll post pics on here when it's done. (The logical one)
  18. Thanks everyone for the input. It was between that and the ampeg clone. Think I might do the ampeg one after this.
  19. Hi, Does anyone have any experience of this pedal or know of a demo video of it? Thinking of building one. Cheers
  20. Mean Mr Mustard Polythene Pam She came in through the bathroom window Abbey Road
  21. So what strap length is the best for metal?
  22. My band practice for 1 hr max and try to blast off 2 tunes every practice. Just get in, play through the 2 we did last week then hammer two new ones.
  23. Obvious really when you think about it.
  24. I put mine between the gap between pickups and the body of the bass as I play some tunes with fingers some with pick. The real question, though, is what is the best pick emergency storage for metal!
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