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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1468917601' post='3094226'] I will probably end up changing along with the key if thats what they want, anything to keep the guitarists happy. [/quote] Don't! Educate them!
  2. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1468880836' post='3094078'] We don't play this unless the audience demand it, but when we do, I always use it as an opportunity to order another drink during the verse, or make any adjustments that might need doing. [/quote]A band i was in used to play Stairway. I used to go to the bar for a drink cos the bass doesn't come in for a couple of minutes!
  3. I'd be surprised if anyone has bothered to publish a bass book with it in as it is so simple. just tell your bandmates to listen to it properly!
  4. Just listened to it (well the first couple of mins). It stays on that same riff in E. As guitarist there ears are probably tuned to the root moving up a fourth as in twelve bar, just stick to your guns and don't move up to A!
  5. Come on! Camden Rob and I demand satisfaction!
  6. I'm enjoying it tho. I'm looking forward to the final outcome to decide if i'm buying one or not!
  7. This one, not cheap tho! http://www.thomann.de/gb/morley_aby_mix_2.htm
  8. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1468687523' post='3092701'] Not knowing anything about DAT, why did you choose to use it instead of VHS. I assume from what I have read, it is video. Was it a much better quality, and was it rare to use? No reason for asking, other than I have never heard of it, and obviously, as it is tape, I will never have cause to use it. [/quote] Digital Audio Tape. It was like CD quality on tape. You would tend to mix down to them in studios so you could take good quality mixes home with you. Or even bounce tracks to them and then take em back to one or two and keep layering tracks etc. You could skip tracks v quickly. This will explain it more clearly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Audio_Tape
  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1468673753' post='3092548'] Either 10CC or The Osmonds? [/quote]
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1468672556' post='3092540'] Horses for courses. . [/quote] Who's that by?
  11. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1468671025' post='3092530'] Top man! Much appreciated. I did put a bit more info in the previous post - long story short it may not actually be needed but I'm just making sure I have a way of getting it done if I need to. Thanks muchly for the offer: I'll get back to you if I need to take it up. [/quote]No problem
  12. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1468670397' post='3092524'] Well in that case... Would you be willing to help out? If so, where do you live? Oh, and can you confirm that you like beer? [/quote] Yeah mate, I'll help. I live in the North West, near Wigan. I do like beer but prefer bourbon haha. You don't have to give me anything!
  13. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1468669132' post='3092514'] That would be the plan, except that if I did then the job would probably already be done. Some kind of remuneration in cash or kind is pretty much a given - perhaps I should have made that a bit clearer... You're thinking of ADAT I suspect. It's the smaller one that looks (and works) a bit like a miniature cassette tape. [/quote] Yeah, I have a DAT player then!
  14. What kind of DAT, the ones like VHS or the smaller ones?
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1468601985' post='3092107'] The rules are 'simple click tracks and metronomes'. There may be some controversy over where the 'click tracks and metronomes' become more than simple... should we say no actual drum sounds or samples? Though you could still have a fairly complex rhythm going with just a click and a metronome... My suggestion is that we go purist - have have no FX, no click tracks or metronomes and no drums. Bass only. Also, the noodles have to be recorded naked while standing in a field of hemp. With a donkey. What do you think? [/quote]I totally agree!
  16. So basically i can jam along to a simple funky drum loop?
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1468577641' post='3091874'] Don't regret the past guys! I'm 'lucky' enough to have managed to still get involved in music a lot as a part time hobby and play/tour when younger, and still study law. I just spaced everything out...didn't rush off to Uni at 18,waiting 2 years, didn't rush to law school, waited 2 years etc. I even had a few years before I actually trained. So, I'm older, but I've enjoyed A LOT. Basses? My 'most expensive' bass is a Musicman Classic Stingray 5 in Natural/maple board. It plays and sounds every bit as good as the money I paid. Wonderful instrument. Unless I came into serious money, I doubt I'd EVER spend more than £1700 on bass. I'd rather have lots of mid range £800-1400 than a couple of £4k instruments. I imagine one of the collectors on here has the most expensive bass, and I imagine it is a vintage Fender. Either that, or a super high end Fodera. [/quote] So basically what you're saying is:- Don't worry if you've f***ed your life up...mine's great! Hahaha
  18. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1468576440' post='3091860'] Yes it ruined mine too... all those teenage years trying to be a rockstar instead of studying to be an investment banker... I'd be retired by now [/quote] Innit, it kills me everyday. It was ridiculous fun and debauched tho....but that means absolutely nowt!
  19. Mojo Santa! Great band name!
  20. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1468538975' post='3091702'] Cheap as chips option. You can set the output level of each channel to your amp on the pedal. I've got one, works perfectly [/quote] I'm glad I've seen this thread because I have recently been musing about this problem after the rejuvenation of my active basses. I will be buying one of these! Thank you Mojo and Santa!
  21. [quote name='DanOwens' timestamp='1467811154' post='3086433'] I suppose I'm ranting, but... My good friend asked me to dep with his band whilst he was away for the summer. He's a guitarist but plays fretless in the band because he's a singer and they already have 2 guitarists. Its kinda psychedelic folk-rock and I've loved the songs since I first saw them and secretly though "I should be their bass player". I was honoured to be asked. On joining I asked for charts and recordings; I don't need it but it helps. I was met with laughter: "Charts? We're too disorganised for charts" ALARM BELLS! I've done a few rehearsals and one gig and the calibre of musicianship and general organisation is far below what I'm used to, but the kicker is the drummer: - Asks "What does that go like?" each time he's told the song title... of a song he's been playing for months!! - Can't keep time - Band writes songs by jamming. The drummer played one single beat for 3 hours last night and still made mistakes - Can't remember structures or arrangements (stops, pauses etc) So now I'm in this horrible situation of depping for a mate for a band where I feel like I've lost the will to live every time we meet. Is this a common experience, that I've avoided so far? I only have 4 more weeks of it, but MY GOD!! TL;DR Joined a band with a sh*t drummer. [/quote] How did you like them in the first place then? Surely they would have been as terrible when you watched/heard them.
  22. Seeing as becoming a bass player/musician ruined my life as i should have done Sciences at Uni instead of music and gotten a proper jobs. I'd say my first bass, an Encore P Bass copy, is the most expensive!
  23. I just knew he would be called Tim as soon as I saw his face!
  24. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1467888042' post='3086993'] I'm 25 and I can't say I've ever seen anyone put down Jaco, stop blaming the youth you old fogey! Maybe the shredder phase has passed but Billys playing with Winery Dogs is immense, nothing cheesy or 80's about it. Like LewisK said, he serves the songs incredibly well whilst still having his flash moments. [/quote] [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1468142190' post='3088775'] Well stick around, you will see plenty on here in time! [/quote] [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1468181837' post='3089116'] Sheehan and Gilbert togther are a musical masterclass.. i really dont see the love for Jaco....its just mumbled garbager [/quote] There you go!
  25. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1468010266' post='3088116'] Boring! That's another reason no one's copied him. And as for NV10538... what a racket!? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater... I've encountered him at trade shows too and found him to be very personable. Also I have the Niacin album and like it a lot!! Including his take on 'Birdland'. I'm just trying to answer the OP question. [/quote] [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1468011007' post='3088124'] There are no Billy Sheehan clones because Billy's playing is boring. Thanks for your definitive answer. [/quote] [quote name='visog' timestamp='1468062630' post='3088363'] Now see I like 'Portrait of Tracy'. It's got form and great harmony. Billy tends to just go for it and doesn't really carry the harmony in his 'lead' playing. I like his jazzier stuff when he stretches out though... Niacin we've mentioned but what about this: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFIGPMdf5nc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=sFIGPMdf5nc[/url] [/quote] Gotta say I totally agree with visog here (maybe cos we are both in the North west). When i was a teen learning how to play i was into all technical stuff like Vai, Dream Theater, and jazzier stuff, weather report, coliseum etc and i just found him boring. Is show off bits were great but when he was doing is 95% of the time stuff (as it has been put) i just thought it was dull. lacked balls n groove. To be fair it was just DLR n Mr Big that i listen too. But I much prefered Stu Hamm. Thought he did all that technique stuff but played more interesting normal stuff!
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