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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1467888042' post='3086993'] I'm 25 and I can't say I've ever seen anyone put down Jaco, stop blaming the youth you old fogey! Maybe the shredder phase has passed but Billys playing with Winery Dogs is immense, nothing cheesy or 80's about it. Like LewisK said, he serves the songs incredibly well whilst still having his flash moments. [/quote] Well stick around, you will see plenty on here in time!
  2. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1468007757' post='3088076'] His "Eruption" is a solo called NV43345 - The title is Sheehan upside down and backwards. Every bass player should have heard this. [/quote] [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1468009244' post='3088103'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6BkznTqaOc[/media] [/quote] Think I prefer Eruption!
  3. You need to get used to have intervals. Play major and minor scales over and over so you get used to the sound. Then play the intervals to get used to the sound. I.e root to second, root to third, root to fourth etc. when you get used to these you should be able to hear what distance notes move when listening to something.
  4. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1467730590' post='3085702'] Yes I remember the lawsuit... Bitter stuff... [/quote] Them mice take no sh*t!
  5. Listen mate, kids take enough off you! Freedom, sleep, fun, the number of times you can get wrecked, lie ins, money etc etc. Don't let the little bastards take your basses too! Also, having a family means you have to attend the evil that are other kids birthday parties. It's an outrage! So definitely don't let them take the your real true love!
  6. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1467205581' post='3081898'] This should be entitled "People still discussing relic'd/Road worn instruments - really?" [/quote] [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1467205993' post='3081908'] Some people like relics, some don't, it makes life interesting when we don't all like the same things.............next subject. [/quote] All members must only discuss what we decide you can discuss!
  7. apples Very small rocks Churches Cider Gravy
  8. Sid Vicious Yngwie J Malmsteen Midi controlled Roland JV-35 The White Stripes bassist Rick Allen
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1465569874' post='3069363'] Do you mean no-one is listening to me personally, or bass players in general? Or both? [/quote] Both!
  10. Who cares! No-one is listening to you!
  11. Everyone should sue ed Sheehan as there is nothing worse than middle class white lads rapping in that Ellie Golding accent!
  12. Why is he sat down? Why is the GnR reunion not original GNR?
  13. Don't think I've ever quit a band but I have been fired from a band I wasn't in!
  14. 21 years and I've never really give a sh*t about my sound. I just plug in eq it for a min or two until it's workable. Then played.
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1460005896' post='3021640'] ... and sneed. You forgot sneed. [/quote]hahahahaha. Well done sir!
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459882397' post='3020597'] Yes, definitely. And I like the fact you can sometimes just pluck something out of the air and there it is, a brilliant musical idea. [/quote] That is great when that happens!
  17. Can any of you get fulfilled just by listening to music, experiencing it? I gig a lot at different levels, pub, musical theater tours, originals etc. I compose. However, I can just put on a great piece of music (musically interesting not just a pop song) i.e Rite of Spring, Kuru/Speak like a child etc and just listen and enjoy it's complexity and beauty and realise how great music is. How its just a natural occuring phenomenon that we manipulate and do amazing things with and that fulfills me! I think of it like the Force in Star Wars! Man! I need to stop smoking so much weed!
  18. You kind of knew who would be number one before you read it, eventhough Rolling Stone famously hated zep. Obviously these lists are bollocks but it was good to see Bozzio and Hal Blaine so high in the list! Pro drummers i know would be mortified that Steve Gadd was so low!
  19. Frank gambale-taking a long time to say nothing!
  20. We had to wait for the football to finsh last night before we could start. I was buzzing! Meant I could watch the game!
  21. David Lee Roth. Not a great singer but sings great!
  22. Everyone in my band is early or mid thirties. Our drummer who joined last year is 54.
  23. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1458499136' post='3008100'] True...His mum goes everywhere with him . [/quote]ha ha ha
  24. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1458492263' post='3008016'] I don't anymore, stopped gigging years ago, thank f***. [/quote]ha ha
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