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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [media]http://youtu.be/J9GeWdObMQY[/media] Is it not straight into the desk?
  2. I'm sorry i just don't get it! It's just songs and notes, whatever song you play you are just playing notes. Just in different orders. I don't understand 'it's got a boring bass part'. It's all about the song. For me the excitement comes from playing music with other people. The group dynamic.The energy created etc
  3. When I have to play something technical I use proper technique. Thumb halfway down neck, wide stretch etc. When I'm slumming it playing simple lines I just have my hand comfortable, thumb anywhere don't bother with correct technique. Keep it relaxed. Each to their own! But it's what works for you, if the notes get played right that's all that matters.
  4. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1429899162' post='2756212'] Muse do it for me, like their music, can't stand his voice for more than two songs. He is,without doubt, a decent ,quite original singer, just sets my teeth on edge. [/quote] yeah it's all that breathing in hiccuping bollocks that does me in.
  5. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1429893089' post='2756136'] Some " bad singers" are among the best ever vocalists! Look at Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Dylan among others. As long as a singer has character to his or her voice, then its ok , certainly by me. In my humble opinion, there is nothing worse than a singer who ruins a song by over doing it, a la Mary J Bilge on that U2 song. Come to think of it, Bonio tends to do a bit of that himself! [/quote]i think Bono operates on the limit of it. I really like his singing! Horses for courses!
  6. Maybe you mean bad singers ruin everything!
  7. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1429879375' post='2755913'] Currently nothing stronger than Berocca multivitamins… which I like to crush into a powder and mainline one packet at a time [/quote]It's more fun if you window pane it!
  8. Also not gonna make it this month, which is a shame as I picked the pic. I've been too busy with the band as we've finally found a great drummer. So it's all been about learning songs this month!
  9. Last night at rehearsal I was told that Richard Fairbrass from Right Said Fred had played bass for David Bowie, Boy George and Mick Jagger before finding fame with Right Said Fred.
  10. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1429471253' post='2751718'] "Hope you enjoyed your RENT, Lord Sausage xx" [/quote] ?
  11. I got asked for my autograph outside the Bord Gais Theatre in Dublin. I'd just played bass in RENT there. I thought she was taking the piss light heartedly. And light heartedly I laughed "piss off" or something like that. Turns out she was genuine. She'd enjoyed my playing and how I was "in to it". Needless to say I felt a bit of a twat. Especially how she still wanted it. I felt a tool giving an autograph!
  12. Just do it for the experience. It's something to enjoy as a life experience. It's not everyday most of us get to go on the BBC. Doesn't anyone do things for the joy of playing and enjoying life anymore. If not give up! I've done jobs where I've not made money or even lost more just for the experience or for fun. Gotta grab life by the balls. Nearly 20 yrs ago a did a couple of gigs for a guy for a bottle of jack Daniels, I love JD so I was buzzing. I did it because i like playing, I'm a nice guy, don't mind helping people. Plus i really like Jack Daniels. He was small time, just starting out producing shows. 10yrs later he was hiring me for pro theatre tours of the UK. The money was good but then again i did that for the experience. Playing with great muso's and singers, living on tour buses and top hotels. I would have done it for half the money. BTW I am good enough to get paid that's why i got the gigs. But I put enjoyment before money in life!
  13. It will sound arrogant but i can be. I am a great front man. If you look at my profile pic. Thats lord sausage. Singer in a ridiculous comedy rock band. We do a flurry of gigs to great local acclaim then disappear for a couple of years. Then come back them f*** off again. I hold crowds of hundreds in the palm of my hand. Magnetic, electric dynamite. Problem is i'm a sh*t singer and only get away with it by being a ridiculous character in a bizarre band. That's why mainly i'm a bass player in normal bands.
  14. Bass into amp (ashdown or Harley benton). Gain at 3 o clock. Then i mess about with eq to find a noise that i like. Master to whatever required. Amp into cab!
  15. I just be honest. If I thought I was good I'll say thanks and had a good one tonight. If I wasn't happy with my playing I'll say thanks but I thought I was pretty sh*t tonight.
  16. [quote name='amnesia' timestamp='1428858488' post='2745342'] I don't get many compliments following gigs...but nobody normally speaks to me after gigs anyway! I appear to be Mr Unapproachable. I have had compliments from time to time, and like others my normal response is "Thanks, glad you enjoyed our set". I only get embarrassed about it if I don't think I've played very well. [/quote] Maybe you do get compliments but just can't remember!
  17. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1428838753' post='2745011'] I don't get embarrassed as such but I just seem to have an in-built cynicism that just assumed I'm having the piss ripped out me. I'm sure it's a horribly unhealthy mind-set but it's just my first instinct whenever I get a compliment and usually ends in me mumbling "Thanks" then heading off. I'm aware I come across as an arsehole of the highest calibre when I do this but I seem unable to respond with anything else. I had some girl at a gig a month or so back say (just as we were leaving the venue) "I'm a bass player and you're much better than me!". How the hell do you reply to that!? [/quote] You say "I'm much better than everybody!"
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1428177419' post='2738913'] Everyone makes mistakes but playing out of time shouldn't be one of them. [/quote] What about playing before/after the beat? Isn't that essentially just playing out of time!?
  19. I kind of air hump/grind.
  20. Stravinsky was always going on about how the best composers steal. Surely classical stuff isn't copyrighted anyway! Tchaicovsky uses La Marseillaise in the 1812 overture. I thought bilbo was being serious with his genius of composition quote!
  21. I think sometimes people take playing in time for granted. I think it needs to be practiced every now and then just like technique. it happened to me once. I hadn't practiced playing time exercises (to a metronome) for a year or two. I heard back a recording that i thought was good and I was all over the place. It's never happened again. I really think a lot of musicians take it for granted. I did a gig where everyone was wearing cans. So i could hear everything perfectly. I told the guitar players that they were rushing slightly when playing straight eighths. They wouldn't have it.
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1427901400' post='2735674'] Woo-hoo! Big orchestral thing coming your way!! Boom! [/quote] ha ha, thought your might like it! i think mine might be semi orchestral (keyboard, midi and samples of course, not a real one) and maybe a bit of lead guitar! I can guarantee a few big chords......they'll be about 6 foot!
  23. Cheers, every single one of you fine gentlemen. There was some great work and it was very close.
  24. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1427843567' post='2735083'] Well done Lord Saus'!! A great track and a deserving win Please message me with your choice of image and we'll launch April's challenge over in the Recording forum. PS: I'm currently away in Edinburgh with work so I might not get to launch the new thread until tomorrow evening. After which normal service will resume... Again, well done - and that applies to everyone. 14 tracks and I enjoyed every one of them. Sterling work! [/quote] Thanks mate, I actually let my 6 yr old son help me with this track! So maybe i should do that every time! haha. I'll send you a pic in a min.
  25. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1427827917' post='2734827'] The GK will sound louder as the Hartke Transporter I am pretty certain has a much lower sensitivity and thus will appear quieter on the same volume setting. Which will sound better is for you to decide and of course, you can always push the volume control up to make up the difference. [/quote]Cheers
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