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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. It can't have said 'to Paul' because Lennon would have known that Paul was dead, died in the 60s. He would have put 'to Billy'
  2. I imagine they will go back and de-mix then remix all the early stuff that was recorded in 2 track and mono like they have done with revolver!
  3. You'll never hear me say that 😆
  4. Totally agree with all of that especially the first sentence. Think I'm going soft in my middle age. I've never been a beatles fanatic either. Always liked em but never a superfan!
  5. I really like it. Nice chord progression, some interesting changes and a beautiful melody. That's what good music is all about fundamentally.
  6. How has this happened I was in the boxing thread? 🤣
  7. Quite interested in the Fury/Ngannou bout but not enough to pay that amount for it.
  8. But what fingers are the best for metal?
  9. Steve Vai records always sound immaculate.
  10. A funk shuffle version of the melody to 'somewhere over the rainbow'
  11. And The Planet Suite by Holst
  12. I'm trying to remember back to Uni now. But I think Stravinsky in his Neo-classical phase used to borrow a bit from Purcell, especially the bass parts so it's probably a good shout. Of course you can't go wrong with Stravinsky. Be interesting play along especially if you like Zappa. We did a prog rock version of parts of The Rite of Spring at college. One of the best things I've ever done musically.
  13. Wonderful, love a bit of Bela. Fantastic stuff
  14. That's how I started. My first teacher was a classical guitarist. Started me off playing Bach etudes on my Encore P bass.
  15. Wasn't that something to do with the operation he had on his sinuses between Slide it in and 87. Wasn't he out of action for a year or two. I remember hearing an interview with Def Leppard around Hysteria and Joe Elliot was saying he was just happy that Cov was back and able to sing again. I love Coverdale and think he still sounds good on 87. But that was his last hurrah in terms of the top of his range. He sounds awful on Slip of the Tongue. Still awesome in lower register tho.
  16. I went backwards through Whitesnake. Steve Vai was my entry. I loved Stevie when I was 14, still do. At around that time Greatest hits came out but it was just the Geffen era. They toured at the same time, 94 I think. I saw them at Manchester Apollo. I was 15. It was so uncool to be into that stuff at that age in 94. Anyway that got me into late whitesnake and I just went backwards through it and tbh I prefer the early stuff. Come and Get it being the best album to me!
  17. Might just take your life is a great track. Burn us probably their best album. I was at music college in the 90s when i was 16 and one of lecturers started playing Might just take life on piano. A mate and I were buzzing cos he knew it and he was surprised that we knew it!
  18. These two. They are just kicking donkey on both em.
  19. Cheers. Not what I expected. I have a CIJ 62 reissue Fretless jazz. That I bought for £400 about 10 years ago and it was about 10 years old when I bought it. Not that I'm interested in selling it despite it never really getting played. Just surprising.
  20. All true but tbh Chad is the one in the chilli's who does it for me.
  21. I'm not trying to cause trouble, I'm probably just a bit ignorant, but how come it's that much for a CIJ? Is that how much they go for nowadays? I assumed Japanese ones were much cheaper than the US. Or is it just this model? Just interested to know
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