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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1427824802' post='2734756'] I'd have thought either would be up to a gig volume wise and the only question would be which sound was preferable. [/quote] Yeah was just wondering really and wondering what peoples experiences were!
  2. I have a GK MBE 212. I've not used it much. Mainly I've been doing theatre gigs and been DI'd. However, I've just got a band going and one of the band members owns a rehearsal/recording studio. He's a mate so he says I can use his gear for this band. He has an Ampeg head (valve) that needs new valves and an ashdown mag 300 H I think. He also has a Hartke transporter cab (4x10) so at rehearsal I've been using that with the ashdown. The GK is 2x12, 600w @8 ohm The hartke 4x10 300w@8ohm I ain't sure what the ashdown is But what do you reckon will sound louder, the Gk or the Hartke? Would the Hartke sound louder as it has more speakers or the Gk as you could put more through, but I'm guessing the amp is only 300w. What would it sound like putting it through a 2x12 and a 4x10 at the same time? how would you stack that? Anyone any experience of using above combination of speakers( In terms of size) Just wondering really. This just came into my head now as i was wondering about which cab to use for a gig!
  3. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1427740082' post='2733734'] I had to edit the post. Originally (and a thick moment accident), I typed 'The' Sausage!....lol.... [/quote] Ha ha, that's even better!
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1427734488' post='2733642'] Just having a listen at the moment, finding it hard to pick out three. Some interesting stuff going on and well done all. Ok, went for Skol, Leonard Smalls and The Lord Sausage. For some reason the SoundCloud iPad app is not letting me post comments at the moment (sorry folks). [/quote] Thanks, i like the 'The' prefix to my name. Makes me sound more regal than i am!
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1427634989' post='2732490'] Play of the Day... All of them can be heard here... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/258557-march-composition-challenge-voting/"]March Composition Challenge - VOTING![/url] ... and this 'Play of the Day' here ... [b]Lord Sausage[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/new-yoik"]‘New Yoik!’[/url] A seemingly false start from an electric piano, repeated, but we’ve been tricked; the beat is already established, as witnessed by the heavy, muted bass riff, accentuated and definitively sealed by the pulsing, kick-laden drums. An assertive brass section kicks in with a solid riff, to which is added an exuberant Hammond (B3..?) stabbing out a fine display of R&B, jazz, Blue Flames, Leslied licks. A brief intermission in the form of ‘question-answers’ between a solitary flute and a concert grand on steroids inject a breath of fresh air until the brass and keys impose once again their domination, only to concede the space in turn to a hot sax. The rhythm section continues to provide a solid background to this soloist whilst fading away joyously into the distance. Faultless execution from all instruments, a strong arrangement of a solid, seemingly simple composition and a certain sense of humour lend authenticity to this excellent work. The overall timbre matches the picture very well, despite there being no direct reference; merely the sounds evoke the scene in a convincing manner. Top job. Respect. The next will feature... [b]bobbass4k [/b][url="http://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/anisotropic"]‘Anisotropic’[/url] Until then... Have a nice day Douglas [/quote] Why thank you very much. In terms of Top Job and respect that should be aimed at you for your constant spot on analysis of everyone's work.
  6. But what is the best new metal band for metal?
  7. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1427545321' post='2731589'] Unnecessary use of the present participle of verbs: "I'm loving your bass", "I'm liking this book" etc. [/quote] Yeah, I hate 'hating'. Why you hating on me. I also dislike when people say hashtag. And this trend of people saying 'Just saying' And people who use 'simples' are ***** in my book. Talk about being weak minded. To be influenced by a f***ing annoying advert that's there to take money off you. Then on top of that thinking it's cool. Oh dear!
  8. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1427473507' post='2730890'] Argh, why did I start following this thread? I'm after one of these http://www.thomann.de/gb/standback_ampstand.htm which don't seem to be available in the UK, but the thought of paying 10EUR shipping when the thing is only 24EUR is somewhat grating... so my twisted logic says, spend more money to save that 10EUR! Trouble is I'd still be 50EUR short even if I added one of those babies [/quote] Ha ha. That's how my logic works too
  9. to stop being a nobhed for once i actually just alternate playing diminished and augmented shapes. Playing crotchets on each note , then two quavers on each note, then a quaver on each note then two semi quavers on each note. Then start again. I do that for about 5 mins and it sorts me out!
  10. Mine is quite a monastic hard core ritual to warming up. It takes years of practice, dedication, meditation and application. Basically it involves two Jack Daniels and Cokes and an Embassy Number 1. Then I'm ready to go!
  11. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1427507120' post='2731359'] Funnily enough, I'm doing a paper on Haydn and Boulez comparisions haha! Later romantic stuff (like much of the American stuff, Barber, Moore etc) is my favourite, so effortlessly beautiful. Barber had a way with melody. Bartok is a love hate relationship. Fascinating music, and dissecting it for harmony classes makes me hate it, but love it even more. Bach for me though is the life blood of music. Spent much of my mid teens learning, and playing a new Bach piece a day. Should really get back into that habit actually! I'm hoping to 'major' in composition in Uni after next year, but I have distinct lack of natural talent, but hoping my composition classes next year give me the kick up the arse I need! Discovered Messiaen at university, the quartet for the end of time is hauntingly beautiful. As a Bass trombone player, I have great love for Tchaikovsky! Ralph Vaugh Williams and Felix Mendelssohn have been my "go to" composers for relaxing recently. (The Sea Symphony and Paulus (St. Paul) specifically!). [/quote] Didn't Boulez record an album of zappa music. I did a bit of messiaen at Uni. Bird song where he transcribed what birds sang then made a piece out of it. I found that composition studies that i did at college (jazz) and Uni (contemporary "classical/art") really helped. I thought i lacked talent at it. Turns out i just didn't have the tools. Not to say i have loads of talent but its loads easier know to write.
  12. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1427482695' post='2731066'] I was not aware being wealthy was a preclusion to music not being popular. :-) [/quote] It's not,being wealthy has no bearing on music being popular. The amount of people who listen to it on a regular basis is what makes it popular. As the masses were poor and had little to no access to it is what would preclude it from being popular. I'm sure it would have been popular in wealthy circles though. It wouldn't have been heard in the same ratio to people as popular music is now!
  13. My mate got one of these. For a £90 geet it's the bollocks. Wilkinson pick ups , looks pretty too. Sounds real good! http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_bentonhbt1500tbk_egitarre.htm
  14. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1427465745' post='2730750'] Slightly off topic, but Adagio is funnily enough in my favourite key - Bb minor. [/quote] I don't know, i'm kind of with Nigel Tufnell and like D minor. https://youtu.be/DX3ssZIMF9E
  15. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1427462901' post='2730681'] I am not sure I follow the intent of the OP, the "classical" music of today was the "pop" music of the time. It is really just a timing reference. There so many sub categories that can fall within the classical definition, from quartet to orchestra from solo to mass choir etc etc. On a random basis, a few people to look for would be Ennio Morricone; Dead Can Dance, Philip Glass and even some Muse perhaps (!) BTW, Barber's Adagio for Strings was, at one point, one of the most popular Ibiza club scene hits. Check out the version by William Orbit One last point a specific piece that, imho, captures the OP's opening sentence is Handel's Eternal Source of Light Divine. The recording for the opening 2012 Paralympic ceremony is those three words encapsulated. [/quote] It wasn't really the pop music of the day, maybe for rich people it was who could afford to go to the opera etc. But peasants and the lower classes would have just had trad folk songs, passd on thru generations and communities etc.
  16. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1427212692' post='2727287'] I was a big Stravinsky, Debussy, Bartok, Penderecki, Messiaen, Varese fan in my twenties and thirties but now I find myself very critical of classical music...( by that I mean [i]music featuring orchestras or large ensembles[/i] ) which is what 'classical' music really means. I haven't been to a Prom in decades. Most orchestral film soundtracks appall me these days: they are stuffed full of dreadful cliches and re-hashed, recycled themes and dull chord progressions. I know this sounds grumpy but I don't think it's any better than any other type of music. [/quote] I think you are bang on in terms of orchestral film music. It's like they have just heard Holst Planet suite and Stravinsky's Rite of Sping and lifted bits for their own works. Ocassionally Danny Elfman might do something a bit different, he isn't afraid of modal stuff. However, Classical music (which is the wrong term as that's the mozart, beethoven period, I say Art music) still gets written. Whilst at Uni in the early noughties i was into and studied Contemporary Art music. I was very much into Minimalism. Obviously they has been a lot of bollocks written but Phillip Glass and John Adams have wrote some interesting pieces. John Tavener too.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1427449458' post='2730426'] Mindfullness is marmite. It was rolled out locally as a training event and some think it is the answer to everything whilst others think it is a load of old b*ll*cks. Bit like rap I guess. [/quote] Ha ha, I can get down with this. Also with the yin and yang thing there must be an argument for being unfit, use of drink and drugs etc. Thinking about it some of the very best musicians were wreckheads! I'll stay on that side. You know, just to keep balance. I'll be the yang to the yin. Plus it's a bit easier, less sweating! I don't actually play upright either! so that makes it even easier!
  18. I have made my decisions and voted! All good though!
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1427447600' post='2730396'] Made In Japan was one of the first rock cassettes ( ) I ever heard (a friend had it when we went on holiday) and I love it but Machine head is right up there alongside it. But I have to say, the one ! go back to again and again, even now that I am a Jazz nazi, is 'Burn', one of the best rock anthems in the canon. (Rainbow Rising remains a favourite as well, for Airey and Powell as much as the rest) [/quote]Go to agree with that, i love Burn. There are some right tunes on it. Burn, Might Just take life, You fool no one, Lay down stay down. https://youtu.be/a58295TocB8 https://youtu.be/vXTopchIrNY
  20. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1427390762' post='2729851'] Tommy Bolin anyone? 'ducks' [/quote]I actually like Bolin, maybe not the live album. plus his solo album is great!
  21. to be honest i don't mind a bit of finger pain. It's tendon pain i dislike!
  22. Phrase's or terms I dislike are We've ran out of booze! We've ran out of drugs! Now you have to pay her!
  23. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1427095146' post='2725591'] I used to have one of those. Not one of 'those' you understand; mine was the full sized version (345 - that one is a 325). Bought in 1973 for £95 - they weren't that highly thought of at the time. Sold in 1990 for £1000. Dread to think what it might be worth now (made in 1964). I can turn this into a much longer story if anybody wants me to... [/quote]ha ha. Bravo sir!
  24. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1426967974' post='2724291'] [i]"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth"[/i] - Marcus Aurelius [/quote]and that's a fact!
  25. Ok so i said i wasn't gonna do this anymore but I have. I assume the pic is New York, if not ah well. New york evokes jazz, brass and grooves for me so I've knocked something together that i would be listening to in a taxi driving through New York. Here it is https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/new-yoik
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