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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Or maybe it's xilldx seeking his revenge!
  2. I think we have a new Lowender! Remember him!
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1426863325' post='2722885'] So pretty good then? [/quote] No. Ancient, obsolete and dusty!
  4. Mythical Ethical Icicle Tricycle!
  5. we wrote a song about the standard of PA's in rehearsal rooms. It was called "Betamax PA"
  6. The guitarist in my band runs a rehearsal/recording studio. This is the second one he has owned. His first one was full of good gear, had good rooms etc. he even had a cleaner who cleaned all the rooms. He set it up like this as he was fed up with sh*tty rehearsal spaces with sh*tty gear that he rehearsed in with bands. However, he quickly realised why. People treat your gear like sh*t. Bands not knowing hoe to use equipment properly. Blowing speakers channels, drum kits etc. He shut down that studio and opened a more modest one with more modest gear. Saved loads of money constantly getting stuff repaired and saved on rent.
  7. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1426806493' post='2722322'] <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div style="left: -1000px; top: 8px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute;">&nbsp;</div> [/quote] I find this really enlightening!
  8. When you do 'west end' stuff, I find the score is just for rehearsal purposes really. You get it in advance so it's a quick way to learn the material. On the gig it's just a guide really. You don't, well I don't, just sit there reading it and playing. You more or less know it at that point.
  9. God knows. I've never measured it in my life! I'm' like goldilocks. Not too high, not to low. I don't mind it being slightly different bass to bass.
  10. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1424877889' post='2701484'] Sure, when you record to tape you set the recording level, just like in digital recording. The difference is that whereas with digital you have a hard and absolute maximum level (0dBFs) which you cannot capture anything louder than at all (you just clip the input which sounds like arse) tape is truly analogue. As you raise the level on tape the peaks will encroach into an area above that which the tape can reproduce accurately, that is the maximum clean headroom of the medium. Instead of just crapping out at this point though you can keep pushing a bit more and rather tan sounding like arse the tape will saturate, there will be some distortion and a compression effect that sounds very very cool on a lot of sources, drums recorded hard onto tape is about as clasic a rock sound as you can imagine, but everyone in all pop genres used this technique. There wasn't a compressor for every channel in and some more for groups, and yet more for the 2 buss back in the day, but everything went to tape and you could use that to help you out both when tracking and when mixing down to 2 track, in both cases pushing the tape a little (effectively recording too hot for the cleanest reproduction) sounded better than clean did, more exciting, fatter with more impact and punch. Recording digitally you can not replicate this except with fx, unless you literally run your capture to tape and then run it back into your DAW (and yes there are studios that will do this for you if you send them your project file and wavs, its not cheap though because they'll be using big 2" 24 track machines and they cost a lot to maintain, not to mention the tape cost). If you want to get close there are several tape saturation plugins out there to play with, none of them is exactly like any specific brand of tape on any specific machine, but many of them can still give a reasonable facsimile. You can also roll your own if you want by chaining good saturation and compression plugins with the right settings, but its still not ever quite as nice as that fat tape sound (the grass was always greener over yonder blah blah). Of course tape has a tonne of issues that make it less good than digital (crosstalk, wow, flutter, head wear, tape wear, frequency response, dynamic range, sheer cost) but that sound of a great kit being pushed hard into tape is glorious [/quote] A couple of friends and I used to do this a lot a college in the mid to late 90's. We we were bang in to heavy rock at the time. We'd also have super gain gtrs then do it. We got some good results. Then the college got EU grants and built some digital studios and kept one 16 track analogue tape studio. The newer studios had great rooms, booths and equipment. We used to plead to let us take the tape machine out of the 16 and put it into the digi'd and do what you mentioned but they never would let us. Bloody Facists! Well that's what we called em at 18 everyone was a facist. we were all like Rik in the young ones haha
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1425682207' post='2709816'] Hey Nige....... Snap, I'm just listening to this. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuhHU_BZXSk[/media] So good. [/quote] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1425682605' post='2709821'] Ahh, I'm listening to them live at Java Jazz 2014. Damn hot sh*t! Will check your vid inna min. EDIT: [/quote] Got to admit i love this tune and i quite like snarky puppy. However, it sounds like 70's fusion just bigger. It also sounds like Korg synth demos. However, i still really like it. Great musicianship. Frightening!
  12. After I come across something I usually lose interest!
  13. For me i know how good a drummer is from how well they play a basic beat and how the kit swishes if that makes sense. probably doesn't but it does to me.
  14. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1425233751' post='2705384'] My band are on the look out for a new singer. A particularly bad practice. Our guitarist was incandescent...which is odd as he's never been that bright before . Being serious, our singer is just not pulling her weight and isn't really up to standard. I always find tracking down a good singer really difficult, more difficult than drummers to be honest. Perhaps I'm a tad lucky but I know of two drummers who I could have asked if ours had left. However, singers are a nightmare in my experience. [/quote]Luckily we have two. the lead guitarist is also a great lead vocalist but is happy just playing guitar and doing bv's. But ready made dep in the band. Zero ego! Anomaly, I know! Lead guitar and vox, no ego, no prima donna.................well the other singer makes up for it! Worth it for the voice and stagecraft though! She's a good girl really but a diva too!
  15. Jackson's are the definitive metal guitar for me ( can't believe i just said that, whats the best for metal ha ha). That may have to do with growing up in the 90's. Loved Megadeth!
  16. I've always like this, soem say it's george on bass tho. Sounds like macca to me! http://youtu.be/-x0FUZgbtHc
  17. Isn't the bass piece of piss for beat it! Isn't it just the riff then plunking! I'm gonna have a listen now!
  18. I could but I live in Atherton near leigh, its a bit of a way! But you can if you want.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425025865' post='2702972'] Pray it's not a Spinal Tap situation... [/quote]I used to be in a band that was tap esque but with bassists. We had a new one every one to two gigs,
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