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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1424990364' post='2702810'] Brilliant. So this thread was Kismet, or Karma, or Coincidence, or some such crap! I hope he's a fantastic drummer and it all works out for you. [/quote] Cheers, Me too! But there is a bit of me prepared for something weird to happen like him getting abducted by aliens on his way to practice or something like that!
  2. Anyone know where i can get a transcription of the bass part for this song from. Thanks (apologies if in wrong forum)
  3. well you wait ages for a drummer then two come along at once. Two replied to an old add from ages ago that I'd forgot about and one is someone i went to music college with in the 90's who was incredible back then. Haven't seen him for 15 yrs but am proper excited as he is class and a top guy.
  4. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1424853120' post='2701078'] Oooooo! This really caught my eye!! We thought it would be quite easy to find a new drummer, after many years with the previous one. How wrong could we be!! Eight months, 5 deps and way too many auditions! I really wouldn't want to got throuhg that all over again! We are very kind and thoughtful to out new drummer - help him with his kit, put him on a pedestal - well the last one's not true but almost. In truth - it was a nightmare. From what we found - there are a LOT of people out there who call themselves "a drummer" and say they can play drums - in reallity. . . . . . . . there are very few! Anyone currently going through this process, has my sympathy! Good luck. [/quote]That is exactly what we're going through. The rhythm guitarist is currently playing drums so we can learn tunes but he admits he's not at the required standard, though he probably will be by the time we find one.
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1424803062' post='2700659'] Good drummers are hard to find, as are people who actually want to do the necessary home work to be in a band. Plenty like the idea of being in a band but few seem to want to actually put in the time. [/quote]That's what's frustrating is that we have the people who wanna put the time in!
  6. I wonder what musicians sounded like before compressors and limiters etc were invented. How did they get by with all those peaks and troughs. You can imagine audiences at gigs saying "well i'm not enjoying this, there isn't enough fatness to that bass", or "can you believe his upstrokes are slightly louder than his downstrokes". Or even "i came to really enjoy the vibe and the music but all i'm bothered about is what the bass player is or isn't doing with his tone". "I wish this pesky human ear was better equipped to notice audible volumes" I think sometimes we think to much! Never used one by the way, live. I do when mixing songs
  7. I'd show up, depending on date etc. Surely a weekend would be best!
  8. Seems a nice chap. Never been a massive rush fan like a few of their tunes tho. Anyone else like twang!
  9. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1424726610' post='2699806'] If you're Bath/Bristol way, happy to audition, but I have loads of work and I'm not as good as I say I am [/quote] Northern Monkey I'm afraid!
  10. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1424724007' post='2699736'] I"m a drummer first (boo!) and a bassist second. I'm a pretty experienced drummer (hiss!) and a terrible bass player - I've done lots of function bands etc, and had the pleasure of auditioning countless times for innumerable projects that never made it past the rehearsal room. A lot older and a bit wiser, I think a lot of time it comes down to mismatched expectations. For example, I find a lot of bands auditioning for drummers are looking to replace someone, and so when you turn up you're immediately at a disadvantage because you don't play like their previous guy. A classic is "Bob/Jim/Dave didn't play it like that, he played it different. Why can't you do that?" without ever explaining what Bob/Jim/Dave played! Another mismatch is in expectations for how close to the record you want the tunes played. I take the view unless told that it has to exact (for, for example a tribute band), then a reasonable approximation (i.e. the same groove, the same main fills but perhaps not every single ghost note or flam) will suffice, but then I've often had people say "that's not how it is on the record!". To which I've replied "yes, and neither are the mariarchi horns and bassoon solo you've put in, but you don't complain about that!" More seriously, people are happy to pick up the drummer for omissions but will themselves skip a tricky melodic part or solo. Everyone expects the drummer to just play like the record, without sometimes realising that the rest of the musicians aren't doing that. Finally, I often get told what I'm playing doesn't sound like it does on the record. It's taken me a while, but I've finally realised what people are getting at - they take the whole drums and percussion track as 'the drums' and when you're not playing the drum part, tambourine 16ths and conga part all together they get the hump, not to mention your drums sounding different live to a close miked, gated and compressed studio kit... OP, not saying for one second this is the problem you're facing, but from behind the kit the experiences can be just as frustrating! [/quote]do you want a job!? ha ha! I'm the same groove kind of guy. Play the important bits, recognisable bits. For all instruments. Don't miss the tricky bits. I totally know what your saying. I never look to replace the old guy with someone the same. I just like replacing good for good.
  11. I'm trying to get a wedding/function band up and running. I know some great drummers however, this means they all have loads of work. Everyone we audition is always nowhere near as good as they say they are, loads of crap. It's doing my nut in. This is the hardest time i've ever had trying to get a band of the ground. That is all, as you were!
  12. Is this still open? I'm not interested but I know a singer in Leigh who loves grunge. Not saying he would be interested but could ask
  13. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1424430721' post='2696183'] Dream Theatre. John Myung's an amazing player, but just can't listen to them as a band. [/quote]There first two albums were good, but bizarrely I find Myung a bit boring, horrible sound. Great technique but not much excitement. I've seen them live about 4 times. Shared a spliff with one of the members, good lads! When Sherinian was in the band he tried pulling my mates missus. Funny!
  14. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1424106423' post='2692684'] No, obviously not. We're all of us just a washed-up bunch of miserable, embittered. talentless sh!tehawks and deep down we all know it, and the success of the likes of Oasis just highlights our mutual monumental uselessness. It's almost unbearable. [i]Unbearable[/i], I tells ya. Popularity and £££££ are obviously the only yardsticks that actually matter. Oh, and hard drugs & chicks too. J. [/quote]ha ha, class. With ya on the hard drugs and chicks bit although soft drugs are fine too!
  15. Anyone on here wrote a good two hours of original material liked by hundreds of thousands of people!?
  16. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1424091987' post='2692448'] That would be why I said "I'm sure Oasis fans hear something in it that I'm missing". I'm well aware that he's done very well for himself and lots of people love Oasis, even if I'm not quite feeling that myself. Anyway, I've a feeling the man wouldn't be bothered and would probably rip the p*ss out of my music in a most colourful manner. He does give an entertaining interview! [/quote]I'm not an Oasis fan, he does give good interview though!
  17. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1424031669' post='2691829'] I was discussing most embarassing moments with a mate of mine a few years ago. His was when living at home as a teenager retiring to his room for a spot of er? "Me time" with his righ hand accompanied by Pink Floyd's Wish You Were in the headphones. When he came around there was a nice hot cup of tea on the bedside table curtesy of his Mum. [/quote]urban myth surely, loads of people tell that story!
  18. I'm sure multi million selling, multi millionaire, wrote a couple of classic songs Noel Gallagher would be sad if he read your comments!
  19. Break it all down to three's and two's. I.e 5/4. Count/ feel as 1,2,3,1,2
  20. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1422815769' post='2677123'] I posted our latest song on here a while back, definitely the best song I have ever played on, but how does it stand to critique from your peers? It took a lot of soul searching before I decided to share it....shouldn't have worried, it got 2 listens and 2 comments only.....I guess most people on here are not really interested in what your fellow Baschatters are creating.....said song got played on Radio 1 a few weeks later.....after 30 years of trying....did I mention it on here at the time.....nah didn't bother [/quote] It must have been good to get two comments mate! Take it as a badge of honour! Also 30 yrs of trying to get on radio 1. I thought they didn't play songs by anyone older than 17
  21. I've entered a number of times and vote quite a lot. I've stopped entering now though. I initially thought it was great, it was good just to write things and enter and the winning didn't matter. But it did seem to become more about what was the best song, not the best composition or one that matched the piece. However, as said that didn't bother me. There were a number of times where the recording quality was mentioned to entrants which i didn't think was necessary as it was about composition. The forum is friendly enough and when it got to voting time a couple of people would leave feedback on the soundcloud which is always nice and obviously Dad would do his excellent play of the days, However I never got to feel that i was part of it that much despite contributing regularly ish. There is a core of people who whenever anyone of them post there entry they are all over each others work with comments etc, within the thread i mean. Then others who aren't part of that core would put theirs up and nowt would get said. I'm not for a moment suggesting people were being mean, or were purposelly being a clique or anything just the way i felt. i just felt a bit of an outsider. So i just stopped doing it!
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