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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. You mean there are other notes than root!?
  2. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1422056071' post='2668377'] I still love the Richie days. They were the first band I ever saw at the age of 14. Richie was my favourite guitarist in my teenage years. Unfortunately, though, you're right, I grow up and realized what a bellend he is. [/quote]I love that he's a bellend. Don't think it'd be right if he wasn't!
  3. I go through phases. Last year was only fret less, but recently I've started back on fretted and my fretless's are gathering dust
  4. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1420691117' post='2652213'] Nice one great job, just read all the thread, I would of got frustrated and burned it in a fit a rage. Well done for seeing this through, impressed. [/quote]ha ha. i thought about it! cheers
  5. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1420667681' post='2652064'] Yes - definitely worth the wait! [/quote]cheers mate
  6. Think i saw these men when i was on my stag do in sheffield in september ( when the blades beat rochdale) If it's who i think it is! They were playing covers tho, zep n stuff! Really good, great singer, great players. I'd go for it myself but don't live in God's country anymore!
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1420630667' post='2651444'] Fair enough to prefer no port, but no dampening?!? Surely a kick drum sounds sh*te with no dampening? I'll have to try this [/quote]Bonham!?
  8. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1420451816' post='2649384'] yep, our band wouldn't be nearly the same without the singer, lets face it we can all learn almost any song if we practice at it (even if we cheat a little) but if the singer can't sing it that's it, we've ditched one or two songs because we had to alter the key that much they just didn't work, Communication Breakdown and Offsprings the Kids Aren't Alright. spring to mind, both very high key, although we did pull off Slade's Merry Christmas in spite of having to lower it 5 semitones, so you never can tell [/quote] actually i can agree with that some tunes can just sound wrong in other keys. especially when songs have been written in D minor. The saddest of all keys!
  9. [quote name='vsmith1' timestamp='1420449950' post='2649361'] Nowadays it feels like that the singer has a casting vote/veto - the "if I can't sing it then we shouldn't do it" [/quote] That gets on my wick too! Just change the key! Our singer trys that a bit. We now even have detuned guitars as well just incase riffs have open E! well the guitarists do. I have the benefits of a five string!
  10. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1420446942' post='2649343'] Absolutely. I enjoyed the same with a Dire Straits tribute. You hear the songs so often you lose sight of how good the writing is and just how good they are to play - especially the bass parts. [/quote]that was exactly it!
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420409372' post='2649152'] It's true - I only made that comment to annoy Lord Sausage. [/quote]
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420407889' post='2649121'] I thought it was the other way around. Anyone can play originals - rubbish ones perhaps but anyone can do it. [/quote] true dat
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420407430' post='2649110'] Nowhere did I say we don't do songs 'just because someone doesn't like it'. There's a process with both originals and with covers but, in the end, if someone is not satisfied for whatever reason, then we don't go ahead - all-for-one and one-for-all. If someone were to be so childish as to go 'Na na I'm not doing that' then they wouldn't be with us for long. [/quote] No, but people in the thread had said that. Also, the bit of my post which you quoted said [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1420396364' post='2648864'] That's a load of bollocks about if one person doesn't agree then you don't do it! Grow up, it's just a song. It's not like you're asking them to be injected with ebola. In our band if someone suggests something we learn it. We see if it works well to decide whether we keep it. I find it incredibly pathetic when people won't play songs cos they don't like them or the band. Childish! [/quote] Then you said [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420404849' post='2649059'] It's actually more like having a grown up discussion, trying out the song, having a further grown up discussion, and having a vote if necessary. It's wholly the opposite of childish. We did once experience a childish person but they are no longer with us. [/quote] So obvioulsy i assumed you were talking about not doing a song because someone doesn't want to and saying it wasn't childish. i even mentioned the bit about trying it out being similar to what i said. And was i misunderstanding you!
  14. It's like a cross between 70's fusion and the demo's you get on Korg synths. To be honest i loved them demos when i was a kid. Tight playing, great musicianship,not my thing. When i first heard them blown away but after a bit thought this is a bit samey. It also sounds like that japanese drag bass player music.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420405271' post='2649065'] I think you'll get away with that once or twice but after a while people can think they are bored with this. I don't want a band going through the motions just because they get paid, personally. If it is not fun too often, for whatever reason, that is the route to a tired old unit...and even if the bands members stay, they might stay because they find the money useful. The hardest thing about a band is change...and it is just easier to do the same old thing... which is why most bands should quit..certainly after 5 years...give or take, IMO. [/quote]Yeah, you'll get bored of playing songs you like and end up hating them. Why is change so difficult though. just learn new tunes!
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420404849' post='2649059'] It's actually more like having a grown up discussion, trying out the song, having a further grown up discussion, and having a vote if necessary. It's wholly the opposite of childish. We did once experience a childish person but they are no longer with us. [/quote]That's isn't not doing a song just because someone doesn't like it. Isn't the thing you said pretty much the same thing i said in the middle of that quote, or am i misunderstanding your post!
  17. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1420403318' post='2649032'] I wouldn't expect to force someone to play a song but I would hope they'd give it a go and see if it works. After all, you can all be keen to do a song and it just doesn't work. Playing bass in an Abba tribute was an educational experience in terms of only playing what you love [/quote] Playing Abba stuff got me into them. I got a gig playing take that, abba and some other pop stuff. Not really my bag at the time. But after that gig I appreciated it loads more and actually got into it!
  18. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1420398744' post='2648919'] Nice. Nice and tasty - just the way it should be. Well done! [/quote]Thanks, just glad it's done!
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420400905' post='2648980'] Have you read [i]The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists..[/i]? [/quote]No but I'm gonna!
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420400681' post='2648972'] What is the point of making someone dance through hoops for a song they don't like? I find we play better on the songs that we want to do... so no one is forced to do anything. If you want to tire out a band before its time..load it with a load of resentment over things that they have to rather than they want to do.. Songs are just part of this but it is better a band pulls in the right/same direction rather than be forced to.. [/quote]I'm in bands with people who are emotionally stable enough to play a a tune without it causing resentment! I'm not on about playing an entire setlist of songs everyone in the band hates.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420400414' post='2648964'] Yes - your lumpen proletariat is showing. [/quote]I must get my zip fixed!
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420399709' post='2648944'] Fine! You just go and live in Russia, then! Seriously though, life's too short to do things you don't like. I live mainly for pleasure these days. But I do visit BassChat as a sort of penance to get my daily punishment hit... [/quote]ha ha is it that obvious that I'm a marxist!
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420398927' post='2648920'] Only a song? It's only a band. A band is [i]only [/i]songs, what else? More like 'what if someone in your band [i]doesn't [/i]like a song.' If you have a one-person veto then you end up with songs that [i]everyone [/i]likes. What's wrong with that? You carry on playing songs you don't like - I won't. Yes... I didn't actually mean to post that comment, but now you've quoted it. Ha! [/quote] Ha ha. Bloody democracies! I just don't get bothered about playing a song that I'm not into.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420398055' post='2648900'] Depends what kind of covers band you're in, really. I'll play songs I don't particularly like in a function band where I'm getting £250 per gig - that's work as far as I'm concerned and you play what people want to hear. But if it's just pub rock covers and the whole band's getting £250 in total, then I'll be doing it for my own pleasure and won't play songs I don't like. I think if you're really grown up you might consider playing original material instead of covers. Any kid can play covers, can't they? [/quote] Even in your pub band its a bit pathetic, what if someone in your band does like it. It's only a song! I have considered playing my own music! I do! Done it for years! Still do! I have two original bands! I don't see it as being superior or more grown up to playing covers. It's just playing notes. I put the same amount of effort and passion into whatever i play. Including bloody musicals in theatres. The difference and satisfaction of playing originals is on the compositional element,for me, not the playing of it!
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