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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Try getting your drum not to play as loud and all come down a bit. Maybe he's right. More often than not, in my opinion, bands are too loud!
  2. [quote name='madshadows' timestamp='1416819479' post='2613786'] Sorry to hear about your son, hope he's back at 100% ASAP John [/quote] Cheers man, thanks a lot!
  3. Having to deal with band members listing how rubbish and unprofessional the rest of us are on internet forums!
  4. Played the Opera House in Manchester last night on the West End Woman UK tour. Always a good gig and crowd there. It was just a case of getting through it though for me. My son had an accident over the weekend and it was hard to fully focus. got through though. Played alright. The gig went well which is the most important thing. It helps when you have world class singers! [url="http://westendwomen.co.uk/the-cast"]http://westendwomen.co.uk[/url]
  5. Rough, Rehearsing for RENT at Hackney Empire in Feb [attachment=176979:Rough Rent.jpg] Drunk, Backstage at Hackney Empire ( after the show of course, ) [attachment=176980:hackney backstage.jpg] Sober, rehearsing for West End Woman Uk tour. Last week. (worldy of a drummer in pic too) [attachment=176981:wew.jpg]
  6. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1354939565' post='1892240'] Oh dear Jimmy sounds pretty awful in this. I can see why they were reluctant to issue it. [/quote]He's always been pretty ropey live. It's his thing!
  7. I think it's funny. Especially the reply. Also i hope the band name really is Supple tits!
  8. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1416132878' post='2607091'] Ok, so I'm tired and grumpy because I was out gigging last night and feel the need to rant. I'll start by saying that I love the guys in my band and I love what we do, but after last night I'm wondering why we bother. We played a fair way away from home in a pub we were playing for the second time, played till after midnight and got the princely sum of £150 between 5 of us AND we provided PA. Granted the place was small, and it wasn't packed but after only a few hours sleep before the kids got up, I'm asking myself why I bother. Barely got enough money to cover the fuel to get there and back let alone maintain my gear and am wondering if I'm the only one who feels like this?? [/quote] Depends what you do it for! Love or money!
  9. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1416085889' post='2606811'] is there nothing that guy can do. [/quote] Reach things in high places!
  10. Ok, finished. Here is my entry. Can't do any more work on it after today so it is what it is. Went more down the sample route this month just so i could get one done. Here it is [url="https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/a-little-bit-of-disco"]https://soundcloud.c...le-bit-of-disco[/url]
  11. Love the groove when it proper kicks in! http://youtu.be/AybUd-GaUC4?list=RDAybUd-GaUC4
  12. Mines half done. mainly sampled stuff this time. Haven't got time for the usual stuff this month as off on rehearsals then mini tour. If it ain't finsihed this week i won't enter.
  13. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1414950058' post='2594974'] I have a 62 reissue fender jazz fretless (CIJ). First fretless i bought. Used it once or twice then got a five string fretless. So it never gets used. I should sell it really as i can't imagine using it, but its so pretty and my first so can't bring myself to. [/quote] Think I might have to sell it! I think I've lost my sons new i pad. Can't find it and I have a horrible feeling I put it on the roof of a car whilst loading. If it's lost I'll be selling the bass to buy him a new one!
  14. I have a 62 reissue fender jazz fretless (CIJ). First fretless i bought. Used it once or twice then got a five string fretless. So it never gets used. I should sell it really as i can't imagine using it, but its so pretty and my first so can't bring myself to.
  15. Anyone else just plug in, fiddle with eq, then play. I really don't think about an overall tone to have all the time. Just a tone de jour really!
  16. No one! Never really cared. Just care about the notes really! Tho to be fair Duff's sound at the beginning of Right Next Door To Hell on Use your Illusion 1 is the reason I picked up a bass. So nearly one!
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1414613733' post='2591437'] Always a bridesmaid..... [/quote]You were the bride last month you brazen hussy!
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1414608183' post='2591329'] Would you like the address of an audiologist..? [/quote]
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1414607248' post='2591305'] I was looking for something wooly for Xmas. [/quote]well done, sir!
  20. Why thank you very much. Eloquently put. Was what I was aiming for. All my melodies are tuneless by the way
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1414573747' post='2590728'] I've read the article again, and can't see where she says this? She quotes RD saying it, and then goes on to say why he's talking bollocks. [/quote][quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1414573747' post='2590728'] I've read the article again, and can't see where she says this? She quotes RD saying it, and then goes on to say why he's talking bollocks. [/quote]I didn't mean she did. I said she was talking as much as Daltrey. The bollocks Daltrey was talking was about music needing angst and purpose.
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