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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1413661243' post='2580737'] nice idea, wonder if its made of nitro-friendly plastic/foam (as most stands, bar Hercules, react with nitro finishes)? [/quote]I thought nice one..I'll check out hecules cos I've nearly finished a bass in nitro!. Went on Thomann, every hercules stand said not recommended for nitro finishes! ha ha
  2. The problem for Fender is simple. Fender Basses and guitars are not the best basses or guitars for metal! (although joking, there is probably a hint of truth in there)
  3. How do! Not been about for a while, been busy arranging a wedding then getting married. Here's my entry for this months challenge that I've knocked up. It is a soundscape inspired by ideas and thoughts about Industrial ideas, sci fi, AI, could robots have thoughts souls etc. Anyway here it is https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/artificial-soul
  4. [quote name='Captain Rumble' timestamp='1412115099' post='2565926'] That's easy for you to say [/quote]nice one centurion! Like it,like it!
  5. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! The last time this bass came up I'd just bought a new bass so fundless. This time I'm getting married in two weeks so can't afford it. I love this bass......but also hate it now!
  6. I have two jazz type pick ups for a 5 string bass, a bridge (5 string) and tuning machines. All from an Infinity bass. There are only 4 tuning machines in the pic but I'm sure the other one is knocking about in my house somewhere. (It's 4 of one, 1 of the other) £30 for the lot including delivery. [attachment=172185:IMG_20140920_205613.jpg] I've changed the price or trade value to £30 in the editor but it hasn't changed on the post for some reason.
  7. Cheers, I'll pass it on. I spoke to him today, he was interested although he said it would probably be in the new year when he gets it. But I'll get him to get in touch with you soon.
  8. Nice one mate, I will. That's roughly what I said about it being one piece and thinking it was steep. Do you have an e mail address or contact number I can have to pass on?
  9. Don't know if this is in the right section but neither is my brain. Anyway, a friend of mine is getting a guitar build in a Ibanez Jem style. He has been quoted £600 for the neck. As he ones it made from one piece of wood with a rosewood fingerboard on top. Does this seem like a realistic price? He reckons it's that much as it's a one piece! (inc headstock).
  10. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1410449275' post='2549573'] Great - can't wait to see it...it's been a long time coming! [/quote] Your not wrong. I hoped it wouldn't take this long but i kept buggering it up. So I'd have a little strop and leave it for a while. Should be be complete mid october.
  11. It's finally painted.....Thank god. Gonna buff it in a few eeks and stick it together. just gonna put a pick up when finished. As i detailed all the earlier stages before i buggered it up at the buffing stage. No point detailing it all again. Cheers
  12. [quote name='Sharkfinger' timestamp='1406878610' post='2515469'] Paz Lenchantin. When I saw her in the video for A Perfect Circle's début single (Judith), I thought she was one of the effortlessly cool people I'd ever seen. That bit where during the song's breakdown she quickly ties her hair up on her head. Just.... wow. Edit: Here she is in full glory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTgKRCXybSM [/quote] Never really got into many metal bands around that time and in that ilk. they all sounded like they were playing the same song to me! (I was into heavy music at the time)
  13. Appetite For Destruction, Use your illusion 1- G'n'R Van Halen 1 & 2- Van Halen Passion and Warfare- Steve Vai The Deep Purple Anthology. (I know its a compilation but i played the sh*t out of it) Led Zep 2,3,4, Physical Graffiti - Led Zep Making Mirrors - Gotye Mr Gone - Weather Report Jaco Pastorius - Jaco Pastorius
  14. I get the control thing, I've just never understood ridiculous volume. Infact I f***ing hate it. It ain't to do with getting old either. In my 30's..hated it when i was 17. If you are intelligent in a small room you can control your sound without massive PA. With eq and different channels on your amp etc......as long as there are no pricks in your band!....which is rare!
  15. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1400049058' post='2450119'] GHS Pressurewound Bass Strings: [media]http://youtu.be/2GcQJyHGbeY[/media] Fretless at 4.40 Lovely strings, mmwah, warmth and not too high tension. Won't eat up your board as they are relatively smooth. Loved them on a fretless that I had and I will be getting another set when my current defret is ready. [/quote]The mwah is nowhere near mwahy enough and when he said getting that jaco ish sound. well it doesn't
  16. Oh! I thought LBGS meant something else!
  17. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1403948033' post='2487913'] Very true. Had a stand in pro drummer stand in at the last minute. He borrowed four or five kit pieces from other bands. Kit looked like a jumble sale job lot, but he made them sound like there were £10,000 worth of kit. No need for twenty five kit pieces when four will do ! [/quote] We did a theatre tour of a musical with a drummer with a big kit, there was also other issues. But he wasn't asked back for the 2nd and 3rd legs of the tour. The next drummer came in and was brilliant, got along with everyone and had such a positive attitude that lifted everyone. After the tours we've (me, guitarists) have stayed friends with him. He says he'll never forget the first thing one of the guitarists said. As he was setting up at the first rehearsal he was quite nervous as he was coming into an already established band on probably one of the biggest jobs he'd had. He used a four piece kit with minimal cymbals. The guitarist said aloud to me. 'Here Tom, he's only brought half a drum kit'
  18. I'd say this is my favourite Jack White bit. I don't give a f*** how good a blues player or soloist he is. This is a tune and that's all that matters! http://youtu.be/Q7aOWIFgIZQ
  19. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1403555633' post='2483924'] The big thing about a lot of classic queen is it's piano/vocal led. If you listen to that 'good old fashioned lover boy' in an earlier post it's like chamber music - piano / vocals (Freddie) out front in the mix and on stage, with bass, guitar, vocals supporting. How many cover bands play Queen tunes like they are guitar w***fests, with a 'death metal' approach to bass and drums? - most that I have heard / played in. There are actually very clever production values in Queen recordings. A classical piano sound, Brian Mays guitar is a distinctive sound used like a garnish rather than gravy, and bass/drums sit perfectly in the mix - bass never fights the piano left hand for sonic space. For me JD is great because he understood all this and chose his moments to shine -or just support. You can say the same for Taylor and May. [/quote]Totes!
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