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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Just play every and any note as fast as you can, leave the odd couple of beats free. ( There you have shred and jazz guitar solos)
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403045060' post='2479301'] That's funny, I usually think it's right-wing Daily Mail-reading old bollocks. Are we looking at the same OT? General Discussion pretty much IS Off-Topic... only with a post count. [/quote] When you're a hardcore Nazi like me, everything is left wing. Ha ha......kidding
  3. I've kinda slipped away from OT. There's alot of the same people spouting the same old bollocks. Usually left wing, right on, philosophy 101. A bit like Rik Mayalls People's Poet in Young Ones. Probably googling the sh*t outta stuff to back up there arguments. Put presenting it as knowledge they've always had. Plus people don't take on what you say unless you are in the argument......tho perhaps its just me they ignore haha. Bring back Dingus and Xilldx that's what I say. It was more fun and interesting then. Plus they usually sat opposite the bollocks in their views. Shouldn't this be in OT...that's it. I'm telling a mod!
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1402069141' post='2469786'] So it's all ears as well as eyes. Good peripheral vision from behind your stand, And don't get distracted. [/quote] +1
  5. I live near wigan, can play anything and have effects......... I have no transport and am not familiar with all era genesis.......That's me out!
  6. I just always try to get the arrangements 100% sorted in my head first. Know where every song is going. Then i get by by playing as little as possible. I never embellish anything, just keep to the pad but then again i do try to make things simpler when i can.
  7. Mine's going to be called Spilled Cocaine on a Black Table.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1401782476' post='2466686'] I voted for yours, I thought it was brilliant! Well done to Stephen though, a great entry. They all were. [/quote] Cheers pal.
  9. Well done Stephen. I voted for yours. Its the first time i've voted for the winner
  10. I think i know the answer but want to check before i give bad advice. My mate has an old Marshall head (guitar)where you select the ohms on the back of the amp. He has it running thru a peavey 4x12 at 16 ohms. So on the back of the amp its selected on 16 ohms. If he was to add another 16 ohm cab. He would change that to 8 ohms wouldn't he? I know the totall impedance would drop to 8 ohm. But it's going to two 16 ohm cabs. That's what is causing the very slight confusion. I am right about selecting 8ohms aren't I?
  11. Has anyone said creme brulee!
  12. Voted. It was the one that really got me and took me somewhere!
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1400801844' post='2457220'] Nah, just kidding with the previous post. Great stuff, right up my street. I've left a comment, so I won't repeat here; suffice it to say that any remaining entrants had better come up with something darned good, 'cos we're well up at the top here. Like..! [/quote] Cheers, thanks for the comment too!
  14. Had a spliff at me mates last night and he put this on. Totes forgot about it, what a tune. We were buzzing! http://youtu.be/744DhhqWmE4
  15. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1400791552' post='2457144'] True, Tommy Bolin's solo albums have just brilliantly diverse music on them. Teaser, especially, is a superb album. [/quote] Word!
  16. Ok here's my entry. From the pic I took the inspiration that the guy is calm even though he's in a dangerous, crazy position. So i decided to do a contrast piece between calm and dangerous. With a crazy section stuck in. You will know what i mean! With regards to the flute melody, this was achieved by cutting up about 40 flute samples into 1 beat or 2 beat or 3 beat phrases etc and arranging them into what i wanted. I'm not 100% happy with mix. But i have had a lot of gyp with my computer and cubase sequel. I have no time left as I'm away this weekend so it will be what it will be. Bass could be louder. In the weird section the band sound is supposed to be swamped a little. Cheers, hope you enjoy. It was hard work! [url="https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/calmly-crazy"]https://soundcloud.c...ed/calmly-crazy[/url]
  17. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1400774797' post='2456900'] I concur with dad, it sounds like its clipping /peaking ...sounded great though ! [/quote] Found the problem. My computer needs an upgrade. sh*te processor, so have to bounce down every 3-4 tracks to one. There has been a stereo enhancer switched on on the output which i didn't realise. Fresh mix time!
  18. cheers pal, that's what i thought. Something is going wrong between mixdowns. Cheers, now to sort it!
  19. Hi, Mines finished but i can't tell whether the track is distorting/clipping. I'm having latency issues and ain't sure if my headphones are on the way out or not. could you all just have a listen to this section of the piece and tell me what you think. Thank you very much! https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/section
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1400509805' post='2454456'] I am the opposite of Jus Lukin. I cannot just play anything. Most 'popular' music bores me rigid and, if I am bored, the audience knows I am bored (suffice to say, I couldn't play poker). [/quote] Weirdly i was like that when i was in my late teens and 20's. It was all prog and vai and jazz fusion etc and pop bored me rigid. Now it's the other way round (not modern pop music tho, urgh!). However, i couldn't write a decent pop song to save my life. when i write it tends to have a jazz ish, prog ish, rock ish vibe.
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