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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Not that you are a floppy haired emo
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1398897191' post='2438926'] All fair comment. I know that eventually someone would have levelled it all out and then John would have felt supported as well as criticised, instead of where it is now - a cliff edge of vitriol. [/quote]Cliff edge of Vitriol....a great name for a floppy haired emo modern metal band or a Punk/hardcore/Pantera album.....call your next band that!
  3. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1398897133' post='2438925'] But it wasn't, or at least, if it was becoming one they, Letts, were providing the rope. Whilst the feedback forum is normally the place, it was clear that in this case it was about more than feeding back, but about trying to get something done. I don't think the thread should have been closed until the OP's situation had been resolved, most appropriately I'd guess by a full refund. [/quote] BC ain't Trading Standards
  4. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1398896834' post='2438919'] Which is exactly why I closed it down. What possible good can come out of a bunch of people, most of whom aren't even waiting on a bass to keep stating the bleeding obvious? It's already a matter of record that some people have had problems and are unhappy, it's a matter of record that one of Jon's employees made a mistake. It's just coming across as petty now. [/quote] Gotta agree with icastle. All the BC members were right on, but the point had been made and it wasn't gonna go anywhere great!
  5. I've only met two. One who I bought a Fender jazz 62 re issue fretless off. Met him in Sutton Coldfield. As we know the whole midlands is a very weird place. I've never seen him again on here. And the legendary Risingson. Who was playing the aftershow party of a tour I'd just completed. Great player, we ended up shitfaced in a casino!.........gambling someone else's money!
  6. blackmore and coverdale probably stayed as succesful in various guises
  7. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1398618189' post='2435791'] Metallica still slated heavily for Saturday night headline slot which I couldn't be less excited to see if I tried so I'll most likely be elsewhere watching something a lot better! [/quote] Like down the local watching any pub band play Sex on fire!
  8. Just been spraying the first coat of primer and a bastard fly landed on it. GRRRRRRR!
  9. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1398444200' post='2434238'] Funnily enough, I was umming and erring on whether to be a little bit critical this month and seeing that Lord Sausage seems to be on the same wavelength as me I will. There is absolutely no doubt there is some great playing and great ideas every month in this competition and I have supported it every month for a good while now, but what his Lordship says is very true, there is a tendency to forget the compositions side of things. Way to much cool riffage going on, not enough sections as said, but also, not enough attention paid to a top line - I'd love to hear some more tunes! So keep up the good work, but if you're after my vote you now know what I'm after next month! Cheers, Mike [/quote] I initially didn't put mine up for entry as it isn't finished and there was no vocal or melody development. But Skol asked to put it in and i didn't feel strongly enough about it to say no. I did enter one month that had melodic development, counterpoint. Returning themes etc. Got very few votes. Not that I'm bitter. ha ha
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1398442121' post='2434198'] Daft thing is it'd cost you a small fortune to buy them direct from 'W'! [/quote] Madness! cheers!
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1398440947' post='2434175'] I bought a full set. I paid a lot more, but they came with a free set of pups, strings, body and neck. They're light-weight and stable; don't need re-tuning much. I'd buy them for another bass without any hesitation. [/quote]Thanks pal. A great help as usual
  12. Anyone ever bought these. Are they any good or is the price a giveaway to quality? http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_bass_tuner_machine_black_left.htm#bewertung
  13. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1398212386' post='2431782'] No good for me, I'm scared of the dark and spiders. [/quote]ha ha. Nice one centurion. like it, like it!
  14. Voted, was my favourite and had a bit more compositional elements than the others. I enjoyed them all, but a few could have benefited from different sections within them.
  15. It takes me a list of random threads!
  16. Just got the boy, tim higgins and mike bass left to listen to. Will do tomorrow, then vote.
  17. What the f*** is K metering, how do you do it?
  18. I'll get involved next time if i like the track. just noticed this thread today, won't have time to do it by end date.
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1398149712' post='2430839'] Good stuff. Looking forward to seeing this finished; as I'm sure you are too. [/quote] ha ha definitely.
  20. Neck finished. Not perfect but very good. Happy. Will post pics soon.
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1398013225' post='2429541'] [/quote] Cheers. I meant i only play gtr and a bit of bass on the track. I mainly a bass player but play geet......... and dabble badly on other instruments. Also i meant i thought it would be boring as an instrumental that's why I've added no melodies or anything.
  22. Anyone know owt about these pick ups? http://www.thomann.de/gb/dimarzio_dp549.htm
  23. Ok here is my Non Entry. I repeat Non entry. Reasons 1) its unfinished as it needs hip hop vocals which i don't have time to source and record. I think as an instrumental it would be boring. So this is kind of a backing track 2) I wouldn't really regard it as a proper composition as it's mainly samples.I only play gtr and bit of bass. It was just something to dip my toe back in the water of this as i ain't done one for over a year. I've just put it up to show a bit of involvement. https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/04a
  24. Right, I'm back on it! Today I have started buffing the neck using the first of three compounds from Rothko and Frost. The first one has bought it up shiny and smooth already so can't wait to see how it will end up. Was just going outside to use the second one but it's started pissing it down, so will leave for a bit. The plan was to get it finished today. Can anyone recommend a decent standard polish for when I've finished? (silicone free) Once finished i will move back to the body, I've already re-sanded it using 320. I haven't gone back to the wood. Just roughed it up then I'm gonna do the whole process again. primer, paint,clear gloss. Hopefully i will get it right this time.
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