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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Well the decal finally arrived after a load of bollocks. Had to trim the "custom bass" off as it didn't quite fit. I'm happy with the result though. Just leave it for 24 hrs and then juice it with clear coat tomorrow. (rubbish picture alert) [attachment=150795:20131221_194117.jpg]
  2. [quote name='Johnm93' timestamp='1387562042' post='2313453'] Surely it was one of your most lucrative nights? [/quote]I was manger for a pub a pub company rather than a landlord so i made no extra money!
  3. I used to run pubs. We f-ing hated this day!
  4. Oh yeah, here's our stuff [url="https://soundcloud.com/asedya"]https://soundcloud.com/asedya[/url]
  5. Gotta[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1387527400' post='2312870'] TBH The Blockheads without Ian Dury (never mind NWR) seems a fairly pointless exercise to me. [/quote] [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1387527676' post='2312872'] I remember seeing them in the 70's and thinking the opposite [/quote] agree with big red really!
  6. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1387480121' post='2312554'] Yes, in a I'm Jaco sort of way, but not in a blood spattered Sid Vicious way. [/quote] Sid Vicious would have been an interesting member of Weather Report. Not quite as crazy as Jaco tho!
  7. All i can say is WTF and where do the strings come from!?
  8. Yeah I'm up for it when we finally get our arse in gear. Learning tunes with new drummer!
  9. Just smash the guitar up and buy a new one. That's the only sensible advice i can give!
  10. [quote name='tinyd' timestamp='1387288153' post='2310246'] +1. Being able to play well quietly is one of the most overlooked musical skills IMHO. [/quote] Respect! just did a tour with a drummer. In the rehearsal we all noticed and remarked about how quiet he was. Best drummer i've ever played with. Great control of dynamics, great groove.
  11. I've never understood this problem with guitarists. I just don't accept it from the off. They do as they are told. I don't understand why they seem to be held up higher in the band hierachy. There is no musical hierachy!
  12. How about the 'If ya like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our'... club!
  13. Due to this thread I'm totally whizzing off Aerosmith. How cool and filthy is this!? [media]http://youtu.be/dacZjjkUFx8[/media]
  14. Another lecturer introduced us to this, which we loved. Then made us play it as part of our ensemble exam. I had great lecturers! http://youtu.be/kRkkJKf-hnA
  15. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1387044469' post='2307761'] some of you possibly wonder why i post music on BC. its because 1. I'm inherently interested in different peoples opinions on music. good or bad there are some people on BC that you can learn from . 2 this is bad ass rock funk [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aw2rM0w-pc[/media] [/quote] [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1387048579' post='2307823'] I'm glad you post up so much music BB5, I see a some people on this forum using OT all the time but never talking music really, and it's the thing that we all have in common so don't ever stop posting cool tracks. Anyway… like the tune but I love the Massive Attack sample [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKtTmZnVhhI[/media] [/quote] Nice one! I've been looking for this tune for years. I originally heard the massive attack sample, obviously being a teen in the 90's etc. But was well into prog , fusion and 70's rock when at music college. One of our lecturers played us this as he knew i was a Tommy Bolin fan. He's on guitar i think. Sounds like him anyway. I've wanted i for time but could never remember what the track was called. But as i type this i realise it was on GTA IV and i could have just checked the booklet.
  16. So basically all the above is just played over a vamp on one dominant 7 chord. You just play each pattern sequentially!
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1387018102' post='2307412'] So ... 128 posts and Aerosmith don't get a single mention. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf0oXY4nDxE[/media] [/quote]Word!
  18. Rothko and Frost make custom decals pretty much how you want them for future reference if you wanna get one yourself for future projects.
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1387016560' post='2307399'] LOL... WOOPS!!! Great sounding decal. I take it all back and now busy eating humble pie as we speak. [/quote] Ha ha. no problem mate. I know it's a common thing fakers. The guy i buy the nitro off, Steve Robinson, has a website that shows how to build and spray.He mentions on it how strongly he fells against fakers too.
  20. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1386965353' post='2307036'] Looks much much better than my first attempt! This is looking very good. By the way, don't worry too much about the plywood - I had an Epiphone Les Paul Junior 6 string which, when I pimped it, realised was plywood. One of the best sounding guitars I've ever owned! Andy [/quote] Cheers!
  21. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1386957760' post='2306878'] By using sand paper in your hand, each finger applies a different pressure to the sandpaper, so the sanding is uneven. The purpose of a sanding block is to make sure your pressure applied to the sandpaper is applied evenly over the contact surface. The pressure applied to the finer grades can be about the same as to the rougher grades. I don't use wet and dry. Using wet abrasive paper lets water soak into the wood, making some areas swell and stand higher and gives you uneven sanding of the wood. As far as the decal is concerned - serves you right. I don't agree with faking instruments, there's enough rip-off sharks in world without you becoming one too. But that's just me. Edit: If you built a custom kit car would you stick a Ford logo on the bonnet? It's the same thing IMHO. [/quote]Er! The decal said my surname and the name and date of the tour I've been doing this year and next, not Fender. If I made something i'd make sure everyone knew i did it. Believe! I do have an ego! Thanks for the other advice tho!
  22. Bloody hell that takes me back. When I saw the thread I thought why do I know that?.....I used to get mashed up to this in Manchester in the early noughties. I'd totes forgot about 'em. Good stuff!
  23. My decal arrived today. I put it on which was a bitch for a clumsy bugger like me. Then i was admiring it I realised it had been printed wrong. New one arriving tomorrow. Anyway, when flatting down with wet sandpaper, going thru the grades getting read to buff, how do you do it? Do you apply as much pressure as when normally block sanding or do you do it lighter and get lighter with the grades? Also, do you still use a sanding block on the neck or just wet sandpaper in my hand? Cheers
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