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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386927244' post='2306416'] In that case Van Halen I [/quote] Let's just have a Van Halen appreciation thread (Diamond Dave era only of course). My all time fave VH tune is (not off 1 or 2, tho they are the best albums...maybe 1984 too) [media]http://youtu.be/tMnF8scIKz0[/media]
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1386927096' post='2306415'] I don't think people are getting this at all. You can't have 86 greatest heavy rock albums each. You can only have one. My thread, my rules Sort yourselves out now! [/quote]Ha ha ha!
  3. I can't believe nobody has said 'Slippery when Wet' by Bon Jovi!........wait a minute yes i can!
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1386881544' post='2306007'] You know, I don't think there is one. There's loads of great heavy rock songs, but I'm hard pushed to think of a heavy rock album where every track is fantastic. When I joined the covers band I used to play with I went out and bought the albums (that I didn't already own) from which all the songs that were in the set came. For every fantastic song (that had probably been released as a single) on each album were at least 2 unimaginative and IMO largely pointless blues workouts. I think in the end the album that (for me) had the least amount of filler on it was "Appetite For Destruction" a record that I had zero interest in at its original release time. [/quote] I was thinkin of Appetite. I freakin love that album. I first heard it when i was about 9 and it just blew my tiny mind. it was the album that got me into Rock n Roll. I didn't put it as sometimes i think i blinded by love. it still sounds the same as the first time pretty much. It's just i don't have much love for Sweet child as i played it to death in cover bands.
  5. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1386880673' post='2305985'] Case closed for me. [/quote] Word! You show me a better and heavier album and i'll show you........this album again!
  6. Actually, it's this. [url="http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyMlPW0GuUUHoueG4K-YkI8zkpUdFPmc"]http://www.youtube.c...K-YkI8zkpUdFPmc[/url] Physical Graffiti
  7. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1386868830' post='2305738'] Oh and the Van Halen debut album. [/quote] Maybe for it's impact but i think VH2 is better. ( Apart from The one and On fire is on 1) ok VH1 and 2. Actually ihad it on cassette one on each side. Original. So that counts as one album......it bloody counts alright. this is off 2 [media]http://youtu.be/4uiqgwUs1l4[/media]
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1386861325' post='2305562'] Machine Head!! Another forgotten gem!! And 'Burn' (the title track is jaw-droppingly good) [/quote]Isn't 'Might just take your life' and 'You fool no one' on that. If so that's the best mentioned so far!
  9. If it's on 15th feb I'll be in Aberdeen playing at His Majesty's theatre so i'd pop along. But don't take this into account when organising it.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386590675' post='2301764'] Sorry chaps, but you are also doing the same to me! [/quote]Touche sir!, Touche!
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1386379823' post='2299624'] This is no good Nige, you keep having gigs on the same day I do, how am I ever meant to get to see you guys again? [/quote]He's doing it to me too. the one time i'm in London for a couple of days and his gigging same day as me. Selfish!
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386417152' post='2299843'] It won't But learning to relax and feel the music without stimulatory aids is the key. You need all your physical faculties to play properly, the more smoke and drink, the higher the latency [/quote]i wondered why the drummer was always a song behind the rest of us. I thought he was being experimental With the couple of drinks thing its just in the rock band. With other gigs I'm usually jacked up on coffee....hardcore me!
  13. Saw this down in the Bass player wanted section. It's killer.It's Prog but a tune too. The right amount of prog. Thought i'd bang it up in this section so maybe more people would see it. http://youtu.be/0_e4YX73Ww4
  14. What time would you be on? I would be playing that night, we get wrapped up by about 10 ish.
  15. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1386442253' post='2300250'] maybe i was a little specific in that percentage but ok that makes no sense. unless you can explain to me different Mr Sausage. [/quote]I'm no good at explaining anything!
  16. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1386416620' post='2299830'] Did a gig last night and could have kicked myself after. Wasn't feeling it at all, didn't feel like I was playing at full capacity. It definitely happens to everyone! [/quote]Maybe it's my fault and this stupid thread got subliminally into your head!
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1386429052' post='2300013'] Good thread Nige. my heroes in music are 50% women. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEyJmR7z4ng[/media] [/quote] What if you get a new hero who's male and it tips the balance. Do you jettison an older male hero to keep that perfect balance!
  18. Awesome balls. I've always wanted to do world of pure imagination! Great little medley and good playing.
  19. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1386407796' post='2299701'] Tum te tum.. I'm just filing me nails while I wait for Dingus to get here.. [/quote] are you sure you are alright to use a file. Be careful woman!
  20. Also, i didn't know the Tom Daley thread got locked......that is a surprise!
  21. I was reading the list thinking oh dear! It's ridiculous. Then at the bottom there's a list of best songs by a woman....and the majority are sh*t. It really doesn't help the argument. Also a few of the women trade of T&A so that doesn't help the feminist cause. The singer in my band is a girl, sh*t not girl a bird, no what they called..oh yeah a woman. (she prefers being a girl and calls us boys, we're all in our 30's no one gets offended). But we do get comments like as if she can sing Zeppelin or as if she's rocks that much. A lot of people think she is Hot tho and that usually comes first!
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