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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1386352841' post='2299246'] I'm happy with my playing most of the time mate, there will be times when I feel frustrated or like I've got bass player's equivalent of writer's block but every musician on the planet must feel like that from time to time. There are aspects of my playing that I'd like to improve on but I'd be happy if I could stay this level and get no better if you know what I mean. You don't have anything to worry about though, surely! From an outsider's point of view you're a great reader and play with feel feel and dynamics, which are what counts when it comes to being a great bassist. [/quote] Thanks pal, that put's it better than i did actually, the writer' block thing. I suppose i'm not unhappy with my playing but not 100% happy. I don't think you have to worry about not improving, your class. It's like Rory said You're a Monster!
  2. That tune is amazeballs. I will be in London in the last week of Jan for shows in Hackney. I'm assuming i will be there for rehearsals for a couple of days before the shows. If so I'll have some evenings off. what I'm getting at is do you have any gigs at the end of Jan?
  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1386343429' post='2299059'] Comes and goes, and depends on what I'm trying to do. In my current band the playing is mostly pretty straightforward and I feel pretty good about it. When I was recently trying to get a prog-metal band off the ground and trying to play Dream Theater-type lines, I felt very inadequate. Likewise in a couple of jazz-funk bands I have felt unable to play what I would have liked to be able to play... But then I realised that I just don't spend much time [i]playing[/i] those kinds of music these days, so it is no surprise that I have not built up a broad repertoire in those styles. I am OK with that. I think it [i]is[/i] a part of the musician's psyche to always feel that there are better players and to aspire to be better. Problem is, when full-time jobs and families come along - where does one find the time?? [/quote] It's not so much about aspiring to other players for me. What it is, for example, is about 10 yrs ago if you gave me a chord sheet and a groove i could do something good instantly everytime, blaze and improvise over most things. I was happy with my playing. Now if i looked back on some of that stuff i might think it rubbish now but at the time my playing matched up with my musical mind. Nowadays though, it hasn't kept up and my mind is infront of my playing. Does that make sense!?
  4. Recently i was speaking with a guitarist I was working with and i remarked how i wasn't happy with my playing currently. He said "Who is? Musicians will always be never happy with it. Always looking to improve." I agreed about always looking to improve but surely you can still be happy with it. I thought back though and I haven't been happy with it for many years. So who is?..............and who isn't?
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1386271527' post='2298152'] Don't forget to get a good coat of lacquer on it when it's finished, then t-cut it back to get a good shine on it. It's looking good though. Well done! [/quote]Cheers! It has got a good coat of lacquer. Used a full can!
  6. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1386260257' post='2297884'] Great book that. [/quote]Aye, it's the one with his biography and style breakdown etc. I only got it for the transcriptions but all that is pretty cool. Glad it's not tab as using it as a reading exercise too and it's too easy to cheat when it's there.
  7. This been on yet? http://youtu.be/aYBT90PFmoM
  8. We just have two seperate forms. Covers and originals. We started learning covers to get to know each other as a band and find our thing. Then started writing originals. We don't force it we let them come naturally and have tight quality control. So it took a while to get enough songs to gig the originals. In the meantime we gigged covers. Once we had enough we went out doing originals.So we do both but seperate. Then the drummer quit after about 7 original gigs and it's took a year to replace him. Just finished getting the originals together with the new drummer. Not learnt the covers with him yet!
  9. Hi, welcome to BC. You stuff looks great. I'm in London at the end of Jan/ early Feb doing a couple of nights at The Hackney Empire. How far away from you is that. If i get enough time i may have a wander up.
  10. I'm not advocating drink and drug use by the way, ha ha. It's just serving as an example as to a band being true to itself. I'm not saying getting wrecked will help.
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386252959' post='2297737'] I think I can crystallise my thoughts a little more now, it sounds like you were all trying to get good takes and concentrating hard, rather than being more in the musical moment and really feeling the flow of the music. [/quote] This! This can be one of the main problems when recording. You don't get the natural vibe of your band thru being try hards. Producers play a big role in this too when trying to get what is the best take for them to work with. There's a story in David Lee Roth's autobiography. He says when making the first album on the first day of recording vocals he stayed away from spliffs and fizzy drinks, maybe beer, to help his voice. Ted Templeman (producer) after a couple of takes asks him why his voice sounded different. DLR told him so Ted sent him out for a Smoke and a Drink. My band usually has a drink or two before and during gigs, sometimes even a spliff (sshh don't tell anyone). So i make sure we do the same when recording...... and practising.....and after practise at the pub. It helps with the vibe! Someone people may boo hiss but that's part of the bands vibe. we like to be lightly buzzed. Nothing hardcore!
  12. Right i've bloody done it. Painted and clear coated. It's Inca Silver. Just waiting for decal for headstock and flatting and buffing gear to show up from Rothko and Frost, then at the end of the month i'll do all that and stick it together. hopefully it will be done mid Jan. Here's some probably rubbish pics. [attachment=149904:20131205_140756.jpg] [attachment=149905:20131205_140829.jpg] [attachment=149906:20131205_140846.jpg] [attachment=149907:20131205_140859.jpg] It's not the perfect paint job but i'm very happy as it's my first go and i'm usually sh*t at stuff like this.
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1386140687' post='2296225'] Most pots are either "linear" or "Logarithmic" otherwise known as "Taper". If a pot is linear and valued at 100ohms, then if you turn it 10% it will be at 90ohms. A taper pot won't. The value will be changed by a small amount at one end of the pot's value at one end, or a large amount at the other end. You can read more [url="http://www.geofex.com/article_folders/potsecrets/potscret.htm"]here[/url] [/quote]Thanks, that helps as i was looking on thomann and they had 500k audio taper but only a push/pull 250k. so now i know i can just get a 250k log pot.
  14. In relation to the original post, book of Jamerson transcriptions just arrived. Time to get stuck in!
  15. [quote name='thebigyin' timestamp='1386246737' post='2297613'] just try to enjoy your instrument and do the best you can! [/quote] That's it really isn't it.
  16. Basically what the two fine gentleman above me have said.
  17. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1386236955' post='2297454'] I have a mate who had never played golf, but literally within 5 minutes of picking up a golf club he could hit a ball 300 yards as straight as an arrow. Some people have great natural ability. [/quote]Word! I showed my mate a few chords on the piano. Within 6 weeks he was a demon. He could just blaze all over the piano in any key, most styles. Also the confidence thing is true. I was a monster in my twenties in terms of technique and playing. I then give up for a couple of years. When i started playing again i could still remember everything but i didn't have that balls out confidence of youth and i didn't feel i played anywhere near the level i was at. I 'm only just getting it back to the levels they were.
  18. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1386196162' post='2297203'] Love that bass. Just got my 1974 Jazz but it was just so I could have one of both from the 70's, the P will probably remain my staple. [/quote] What, that one you were showing me?
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1386187948' post='2296991'] Black, black, maple. Still miss that bass, had the best recorded sound I`ve ever had. Was just that tad too heavy for my aging back though [/quote]Yeah i had a go man! Played Sweet child o mine whilst telling the guitarist the chords. I ain't really a P bass guy but i liked how it played and sounded. I don't think it knows how to play in time tho!.....what do you mean that was me!
  20. I went thru my Dad's records when i was 17. I had a few of them... Made in Japan and some others i can't remember. But i ws suprised how into prog and Jazz fusion he was. I had no idea. Also he had an album by a band called Isotope. Turned out the guitar player, Gary Boyle, was one of my teachers at college. Small world!
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1386182568' post='2296878'] I`m sure a lot of it is down to Liams fantastic 78 P-Bass - some of my talents must be lingering on it [/quote]Ha ha. It was a P. What colour?
  22. I've been looking at pickups and haerdware etc for the bass. I think I'm gonna get some Dimarzio pick ups. I emailed them to check what pots to get for volume and tone. They said just make sure i use 500k resistance for vol and 250k for tone. All audio taper.What does that mean? (the audio taper bit)
  23. Ha ha, it was Dan's money wasn't it! Anyway, back slapping over. Just wanted to put on a positive music experience on here. It's rare i have em. See ya in Feb, we'll see who's money we can spend...... i say Rory's!
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